
Peach Girl is a beautiful manga by Miwa Ueda. I absolutely love this story. It's about a young girl named Momo (Japanese for Peach) who has to outcome many obstacles in her life.

First of all, she looks different from everyone else. She's tanned and has blonde hair with big eyes. She's tanned because she swims on the beach alot. She takes swimming classes. She has a "friend" named Sae who isn't really her friend.

Sae betrays Momo alot and is very mischievous. She loves to spite Momo. (Note: I had a friend like that once.) Sae deliberately talked our heroine out of buying a purse just so that she could have it as her own! Some friend she is! Hmph...

Anyway...there's this love triangle going on between Kiley, Momo, and Toji. Toji loves Momo and she feels the same towards him. Kiley loves her also but he isn't the jealous type. He will do anything for her...even helping her get back with Toji!

This is a good manga book and it sounds like a teenage soap opera. But don't take my word for it, lol.

I love this manga so much that I have included a small picture gallery of the characters here. These images do not belong to me. They have come from Sun-Soakin' Peach Girl Image Gallery. Enjoy!