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News -n- Updates

January 13, 2003: Well, There is now a chat room for Sailor Moon/Anime fans that come to this site. Expect to see a new villains gallery soon.

January 12, 2003: I'll only be able to update this site maybe once this week. I have an online computer class with a set of instructions (which I just got today)and I've gotta figure out by tomorrow.

January 11, 2003: I'm back again. If you want to affiliate with my site, drop a line in my guestbook and say so.

January 06, 2003: I one another award today. I also have a new affiliate!

January 04, 2003: I now have two new affiliates!

January 03, 2003: I have a new link on my Affiliations page called Galaxy Cauldron. Check it out!

December 31, 2002: My friend is okay!!!!!!! She's awake now! Thank God!

December 31, 2002: The Cats section now has more pictures added to it, and there is more information on their origin. I don't know if I'll be doing any updates for a while. I just learned that a friend of mine went into a coma earlier today (from a heart transplant). The doctors say she might die. Please excuse me if you don't see any updates for a few days. I'm really worried about my friend.

December 30, 2002: I have another banner link on my site today today! Her site can be found on my affiliates/links page, so check it out. I also have a new poll on the entrance page.

December 30, 2002: I'm back! So far, my hits have increased and I'm so happy! Don't forget people sign my guestbook and take my polls. Also, if you like DBZ, I have a site on it and it can be found here at DBZ: The Legacy.

December 30, 2002: Hey, people! I want you to see just how badly people hate my site! LOL. I'm leaving the negative comments in my guestbook so that you can see who all is talking about me. Check it out.

December 29, 2002: Hi! I'm currently joining some new Sailor Moon topsites to increase traffic to this site! My ~* Phantasia *~ is being constructed. Check back for updates! Oh!! Sign my guestbook and tell me what you think of my site! Also, take my polls, give me suggestions, etc!

December 25, 2002: Merry Christmas everyone! I hope you're enjoying your Christmas! Okay, there are some things that I want to clear up. This is getting on my nerves. Yes, I am a college student. No, I do not still watch Sailor Moon. Yes, this site was made for my friend Kelly. This has been going on for a while, but I just want to make one thing clear. I'm tired of teens "hating" on my sites. That goes for people spamming my guestbooks with insults. I'm tired of people talking about my awards. I only apply for them because they're pretty. I don't mean to sound rude, but I'm tired of these people acting that way.

December 11, 2002: New poll!

November 21, 2002: I have a new flash intro.

Ocotber 11, 2002: Hi! Didja miss me? I hope so! I hope you enjoy my new background. I'm working on trying to make the page load faster. Also, I won another award!

September 06, 2002: I'm back! I've gradually been updating this site, too! Later.

August 22, 2002: Hi! I'm in college right now! Lol! ^_^ I'll update a little later on! Expect to see some more villains in the Villains Gallery! Bai bai!

Ocotber 11, 2002: Hi! Didja miss me? I hope so! I hope you enjoy my new background. I'm working on trying to make the page load faster. Also, I won another award!

September 06, 2002: I'm back! I've gradually been updating this site, too! Later.

August 22, 2002: Hi! I'm in college right now! Lol! ^_^ I'll update a little later on! Expect to see some more villains in the Villains Gallery! Bai bai!

August 12th, 2002: I just added the Villains Gallery! I also added a new mouse tail with a nebula following it. Injoy! ^.^

August 10: I got rid of the mouse tail today. Oh, the site Dragonball EX is now closed. Sorry case you all haven't noticed, I've changed my web layout ^.^ I think it looks much better....hee^^

August 6: I've added a Chibi Moon Gallery and a Sailor Neptune/Uranus Page. Bye.

July 26: Like my new banner?

July 21: I've also added a mouse tail to my website! Enjoy! Spread the luv!!!^.^

July 20: Hey! Sorry that I haven't updated this site lately. I've been busy working on 2 other sites of mine. Anyway, I've got some spotlight effects on this page now. I also have an email feature on here in case anyone wants to email me. Bye.

July 9: Welcome back! I've been adding a lot more things to this site in the past couple of days! Right now I am studying DHTML. It's cool^.^ I've even got some hidden pages on this site! You'll just have to find them! Lol. Don't worry! You won't have any trouble doing so!

July 5: Hi! Welcome to my Website! I am currently in the process of updating it, so please come back later. Bai bai.