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Sailor Jupiter Biography

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At first when Makoto transferred to Bunny and Amis school it was rumored that she was kicked out of her last school because of her violent attitude. She had a different uniform than the rest of the children at school because she was so big and none of their uniforms could fit her. Bunny still tried to befriend her and soon found out that none of the rumors about Makoto were true. Makoto has long brown hair that is always tied in the back. She enjoys cooking food and is very good at it. Makotos dream in life is to one day open a restaurant. Like Bunny and Minako she is a big fan of video games and can usually be found playing in an arcade. Of all the Senshi she is the most boy crazy, anytime she meets a new guy she says he looks like her old boy friend. Out of all the Senshi she is physically the strongest and most likely without her powers shed reign as the best fighter of the group. As Sailor Jupiter she controls the power of thunder, her attacks are the strongest of all the senshi second to Sailor Moon. When the chips are down she never loses her fighting spirit and never gives up.

Name (Japanese): Kino Makoto - devotion of trees (N.A. Dubbed): Lita December 5 - Sagittarius Ruling Planet : Jupiter Element : Water