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Sailor Mercury

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Sailor Mercury, the most quiet and modest of the all the Senshi is Ami Muzino. The second Senshi to be revealed, she is first thought to be a spy for the Nega Verse but later in the story it is made quite obvious that she is not. She is usually the one to put the most thought in her actions which makes a her a valuable member of the team. Ami has very short blue hair and eyes and when it comes to intelligence she is way above average. She takes school work very seriously and of all the Senshi is the most dedicated to succeeding in her classes and to prosper in life. Because of her dedication to her academic achievements and her hard work, Ami can be described as the social void of the group. (Web master's note- it's odd to me that she has blue hair and no one comments on this in the story.) Name (Japnese): Mizuno Ami - Friend of Water (N.A. Dubbed): Amy September 10 - Virgo Ruling Planet : Mercury An accomplished Chess player, Ami is the Japan junior champion. This is an excellent example of her strategic abilities. Her goal in life to is become a doctor as her mother did, and she studies constantly to do so. Sailor Mercury controls water and ice, her attacks usually include blinding her enemies with fog, and freezing them. Her powers are most useful to defensive methods than actually doing a large amount of damage to her enemies. After freezing her opponent and making them vulnerable another Senshi usually finishes the job for her. Most likely this person would be Sailor Moon. Because Ami scans her enemies with a mini computer and visor to discover information and weaknesses she is a vital member of the team. Without Sailor Mercury the Senshi would have lost many of their early battles.

Name (Japnese): Mizuno Ami - Friend of Water (N.A. Dubbed): Amy September 10 - Virgo Ruling Planet : Mercury