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Personalized pics

Hey all you peoples out there!!
If you'v come here, then you wanna see stuff that i'v (or one other person) has personalized! YAY

Most of this stuff actually isnt that good, could be alot better, but there are a few that a love dearly. hehe.

Heres one of my favorite pics.
I made this for a game called Stable King, its a horse racing game. hehe

Heres another one of my favs.
NOTE: I did not make this pic. I kinda.. asked someone to make it for me. This was before i got my.. pic making skills.

This is one of my most recent. I love how this came out. I think this was the first one that i used one of the pics as the backround, instead of a different pic as a backround.

These next two have names on the pic, but the names are not the chara that is in the pic. I used these two pics for an RPG that i play.

This last one, is a collage .. sorta.. of a unitarian Con that i went to. Lots of random funness.

Now for games! YAY
I already gave you the link to cascade mountains somewhere... now.. heres another game thats really cool.
Its kinda like Neopets.. but not.. and better than neopets. Its more realistic! YAY..
Click whatever link you like better hehe (they'r all the same)
Power Pets - The Greatest Virtual World site on the Internet!Power Pets - The Greatest Virtual World site on the Internet!Power Pets - The Greatest Virtual World site on the Internet!

Now for some Random Funness.

These two are just two things i made that i might use for a backround somewhere.. dun know how they'd look though.

Now the rest of these are.. Very BAD banners i did for someone.. i only like one of them, and its a tad bit bigger than the rest are. I still cant figure out why someone would want a banner that small.

This is just a pic that i'm using for CM.. again.. hehe it rymes.. i'm a poet and i didnt even know it.. HEHEH...... anyway..

Hmm.. heres two more pics i made.. For a horse game i play.. its called IHAD.. i'll add the link at the bottem.


hmm.. this is just a test.. My friend let me use thesame code she used for a pic.. and now i'm gunna personalize it.. Not much, but it looks cool. hehe.

Ok.. so that looks like that.. now.. if i fiddle with this.. and with this.. and this too.. maybe it will look good.

Enter Text here in little scrolly thingy. Enter alot alot alot alot of text, cause we want the little scrolly thing to apear dont we? yess!! YES we do!! now come little scrolly thingy, apear! Apear! i order you to apear!! PLEASE!

<~Never Take
Dirty Snow~>

Someone new! yay, New... but.. simple..

HAHA new pic!! YAY!! This one i did for someone from a game.. she kinda requested it.. ok.. anywho..

Now... TESTS!!! randomness that i just need to figure out for a while..

cell cell

this is on the bottem right?

Well.. i was hopeing on haveing one of those scrolly bar thingys.. but i cant seem to figure out how to make it... sooooo.. i guess i'll have to wait.. and find out some other time..

This is just a picture i made for someone on horseland... its a game i kinda play on and off.

This is just another random pic i made for a game.. yea. fun..

Wow, i liked this one, i made it a while ago.

whoot! i love this one.. its kinda simple and easy to make.. but i like it.. its a TB

Yea, another one.. fun fun

Now time for the fun part.
All of this stuff is copywrited... now...
That means you CAN NOT use it, unless you have my permision. WHEEE!!! yea.. anyway.

Unitarian ... place.. go there for info!
Cascade Mountains my pride and joy of the RPG world.
