************************************************************************************** Neon Genesis Evangelion: Crimson Resurrection Written By Daryl (my Magnificent Octopus AKA Magnum Opus) lurgee@cyberway.com.sg http://zap.to/unspokenbonds Edited by: Irene Mar ************************************************************************************** Author's note: More timeline twisting in this chapter. Exercising some major poetic license here. I've read a very nice Rei-Shinji fic lately. I highly recommend "You've Got Mail" by The Jusenkyo Guide. Very nice, one shot fic about them on Valentine's day. I must say, it offers a fresh spin on all those Valentine's fics out there. The title says quite a lot about the contents doens't it? ;-) And, as usual, I couldn't help inserting some bits from one of my fave movies. The movie Asuka is watching is Blade Runner. It totally rules! Make you ask a lot of questions about humanity and who we are and what make us human. Oh, and Rei hasn't fully recovered from her injuries, that's why she's not fighting. There's always so much to do, but so little time. Maintaining homepages, writing fanfics, and now I'm even doing poetry in the spare time I have between writing. It's nice to write a poem once in awhile, especially when inspiration refuses to hit... You can find my stuff and more at the web page URL at the top of this page. See you there! -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Neon Genesis Evangelion: Crimson Resurrection Chapter 6: Interruption +/+ Opening Theme Song: Radiohead: Nice Dream +/+ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ******************* Streets of Tokyo-3 ******************* The sky was overcast. Slate-grey clouds hung over Tokyo-3. The wind started to pick up and whip at the branches of the trees. Thunder rumbled in the distance. While on the streets, a brown haired boy was walking slightly behind a blue haired girl of about the same age as himself. Shinji struggled to keep up with Rei's deceptively slow pace. He marvelled at the reconstruction of the city. In the short space of time between the destruction of EVA-00, it was almost totally rebuilt. It was as if reconstruction would somehow bring about an impression of normality. He noted that most of the residents still had not decided to make the move back to the city. This is a fact he was made acutely aware of as they walked alone through the empty streets. Shinji decided to take her to the ramen stall that they went to the previous time with Misato and Asuka. He had rather enjoyed the meal and besides, the stall owner was one of the few remaining civilians left in the city. Through all the boasts by NERV about the Geofront's impregnability, the people still had to eat. As a result, some of the restaurant owners stayed behind to cater mainly for the staff of NERV, which still numbered in the hundreds. If there were casual observers in Tokyo-3, they would notice that the young brown-haired boy was clearly having trouble starting a conversation with his companion. Shinji looked at Rei. He could tell she felt the injuries from before. She still had the bandages around her leg and arm. She was also limping slightly. "How do you do it?" She turned to face him. "I mean... how do you always keep so calm?" "It is my duty." "But all those Angels... they could kill you..." She looked at him with an expression that seemed to suggest mild curiosity. "You may die... we may die..." "It's of no consequence. In the end, everyone dies." Shinji gasped at her comment. /// Doesn't she have anybody who cares for her or she cares for? \\\ He plucked up the courage to tell her. "Isn't there anybody who you care for? Or anybody who cares for you?" She lowered her head. "I have nothing." "Don't you have any family... or friends?" "I have nothing." "But if you die..." "I am replaceable." "NO!" Rei stopped. He shocked himself with the force which he shouted it. Almost immediately, he regretted it. "What I mean... what I mean is that you're not replaceable. No one is." "..." "There are people who care for you..." "..." "So, please, don't say that. If nobody else. I do. I care." She looked surprised. "I... I... don't know what to say..." "You don't have to say anything. Just believe me." She lowered her head and blushed. This started a reflex in Shinji which caused him to blush as well. They stood there for a few moments neither one daring to look the other in the eye. Shinji suddenly spoke up. A note of nervousness could be heard in his voice. "Right! Let's get going! It looks like it's about to rain." Rei nodded slightly to indicate her assent. They began to walk to the ramen stall at a faster pace. He felt several drops of rain on his head. He turned to face the sky. The clouds were noticeably darker now. He suddenly remembered something he wanted to say. "And there's been something I've been meaning to tell you... since Ramiel..." "Yes?" /// He... remembers... \\\ "Remember when