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Sailor Saturn

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Hotaru Tomoe has lead a very sheltered life since her father, Professor Tomoe, sold his soul to Pharaoh 90 for her life. When she was a little girl there was an explosion at the lab where he worked. Hotaru was killed and in exchange for her life he gave over his body. He has been possessed by a daimon since then. Growing up, her father was never around and off doing one of his experiments and his assistant Kaolite always teased and tortured her. Like Haruka and Michuru, she attended the infamous Mugen Gakuen High School and her only friend was Chibiusa. She is very shy and withdrawn from most of her classmates because of her odd talent. She has the ability to heal wounds. She is very weak and often has mini seizures which is actually the evil energy manifesting itself in her fragile body. Her body is preparing to become Mistress Nine and let Pharaoh 90 into the world. When she swallows Chibiusa’s pure heart she takes on the form of Mistress Nine. She performs terrible acts to the senshi and almost let loose Pharaoh 90. During all of this the daimon inside Professor Tomoe was released by Sailor Uranus and Neptune. He enters the room and she convinces him that she needs the holy grail that Sailor Moon has to survive. She receives the grail and attempts to blast her father but Sailor Moon jumps in the way and stops the blast from hitting him. This action led to an inner struggle within Mistress Nine. Eventually the black star on her forehead shatters and is replaced with the glowing symbol of Saturn. She then appears to Chibiusa, gives back her pure heart crystal, and then disappears. She reappears where Pharaoh 90 is about to enter the world and despite Sailor Moon’s protests, enters the ball of energy. Sailor Moon wants to follow her but is unable to. She screams “Moon Crisis, Make UP!” Over and over again to no avail until the Senshi help her out. With their help she transforms into Super Sailor Moon and enters the ball. When she comes out she is holding a baby in her arms. It is the reborn Hotaru, she now has a second chance at a new life. For a short while she is allowed to live with her father but shortly after the outer senshi take her to raise her themselves. They didn’t want Saturn to awaken again. They were lucky the first time. Sailor Saturn is known as the Senshi of Destruction because she is not awakened unless there is no way to stop evil short of destroying the world. They did not want this power to reawaken, though they were not successful. When Queen Nehelenia returned, she reawaken as Sailor Saturn and took a large growth spurt. She went from being a mewling infant to her old age in very little time. At the end of the series she lived with “Michuru-Mama” and “Haruka-Papa.” And it was assumed that she lived a happy and normal life.
