************************************************************************************** Neon Genesis Evangelion: Crimson Resurrection Written over the course of a few weeks by Daryl lurgee@cyberway.com.sg ************************************************************************************** Author's note: This is my first time writing a fanfic. I know it's a lame excuse but hey, it's true. It's been almost 2 years since I last written anything. That was in secondary school. I know some bits may not be up to snuff, so please PLEASE send in comments! You can send all flames, comments, criticisms, and compliments (I wish) to: lurgee@cyberway.com.sg There may be some spoilers ahead, so read it at your own risk. Timeline-wise, it takes place from the time just after Rei sacrifices herself for Shinji. It takes place the day after, you know, where Shinji gets super depressed...I also decided to include some of my favorite songs as soundtrack suggestion. Maybe I'll cut a CD based on this fic's music. (Shyeah right...) Anyway, the first bit was based on an experience of mine recently. I was walking home in the rain one day (so sue me! I forgot to bring my windbreaker!!!), and I stumbled across the idea to write this. Yeah, enough with the bullshit. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Neon Genesis Evangelion: Resurrection Chapter 1: Cleansing ------------------------------------------------------------------ {[- Track 1: Radiohead: Street Spirit (Fade out) -]} It was raining. Which had been happening very often of late in Tokyo-3. Ikari Shinji heard the thunder in the distance. He turned his head; a blue sports car pulled up behind him. Misato. "Shinji-kun...get in. You're getting soaked." "No thanks, I'll walk." "You're going to catch a cold you know..." "I know. I don't care." "Don't do this to yourself. Killing yourself won't bring her back. You don't have to feel guilty. You should be honored. She cared about you enough to do that. I feel sad too, but life goes on, for all of us. So, please, get in the car, if not for yourself, please do it for me." "No. Please go away. I want to be alone..." "Shinji-kun..." He heard the engine rev and when he looked up, she was gone. The rain lashed down. Was it the rain or was it tears? A drop fell to his lips. Out of curiosity, he licked it off his lips. Salty, he observed. It had been a day since Ayanami died. He remembered the explosion. It was all he could see for that few moments. The orange flash, the mushroom cloud... At the time, he opened his mouth to scream but no words would come out. He could only stare helpless, like the time he nearly killed Touji. His father! He was to blame! All him! "I will protect you" He remembered those words. She said them to him just before they fought Ramiel. She'd done it twice already. He closed his eyes and told himself it was just a dream, a dream, a dream. He opened his eyes again. The rain was still there. He still felt the pain, the ache in his soul. He sniffed back a sob and walked on...He wanted to run away. To go to a place where there were no Angels, no suffering, no loss. Asuka. His thoughts wandered to her. He wanted to tell her about his pain. But would she listen? She'd become increasingly distant lately. And since Ayanami's death, it was almost as if she was avoiding him. Who else was there to turn to? Misato? He felt guilty for shrugging her off like that. Touji? Kensuke? The entire city had been evacuated that morning due to the damage caused by EVA-00's explosion. Nobody left to turn. He felt as if he was folding in on himself. He wanted to return home. To the apartment and lie on his bed. To be alone. He stopped short and spread his arms and faced the sky. The rain slashed his face. He closed his eyes to the stinging and screamed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To be continued... End of Chapter One -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------