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Sailor Mars

Mysterious Rei the third Senshi to be found is Sailor Mars. She is a priestess at Hikawa Shrine, the local Shinto temple by her house. She is the only one in the Sailor Moon story whos religion is revealed although hints are given about the other Senshi in upcoming stories. Unlike the rest of the Senshi, Rei goes to a private school and this does tend to separate her from the rest of the girls socially. Out of all the Senshi she is the only one who possesses powers when not in her transformed state. She is greatly linked to the spirits of Shinto and has the gift of premonition. With her premonition gift she can sense evil, see the future and she also has many other talents. She is the most mature and proper of all the Senshi and this shows in the way she acts and her opinions on certain subjects. Rei lives with her grandpa, his name is never revealed she just calls him Grandpa. He is a short stumpy old man that is always flirting with Reis friends. He is head of the Shinto Temple and his duty is to keep it clean and guard it. Although he is an old man he can hold his own weight in any battle. Though Rei is a Senshi when she first gains her new abilities she views it as a burden but as the story goes on there is less complaining on her part. She tends to rival with Bunny but when they bicker it is obvious that this is just a bizarre way of them showing sisterly love for each other. Sailor Mars controls the power of fire. She uses this gift in many forms and it can be very damaging to her opponent when used correctly. When there is spiritual guidance in need Rei is the first one to go to.

Name (Japanese): Hino Rei - soul of fire (N.A.Dubbed): Ray April 17 - Aries Ruling Planet : Mars