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You're at the Sailorteers homepage. We were the beginning of a decent-size group of freinds. If you are a member of ANCNT you will know us as the team of users that used to be in GREP*. What we're is a network of friends... A network of fun-loving friends with big plans in the universe!! I'd love to be able to add more people to the list right below this (and am delighted at just having done so), but you have to join first. We were working on getting a team up and running at GREP* so this has become a team for past Greppies. So basically to join you:

need to have been a member of GREP*

I hope to see you soon!!!

If you want to, get in touch with me email me at:

tears are shed with pointless aim; they cannot solve anything...
Crystal Tears

My Corner

The Lists: The Original Five:
(Those of us who remain)

The New Order:
Websites are linked on those whose I know...

The Sites of the Original Five:
(Those of us who remain)

meatballhead's site
marsfireprincess's site
You're at Crystaltears's site

Last Updated: January 9, 2004