~* More Information *~

I just found some interesting information. Luna and Artemis were never cats before. They lived on the planet Mau, and they left in order to serve Queen Serenity. The people of Mau aren't cats, but they are humans. They turn into cats when they leave their home planet.

When they turn human, they have the symbol of the crescent moon on their foreheads because they swore allegiance to Queen Serenity. During the Silver Millenium, Luna and Artemis served as advisors to the Queen.

Luna's Name in Latin means moon. In the manga she has blue eyes, but in the anime she has red eyes. In the anime she is also more purplish. As a human, Luna has black hair and pale skin (in the anime she has darker skin), blue eyes and two buns of black hair She wears a yellow dress with many crescent moons.

Artemis' name in Latin is Artemisu (Arutemisu-Japanese, I'm assuming). As a human, Artemis looks a lot like Endymion's general Kunzite. he has straight white hair and blue eyes and wears a white suit.

Diana is the daughter of Luna and Artemis. In Greek/Roman mythology, Diana is a virgin huntress. Diana is the guardian/advisor to Sailor Chibi Moon/Rini. Luna and Artemis meet Diana when they travel to the future to help Rini. As a human, Diana is about the same age as Chibiusa. Her hairstyle is the same as Luna's except her hair is light purple and not as long. Her dress is pretty similar to Luna's except it's light purple instead of yellow.

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