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A thousand years ago, there was a kingdom on the moon ruled by Queen Serenity. The kingdom lived throughout and era known as the Silver Millenium. Queen Serenity had a daughter named Princess Serenity who did nothing but stare at the Earth all day. She had fallen in love with a Prince (from this planet) known as Prince Endymion (Prince Darien).

During this time, the Moon Kingdom came under attack by Queen Beryl and her minions of the Negaverse. The kingdom was destroyed, and Darien and Serenity were both killed. Queen Serenity had nothing else left. The only thing that she could do.....was use the Emporium Silver Crystal in order to defeat the Negaverse. They were...of course...defeated...but there was nothing left. Queen Serenity was forced to send the dead inhabitants of her kingdom to a future on be reborn again. She sent her two advisors, Luna and Artemis, there too. With the last of her strength gone, she died....and thus begins our story.....
