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Kouji *hearts*Welcome to Kouji's Love Love Page! An attempt to decipher all the relationships between the Ryvius characters!

With the number of characters in Ryvius, of course they'll be interacting. Some hate each other, some like each other, and some really like each other. It happens. So here, we'll give you a briefing on who-likes-who and all that. It'll be better than a gossip column! (okay, so it IS a gossip column, whatever)

Main Relationships Up to Episode 8

Kouji and Yuki: Brothers. They hate each other. Their parents divorced when they were little, and Kouji was the only father Yuki knew. But something happened when they were in Jr. High School that made them despise each other.
Kouji still retains this inner desire to care for Yuki, so he helps him out. He hates himself for doing it sometimes, and wishes that Yuki were a little more appreciative. So he resents him when he isn't.
Yuki hates Kouji for whatever it was that happened between them. (I think it had to do with a girl, from the way Yuki acts when Kouji's with Fina. Yuki seems to think Kouji belongs with Aoi.) He constantly calls him a hypocrite and accusing him of being a goof-off (maybe it's just the translation? Kouji is a very responsible guy). Whenever Kouji's paternal instincts surface, Yuki resents it, and lashes out- most often with his fists. Most of Kouji's wounds were inflicted by Yuki, including that long scar on his right arm....
Pairing: You would not believe how popular a couple this is! There are more sites for Yuki/Kouji than any other on Japanese pages, I swear. But while Yuki may have a complex, I doubt it would evergo that far. They're both into girls too much.

Kouji and Aoi: Child-hood friends. They like each other. We can all tell. Kozue and Reiko tease Aoi about it, which embarasses Aoi. You don't really notice it from Kouji's end, because he gets more annoyed with her. She sometimes acts like she's his mother. Aoi thinks the Aiba brothers need looking after (she's probably right!). But Kouji likes Aoi. They've been friends for so long, they know each other better than anyone. But Kouji is hiding the reason for his strife with Yuki from her, and this bothers her.
Pairing: Very typical anime. Neither one realizes what is obvious to everyone else.

Aoi and Yuki: Child-hood friends. Aoi remembers when they were all friends and were happy. So she doesn't understand why Yuki is such a jerk to Kouji. And she reams him for it once or twice. (he won't tell her what happened either). Yuki believes that Kouji and Aoi are a pair, and gets mad when Kouji flirts. Although he gets annoyed with Aoi for acting like his mother, too.
Pairing: Yuki has a thing, Aoi is oblivious. So Yuki is trying to give up on her. Not completely succeeding, but trying.

Kouji and Ikumi: Roommates. These two were teammates on the Lieb Delta. Ikumi is the out-going, slightly obnoxious one, and Kouji is the quiet one. Although they make a good pair (Kouji's sense tempers Ikumi's exhuberance- sometimes), Ikumi is the better pilot on his own. When Akihiro suggests that Kouji lets Ikumi lead him, Kouji gets defensive. Kouji wants to be his own person, and not somebody's shadow. (this is in episode 6 or 7; I bet this spawns some problems later on!)
Pairing: While I think they make a cute pair, the Ikumi/Kouji (called "ikukou") coupling is not very common on Japanese fan pages. And most of the sites are down. This is my personal favorite, shameless slash fangirl that I am. It'll never happen in canon; they're friends.

Ikumi and Yuki: Teammates. When they meet, Yuki is a big fat jerk. Ikumi resents the callous view of life Yuki has. He refers to him as "yatsu" which a not-very-nice way of saying "him." (but that could be the way Ikumi speaks. I'll have to check. But man, the spite that he puts into it when he's talking about Yuki!). But as things progress, and they're forced into close contact with each other, Ikumi is intrigued. He knows only the tiniest bit of the brother's relationship, and he's curious. He doesn't like the way Yuki treats his brother, and wants to know why. So he badgers Yuki about it. This annoys the heck out of Yuki, who retaliates the way he always does. By trying to punch his face in.
Pairing: This is one of the more popular couples on Japanese pages (due to their dynamic by the end I bet) right after Yuki/Kouji and near Blue/Kouji. (you should see it! Figuratively speaking, of course. But man, Kouji really gets around sometimes! Yikes!) I'm not even certain if you can call them friends, really, although they come to respect one another.

Ikumi and Kozue: Couple. Kozue is referred to as "Ikumi's girlfriend". They're a very cute pair. Although I think they act more like siblings most of the time. When Ikumi is drafted into being a VG operator, Kozue misses him alot. The thing is Ikumi is too tired to pay attention to her! (they oughtta let those boys sleep more.). But Ikumi cares about her, and wants to protect her.
Pairing: So cute it's almost elementary school. She wants him, he's too shy to give in to her, but everyone knows they're together even though they don't do anything.

Aoi and Kozue: Friends. The girls were roommates on the Leib Delta, and are both in flight attendant training courses. They tease each other and hang out together. They're both cute and genki, although Kozue is the more child-like one. So we get kind of a big sister/little sister dynamic sometimes.
Pairing: Umm... I haven't seen it anywhere, but I'm sure if one looked really hard, one could make a case for them. They're friends, and quite happy that way.

Charlie and Cliff: Couple. When Blue's gang first takes up with Charlie (back when he was still Good Turtleland the Third), Cliff was the only one who was nice to him. You just know that they're fooling around in some scenes. My guess is Cliff is the first person to show an interest in Charlie, because later, Charlie gets very jealous when Cliff flirts with Kouji. "Kouji! Don't do anything to upset the morals of this ship!" when Cliff was the one who started hanging on Kouji. Cliff is a very sensual person. Charlie is not, but appreciates the trait in Cliff ^_-
Pairing: I think they're adorable, in a weird way.

Lucson and Juli: Teammates. Both are members of Zwei. Although Lucson wants to be a leader, he looks up to Juli, even if he doesn't do it on purpose. When she takes command, he lets her. When she suggests something, he does it. Juli is quite unaware of this. She is a natural leader (something poor Lucson may never acheive).
Pairing: Doesn't Lucson wish!

Juli and Blue: Opponents. Blue takes command of the Ryvius after Charlie tells him that the Zwei has been hiding things. Although Juli does as she's told so noone gets hurt, she does not like how Blue commands. His callousness bothers her because she is a very nice person. Blue seems to enjoy deflating Juli's optimism. (he's a realist, she's an optimist, and he knows it.)
Pairing: This is the most popular straight couple on the Japanese fansites. It also seems to be the most popular couple with American fans so far. They also seem to be the most stable canon romantic relationship, with the possible exception of Charlie/Cliff.

Later Relationships *spoilers*

