The Bet 

Evangelion fan fiction by rojo

The Disclaimer: I don't own Evangelion and I am not making any money off this. Any characters that I create here are mine.

The Author created characters in this fic will not be the main characters. I just want to tell so that people will read this. My dislike of ACC will become apparent as you read. Everyone needs an enemy right? This fiction will be mostly about Shinji and Rei but Asuka will be featured beating people up so it's all good.




Chapter 1: I'll Take Those Odds


Roku took a drag of the cigarette and passed it to Jin. Samu leaned against the wall of the school and watched for teachers, just in case.

"So anyway, I was trying to get her to take off her shirt and she-" Jin was saying to his two compatriots when he was interrupted by Samu.

"Yeah right, you are so full of shit."

Jin looked at him angrily. "I am not. I only tell the truth."

"Whatever, you just make up all these stories about girls."

"I do not, you bastard. I could get any girl I wanted."

"You sound pretty sure of yourself." Roku spoke up.

Samu left his place by the wall and got in Jin's face. "Those sound like strong words. Are you that sure?"

Jin was not going to back down to his friends. His pride was at stake.

"You bet. I could get any girl to sleep with me."

Samu laughed.

Roku grinned evilly. "Any girl, huh? I don't know about that…would you…nah, I bet you're to chicken."

Jin was getting pissed off. "What? What were you going to say?"

Roku got in Jin's face. "I was going to say, "If you're so sure, would you be willing to bet on it?""

"I'm as sure as I every was."

"So you'll bet."

"What are the terms?"

"Well, I pick the girl. And then you have to get her. If you can't well…then you're not the man you say you are. And Samu and me get to decide what you have to do. Probably just give us money or something."

"Ha, for money? You're on. I'll take your stupid bet and I'll win."

"Oh yeah! You hear that Samu! Haha, this poor smuck just bought himself a boatload of trouble."

Jin crossed his arms. "I just know I'll win."

"Well, then. Let's go find the lucky contestant." Roku looked at his watch and saw that they still had 20 minutes before lunch was over and they had to be in class. The trio left their hiding spot and walked to the school grounds.


Roku and Samu were searching for just the right girl.

"Heh, how about her?" Samu pointed to a redhead who was berated a thin brown-haired boy over by the school gate.

"Asuka? Are you crazy? We want him to have a chance, not end up in a body bag." Roku said.

"Yah, good point. I don't see how Shinji puts up with her crap."

"Shinji?, that kids a bitch. He's got no guts. He lets her push him around all the time."

"Yeah, just look at him."

Shinji was currently trying to reason with Asuka who had him by the collar and was shouting about not having a lunch.

Samu continued looking. "Hmm…what about Hikari?"

The brown-haired Class Rep. was standing off to the side watching the one-sided Asuka/Shinji battle.

"Miss Goody two-shoes. She's got eyes for that Touji guy."

"Oh, yeah." The other two thought about Touji, the only guy in Class 2-A tough enough to stand up to their little trio.

"Lets steer clear of him."

"Good idea."

Just then Roku saw a girl sitting under a tree a little away from everyone else.

"What do we have here?" He said slowly, sounding a little too mischievous for Jin's liking.

They all observed a pale blue-haired girl sitting quietly by herself reading a textbook.

Roku clapped his hands together and turned to the boys. "We have a winner."

Jin realized who the girl was. "Ayanami? You can't be serious?"

"What's your problem, she's hot. Just look at her"

"Yeah, but she…"

"You sound a little unsure of yourself. Is your confidence slipping already? I guess we could just take your money now and call this off-"

"No. I not backing down."

"Well, soldier. You have your target. Better go introduce yourself." Samu laughed at his friend and ran off with Roku.

Jin smirked. "Ha, I'll have her wrapped around my finger in no time."
He walked toward the tree.


Rei Ayanami was enjoying her book. It was about new experimental theories in physics. Rei enjoyed to learn and reading books was the best way she had found to accomplish this. She certainly couldn't learn much in school since all that teacher talked about was the Second Impact. And when he did he taught the Comet theory that Rei knew was not true. Because of all this she saw no point to listen and usually ended up reading or looking out the window, being very bored.

As she started a new page a shadow fell across her book. Not taking much notice she repositioned herself so that she had better light.

"Hi, how are you doing?" A male voice said.

Rei was never very worried about what went on around her. People would come and go and she found that they would go sooner if she didn't pay them any heed.

"Ah, my name is Jin. You're Rei Ayanami right?"

Rei realized that this person was not going away. Resigning herself to the fact that she would have to communicate she marked her place in the book and looked up to find a tall black-haired boy. She recognized him as a boy in her class. She knew he was constantly with two others and that they were considered to be "trouble-makers". She was relived to see that he was the only one around at the moment.

Jin shifted a little uncomfortably and spoke again.

"I was just wondering what you were reading?" He pointed to her closed book.

"A book." Rei responded blandly.

"Yeah…right. Well, I was just wondering why you always sit over her by yourself. A nice girl like you shouldn't be lonely."

"I do not mind being alone."

"I just thought I'd check to see if you wanted to some company."

"I am fine."

"Ok, just checking. I guess I will talk to you later." He gave her a little wave and winked as he walked away.

Rei was confused although her cool exterior would never show it.

He called me a nice girl. He was concerned about my well being. I am not sure what this means. Perhaps he…likes me. I will have to ask someone about this.


"Man, she kicked your ass!" Touji took another big bit of his sandwich.

"Yeah, you got to learn to stick up for yourself." Kensake chimed in. He went back to video taping a large bug crawling around on the ground.

Touji swallowed his huge bit. "Hey! Are you listening to me?"

Shinji was not listening to him. He was more concerned about what was taking place over by the big tree in the schoolyard.

Touji smacked him on the back of the head.

"Damn, don't do that." Shinji put a hand to the painful spot on the back of his head.

"What the hell are you so interested in anyway?"

"I was just wondering what he wanted with Ayanami."

Shinji indicated the two figures standing under the tree.

"Is that Jin? God, I hate that guy's guts." Kensake said with great disdain. "He picked on me until Touji here transferred into this class. He's friends with those two other guys, Roku and Samu. What a bunch of assholes."

"You think he's messing with her?" Touji sounded concerned. "If you want I'll give him a bop on the head."

He punched his palm as if to back up his claim and smiled. "You like her don't you?"

"Wha-What? I do not!" Shinji stammered.

"What are you so worried about then? Ayanami is a big girl. She can take care of herself."

"Yeah, I guess." Shinji looked back to the tree to find that Jin was walking away.

"Good…" Shinji muttered to himself satisfied that Rei was being left alone.

"What was that?" Kensake asked.

"Nothing." Shinji turned back to his friends.


Jin sat in the back of the class talking to his friends.

"This is going to be a little harder then I thought."

"What was that? Are you giving up already?" Samu grinned.

"No, I'll just have to turn up the heat a little. You guys need to believe in me."

"Ha, we just want your money."

"Just wait and see."







Author's Note: This just came out of nowhere. Please read and review. To all those of you who don't like ACC I am not making any ACC the main characters. This was just to get the ball rolling. I wanted to write more about Shinji and how he feels protective of Rei but at the same time he is very insecure. So at what point will he stand up for her. We'll see I guess. Tell me what you think and if I should continue. Don't worry, to those of you who are brave nurse Shinji fans, I am still working on it.