I asked you to smile?" "Yes." Shinji began to wonder why at the moment, Rei's expression suddenly grew thoughtful. He remembered that smile. It was forever etched in his memory. "I know life can be hard sometimes, but since we're here, let's try to make the most of it... together." /// Happiness... \\\ She looked him in the eye and held the gaze. ******************* Ramen stall ******************* By the time they reached the stall, it was already beginning to rain. They sat down and ordered the food. As they waited, Shinji looked out through the horizontal slats that made up the stall's windows. He could see the Tokyo-3 skyline clearly. He sighed. "Ikari-kun. You seem troubled." "No... No... It's just that... I wish it could be like this always..." "I don't understand." "I mean... peaceful... Don't you feel it?" "There haven't been any Angel attacks lately." "Yes... that too... but not just that..." "?" Her head tilted to query him. "Have you ever wished that there were no Angels?" "I have never really thought about it." There was a pause for a few moments as she evaluated his words. She spoke suddenly. Her tone seemed to imply something between a thoughtful sentence and a assertive statement. "I would not be around if were not for the Angels." He looked surprised. /// What did she mean by that? \\\ The arrival of their ramen cut short his thoughts. He suddenly realized how hungry he was. Although he made Misato and Asuka breakfast, he neglected to eat any. For some reason, he didn't feel hungry that morning. Rei silently picked up her chopsticks and began to eat. Shinji followed suit a few seconds later. ******************* Streets of Tokyo-3 ******************* It was still raining, although not as heavily as before. As they walked, the rain slowed to a light drizzle. "Well, at least the rain is stopping." He said this as they stepped out of the building they were using as shelter. "You do not like rain?" "Well, not really... no. It's, well... depressing to see all those grey clouds..." "Rain cleanses the soul." "Hmmm... I never really thought about it in that way..." "It washes away pain." For a moment, Shinji felt Rei was laying her soul bare. He decided to pour out his feelings to her. /// Pain... \\\ "I hate pain... I really do... and maybe that's why I'm called a coward by Asuka..." "No." /// Why is she... \\\ She continued. "It is a true coward that seeks refuge in insulting others." "..." Shinji noted that she seemed slightly embarrassed for saying it. He suddenly remembered he had something to ask her. He was having trouble forming the sentence and he was unconsciously clenching and unclenching his fist. "Rei... I..." His sentence was interrupted by a loud explosion and a rising cloud of dust five or six blocks in front of him. The urgent ringing of the cell phone could be heard through his bag. He began to fear the worst. "Hello? WHAT??! Now? I'll be there. And Rei? All right. I'll tell her." Rei's eyes queried him. He replied in a shaky voice. "An... an Angel..." "I see." Shinji felt his voice grow firm; not unlike his father's. "Misato-san says you're in no shape to fight and your EVA is still under repairs. But, you are to report to Headquarters as a standby." "Understood." They began to run towards to NERV Headquarters, a short distance away. ******************* Misato's apartment ******************* At that time, Asuka was sitting in front of the television with Pen- Pen, watching an old movie. She heaved a sigh of relief. It looked like it was ending soon. "I've watched C-Beams glitter in the darkness near the Tannhauser Gate..." The platinum blonde man with the short hair intoned to another man. The other man was dressed in a trench coat. Rain was pouring off both of them. "Stupid movie. How come it's always raining? Isn't there any daylight in that place?" She said it mostly to herself. Pen-Pen was totally immersed in the movie. She watched as the platinum blonde man closed his eyes, forever. She began to roll her eyes in disbelief. "Ugh... I can't believe pre-Second Impact people watched such trash. Cyborgs wanting to be humans? Gimme a break!" "Squawk!" Pen-Pen stated his disapproval. Asuka continued to think aloud. "Come to think of it, those cyborgs remind me of... Wonder Girl! Could she be...? Naaah!" Just then, the phone decided to ring. She cursed. "This always happens. When I want to spend a quiet afternoon..." With a scowl plastered on her face, she answered the call. "Yeah?! Hmph. Really? Cool. I'll be there. Bye." As soon as she put the receiver down, a smirk spread across her face. She grabbed her bag, swung out the door and broke out in a run for NERV Headquarters. ******************* NERV Headquarters ******************* The two available pilots were sitting in a room with a projector showing the Angel. They were dressed in their plug suits. Rei sat quietly in the corner, viewing the proceedings. Misato was briefing them. It was at times like these that