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Episode Synopsis
Sere 16: Yugamu Sekai, "Distorted World"

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The Lift-ship conversation is broadcast throughout the Ryvius, inciting the regular students to attack the Supervisors.

Kouji is upset about the broadcast. The Zwei on the bridge defend themselves, saying Blue's group was unwelcome and trouble, but Kouji isn't hearing it. Kenvin tells him, "Don't try playing Mr. Nice Guy now," and Faina says, "We must part with our past to move forward, Kouji." He is still now convinced they did the right thing; Fuu and the others were their comrades.

Charlie races to Cliff and Michelle as the students storm towards the Lift-ship. When Reiko says they might even take it out on the operators, Kozue is upset. Ikumi was only fighting to protect her, after all.

On the Lift-ship, Ikumi reiterates that they wil overlook Blue's actions if he doesn't make it any worse. But when the doors open, they reveal the angry gang who only want Blue (whom Lucson points out; he's pissed too). They try to apprehend Blue but are frightened of his gun. Blue throws his bandana to Yuki and runs off, keeping the crowd back at gunpoint.Juli wants to go after him. Yuki gives her the bandana, pointing out that she'd only be in his way.

Lucson tries to reassure Juli. She cries on Pat's shoulder. Lucson then tries tocongratulate Yuki, mentioning it was surely Kouji's good work that enabled the broadcast. Yuki is upset, calling Kouji an opportunist, but Ikumi pacifies him, Does he really think Kouji could do something like this? It had to be someone smarter. He doesn't know who, he just knows things will be rough. He knows Kouji can't handle it and asks Yuki to care for Aoi in his place. He cautions Yuki to do what he has to- didn't he come to the Ryvius because he knew Kouji can't take of Aoi? Then he puts on a happy face for Kozue and reassures Aoi. Yuki is now all confused about things.

Most of Blue's group has been confined but Blue is in hiding. Akihiro and Nicks find the unconscious Neya. Lucson attempts to return to the bridge but Brian and Kevin kick him out. He goes back to cleaning and caring for Pat.

Reiko, Aoi, and Kozue care for Neya. Nicks' arguing wakes up Kouji. Aoi asks if he should go to work. He says he was forced towork and deserves some time off (he's still upset about the bridge team turning on their former comrades). When Neya wakes, he recognizes her. She leaves without introducing herself, much to Nicks'dismay.

Juli is thinking by herself. Neya is nearby but leaves when Carabona arrives to tell Juli she's been elected captain. She doesn't want it.

The bridge crew has a meeting about how to run the ship. They keep the Point system but Juli wants toabolish the unlimited points for Zwei and VG ops. She is overruled. They plot out their route. Heigar suggests using probes to physically get in touch with someone because it appears their comunications are being blocked. When Juli later asks him who relayed the damning conversation, he dismisses her question.

Juli asks Kouji to be her contact with the Lift-ship once he returns to work. He hesitates but agrees. When Faina asks why he agreed to a psoition so close to his brother, he says it's because he was asked to. She thinks he is having trouble leaving his past behind.

Kouji encounters Kozue on his way to the Lift-ship. She wants to go with him but her coworkers disagree. They are annoyed by her connection to the VG operators (read as: Ikumi).

Neya encounters Blue. She says his thoughts aloud- He was ordered around but now there's no one left- except Juli.

Yuki is upset by Kouji's presense on the Lift-ship. Kouji explains that Juli asked him to but he came of his free-will. Even if it was only to escape the bridge, it was of his own free-will.

Previous- Sere 15: When We Set Adrift // Next- Sere 17: Unrestrained Order