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Love for Luna.........and Artemis!

Meet the Cats

Profile: Luna is the black cat. Her mission is to find the Moon Princess and protect her from harm. She was also an advisor to Queen Serenity during the Silver Millenium.

These are Luna's Hobbies:
  • taking walks
  • playing with other animals
  • fussing at Serena (lol, I added that one myself)

Luna is a very intelligent cat who has a strong will to survive. If it weren't for her, Serena/Usagi probably wouldn't have survived on her first mission!

Profile: Artemis is the white cat. His mission is to find the Moon Princess also and unite the Sailor Scouts. He is Mina/Sailor Venus/Minako's advisor.

Artemis and Luna later got married and had their daughter Diana. Artemis is the jealous type, and he (like Luna) was sent from the Moon Kingdom to protect the Sailor Senshi (Scouts). He loves Luna very much and will do anything to protect their daughter Diana. Sometimes Artemis has temper-tantrums, but at other times, he's very well-behaved. ^^

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