Misato changed from the bubbly personality that Shinji knew to the cool professional. "These pictures just came in. As usual, UN aircraft were used to slow it down." The picture changed to group of aircraft surrounding the Angel in a loose circular formation. "It uses its 'arms', to attack." The slide projector's image changed to a close-up of the Angel's arms. Asuka scoffed. "Shyeah right! Like those strips of tape could do any damage!" Misato ignored her and advanced the slide. It showed the Angel's arms slicing through an aircraft. The next one showed the aircraft exploding. Asuka fell silent. "As usual, close combat will be needed. Its AT-Field is present as always." The pilots nodded. It was inevitable. The risk was always there in close combat. But there was no other way to neutralize the AT-Field. "Unit 2 will provide covering fire in front of the hill here." Misato pointed to a map. "Why do I have to cover him? I wanna be the one to take that thing down!" "Asuka. That's an order." She grumbled under her breath. "All right... (idiot)..." "Shinji-kun, take Unit 1 and while Asuka provides cover, rush towards it and take it down. Remember, don't move until Asuka starts firing. You know the drill after that." He was feeling very good about this battle. For some reason, he was brimming with confidence. "Yep! Prog knife to the core. No problem!" Asuka looked sideways. "My my my... Shinji-sama's feeling good today, huh?" He gave her a smirk and flipped her a thumbs-up. She looked surprised. /// Where the hell did _that_ come from?! \\\ "All right! Launch in five minutes!" Misato started to step out of the room. Before she was out the door, she turned around. She gave them a small smile. "Oh, one more thing... be careful, OK?" "Don't worry, Misato-san!" "Yeah, whatever..." Asuka left the room a few moments later. This left only Shinji in the room with Rei. She got up from her seat and started for the door. When she passed him, she stopped. She looked him in the eyes. "Thank you... for lunch." He noticed a spark in her red eyes. He began to speak, but she turned and was gone. ******************* Evangelion Cage ******************* "Begin... Synchronization" His world glowed as the EVA synchronized with his body. The view returned to normal as it finished. He felt the weight. The feeling of being attached to it in some way. A voice called him over the intercom. "Hey! Baka Shinji! You ready yet?" "Uh... yeah... I guess..." "Then, let's go! Can't wait to bag another Angel..." The countdown began. At the instant zero was called, Misato confirmed the order. "Launch!" He felt the jerk as the EVA was accelerating up towards street level. Another jerk as the EVA reached the top of the lift. ******************* Ambush Point ******************* He looked around to see that he had come up to the side of the Angel, some distance away from it. It still hadn't noticed him. Ahead of the Angel was the hill that Asuka was to ambush it from. He held his position as he was ordered. He took the knife out its sheath on his shoulder and tensed. He fingered the handle nervously. He heard a tense voice mutter the signal to commence. A red EVA popped out from behind the hill and began firing. The shells impacted with the Angel's AT-Field and harmlessly exploded. The Angel moved at a leisurely pace towards Unit 2's position. The Angel's back was fully facing Unit 1. "GO, YOU IDIOT!!!" Shinji's mind snapped to attention. He gripped the handle tightly and began running towards the Angel. He could almost feel the weight of the Evangelion. Every time the Evangelion's feet impacted the ground, he felt it, almost as if it was really he who was running. It happened too quickly. While Unit 1 was running, the Angel had reacted to Asuka's firing. It deployed its blades and sliced off Unit 2's arms. A scream from Asuka as she felt the pain lance through her body. Despite the pain, she began to charge towards the Angel. "EAT THISSSSS!!!!!" "Asuka! No!" The Angel's arms lashed out again, like a snake striking. This time, it went for the head. "Aaasukaaa!!!" He saw Unit 2's head fall from the body and a second later, the body of Unit 2 fell to the ground with a dull crash. "Entry plug ejected safely. Pilot unharmed." Maya's voice came from the view screen. He heaved a sigh of relief. While he was distracted, the Angel had moved with alarming speed so that only a hundred metres seperated it and Unit 1. "Shinji-kun! Look out! Beside you!" Misato warned him too late. He turned to his right only to see the Angel standing almost beside him. He barely had time to dodge left before the Angel's arms shot out. Unit 1 was unharmed, but it's power cable had been severed by the Angel's attack. The countdown had begun... ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- To be continued... End of Chapter Six +/+ Closing Theme Song: Stone Temple Pilots: Interstate Love Song +/+ -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------