Rei Hino, the young priestess who lives with her grandpa at the Hikawa Shine. We first met her when Serena, Amy, and I went to investigate on the disappearing buses. Rei accidently hit Serena with an anti evil spell, claiming that her powers are off. Later Serena and I end up in the same place where all the buses are being taken and discoveres Raye is there as well. When she struggles to get out of the mosters grasp the sign of mars appears on her forehead. I tell her to shout 'Mars Power, make up' and with that she transforms into the scout with blessing of Mars, Sailor Mars. She saves Sailor Moon with her Mars Fire Ignite. Later she aslo aquires the Mars Firebird strike, a combination of her mars fire ignite and the anti-evil spell In the next series I give them new transformation pens and she shouts 'Mars star Power, make up' to transform.She has a new power, Mars Celestial Fire Surround. When the scouts later meet pegasus they are given a new power, Mars Crystal Power. Her attack then is Mars Flame sniper which she shoots a flaming arrow at an enemy.
Transformation: Mars Power, Mars Star Power, Mars Crystal Power
Attacks: Fire Soul (Mars Fire Ignite), Fire Soul Bird (Mars Fire Bird Strike), Akuryo Taisan (anti evil charm), Burning Mandala (Mars Celestial Fire Surround), Mars Flame Sniper
Manga Attacks: Mars Fire Snake
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