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Biography on Ann/Natsumi:
Anne Granger/Ginga Natsumi is one of two aliens seeking energy. She is often moody and would much rather collect energy than fight. She also in competition ith Serena for Darien's affections. At the end of the series she realizes how much she loves Alan and gives up her life for him.
Biography on Alan/Seijuurou:
Alan Granger/Ginga Seijuurou is the other alien of the pair. He is always reminding Ann that they are supposed to be retending to be brother and sister, and while doing that becomes infatuated with Serena. He grew up with destruction all around him and trusts no one but himself and Ann.
This is the story of the Doom tree. In the beginning it was just the tree and the ocean it was lonely so it decided to change that. Ann, Alan and others like them were born from the tree that was then called the Tree of Life. Their world was full of peace, but it was not to remain. Dark forces entered their world and managed to corrupts some of her children. They destroyed themselves and their world in their struggle for power. The tree took its remaining followers into space in search of a new home. Slowly all that remained alive with her was Ann and Alan. They were just children who had never experienced love, but only hatred in the battle for power, but by then the tree was too weak to speak any more. So Ann and Alan steal energy to keep the tree and them alive. They did not know that the tree needed positive energy to thrive. The tree asks Sailor Moon to heal it of the Negativity it had been poisoned with over the years. In doing so she had to take out the remaining energy the tree had left. It was dead but a new seedling came into existence out of Ann and Alan's love for each other.
Rubias was one of the members of the family of the Negamoon. He came from the future Crystal Tokyo to capture it in the past and capture Reeny(see Reeny Biography). He had to capture Crystal Points. Some of the Crystal Points were the Temple on Cherry Hill(where Rei lives), a cosmetic shop, a charm shop, and a grocery store. With him were four sisters(see Sisters biography) whom he sent to capture the points. Of course, Sailor Moon and the Scouts defeated him every time.In the end, he and Sailor Moon had a big show down. He cranked up the gravity on his ship so she couldn't stand up, but of course she had the power of love on her side so she ended up killing him.
The Four Sisters:Catsie, Birdie, Avery and Prisma

Catsie was pretty much Rei's enemy. She had the power of fire even though it was ice fire. She was pretty much the leader of the Sisters and she was the oldest. She was pretty violent too. She was the first one of the Sisters to go out looking for Reeny. She met Rei when she tried to take over the temple and beat up her Grandpa. She had a serious crush on Rubias but he didn't like her at all.

Birdie was probably the nicest of the four sisters. She was mainly Ami's enemy. She had some sort of ice thing she used as a weapon. She was the second the Sisters to go out, but she was trying to take over a Crystal Point, not get Reeny. She opened a cosmetic shop to do so. She clashed with Ami when she and Ami were finallists in a Chess contest.

Avery was mostly Mina's enemy. She had these whip-like thingys that she used. Mainly her and Prisma worked together. The first time they met the scouts was in a Grocery store they were trying to take over.

Prisma was Lita's enemy. Her weapon was lightning. She met the scouts with Avery at a Grocery store. All of the Sisters were with Rubias from the future. They were from a family(The Dark Moon)that was exiled from Earth and were back for revenge. They came to the past to take over Crystal Tokyo(Tokyo in the future) when it was weaker. They were also trying to catch Reeny who had excaped from the future into the past.

All of the Sisters are alwas concerned about their looks, makup or nail polish. They are incredibly vain. But in the end the all were turned good by Sailor Moon's silver crystal. Catsie was first(she did after Rubias kicked her out of the group), then Birdie(Avery and Prisma told her not to come back after loosing to Ami), then Avery and Prisma(they came under the other two's request).

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