The Bet 

Evangelion fan fiction by rojo

The Disclaimer: I don't own Evangelion and I am not making any money off this. Any characters that I create here are mine.

The Author created characters in this fic will not be the main characters. I just want to tell so that people will read this. My dislike of ACC will become apparent as you read. Everyone needs an enemy right? This fiction will be mostly about Shinji and Rei but Asuka will be featured beating people up so it's all good.



Chapter 2: When Things go to Hell


Shinji walked home trying not to listen to Asuka as she rambled about shopping with Hikari.

Every few moments she would pause and that was Shinji's queue to mumble, "Yah."

In actuality he was pouring over the fact that a boy named Jin had taken an active interest in Rei Ayanami. To Shinji Rei had always been something of an enigma but slowly he had been working to bring her out of her shell. It had seemed to work well. She had actually talked to him a few times and he was happy with having her as a friend. He was not sure why but he was drawn to her. She exuded a cool confidence that he had never seen broken. Her mysterious eyes that hid something he desperately wanted to know. Her smile…

"You're not listening to a word I'm saying are you?"


"I knew it, you baka!"



Rei lay on her bed thinking about the days events.

He did not want me to be lonely…what could this mean?

I do not know much of relationships…perhaps he is interested because he wants to try to pursue one. I do not think I would like that but…

But his concern made me feel…strange…I do not know why.

I will definitely have to ask someone about this.


Shinji walked into NERV to find Rei already there and in her plug suit awaiting Dr. Akagi's latest battery of tests.

Asuka walked by and went straight to the locker room but Shinji pulled up short of Rei and hesitated as if he wanted to speak.

Rei noticed this and asked calmly, "Is there something that you require, Pilot Ikari?"

Shinji hated it when she called him that. It seemed so removed, like they had never talked outside of NERV.

"Ah, I-I was just wondering if you…ah, were being bothered by that guy today?"

"Are you concerned?"

"What? I, ah, just thought maybe, you know…"

Rei was becoming nervous. She didn't really want to talk about all these new things and Shinji was driving right toward them. She decided that she needed to stop the conversation.

"Pilot Ikari, I do not require your help in this matter." She sounded cold.

The words stung Shinji so deeply that he cringed involuntarily.

Quickly, he ran to the locker room.

Rei watched him go and mentally kicked herself.

I have upset him.

Why would he be so worried that someone has talked to me?

Does he wish me to be alone?

And does being alone bring sadness?

Why would he want me to be sad?

But he has shown kindness to me in the past.

This is all very confusing. Perhaps after testing I will talk to him.


"Shinji, concentrate harder. Your synch rate is down 3 points."

"Yes, ma'am."

Dr. Akagi cut the comm.

"What's up with Shinji? His synch rate was improving in every test before this one?" She spoke to Misato who leaned on the wall drinking her coffee or the paint thinner version of coffee she liked.

"I don't know. He was happy this morning. Asuka was yelling at him but that happens everyday. Something must have happened at school."

"You should find out. If this keeps up it could be a significant problem."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll see what I can do."

"You sound a little complacent. Is the guardian role not working out?" Ritsuko teased.

"Put a sock in it."


Misato was about to leave NERV and try to track Shinji down to give him a ride home when she saw Rei approach.

"Hello, Major."

"Hi, Rei."

Usually Rei just passed her without saying anything so Misato was surprised. But she was even more surprised when Rei stopped beside her.

"Could I please speak to you, Major?"

"Well, sure."

"In private."

What the hell? Misato led Rei to her office.


"So I do not understand why this certain boy shows concern for me."

Rei had finished explaining her situation with a "certain boy" that Rei had not identified.

Misato was all smiles.

This is too cute. I never thought that I would be having this conversation with Rei…not in a million years.

It must be Shinji. That's why his synch rate must be fluctuating. He must be worried sick that she doesn't understand his advances. I mean, it's not a surprise considering it's Rei we're talking about here. She must be as confused as he is. Oh, young love is so cute…


Misato came out of her reverie. "Huh, oh yah. Well, Rei, I think that this boy likes you a lot. And he's probably just a little shy, knowing him." Misato winked.

Rei gave her a puzzled look. I was not aware that the Major knew Jin.

"So Rei, I would find out what he wants, you know spend some time with him and see if you like him. Just remember, give him a chance. That "certain boy" is a good kid at heart.

"Is that an order, Major?"

"Ah, no."

Rei left. Misato grinned.

"I hope you're ready for this one Shinji. I did all I could."

Shinji was miserable.

I just wanted to help her. Why did she react like that?

I guess that's what I get for helping her.

Walking with his head down Shinji didn't see the three boys approaching him on the same side of the sidewalk.

Shinji ran into Samu's left shoulder and being smaller then Samu was knocked to the ground.

"Watch where you're walking, you dumbass." Samu snarled.

"Stupid bastard." Roku spit.

"So what have we here?" Jin looked down at Shinji.

Shinji was waiting for another attack but it did not come.

"There she is, guys. I'll take it from here." Jin walked toward NERV and someone that he didn't see.

But Shinji could guess who "she" was.

"What the hell do you guys want with Ayanami?" Shinji said trying to sound tough as he stood up.

"Oh, tough guy. Look here, Roku, we got a big man." Samu said as he pushed Shinji into Roku who grabbed him by the collar.

Jin looked over his shoulder as he walked toward the entrance of NERV and Rei who was approaching.

"Why don't you guys keep Ikari here out of my way?"

"Sure thing. Come on, Shinji. Lets go find something fun to do."

Shinji struggled but the two bigger boys dragged him out of sight.


"Hello, Rei. Can I call you Rei?" Jin smiled.

"That is my name."

"Sure thing. How are you?"

"I am well." Rei remembered Misato's words. I must give him a chance. He is a "good kid."

"Can I ask where you are heading?"

"I am heading home."

"Can I walk you? A fine lady such as yourself should have some protection."

He wishes to protect me?


Shinji threw himself against the bathroom door again to no avail. It wouldn't budge.

Samu and Roku had dragged him to an abandoned gas station and locked him in the bathroom. Something very large was resting against the door and he couldn't push it out of the way.

"God damn it! Let me out you bastards!"

He could hear them laughing outside.

"Take care, Shinji."

"Yeah, let me know how it turns out."

Shinji heard the laughing fade as they left him. He repeatedly hit the door with his shoulder until he felt a dull ache.

Slowly he slumped to the floor holding his shoulder, the pain now becoming clear to him.

"Someone help! Anyone! Asuka! Misato!" he screamed.

His yelling stopped after several minutes when he heard his cell phone ring. Unfortunately it was on the other side of the door. Roku had taken it and thrown it on the ground before shoving Shinji in the bathroom. He listened to it ring over and over again.

"God, damn it. I'm so useless...I can't even get out of here."

Wet tears fell to the dirty floor.



"Where the hell is that, Baka?" Asuka hung up the phone. Misato was getting hungry and soon she would start to cook. Asuka really didn't want that to happen

"Oh, I think I know what he's up too." Misato smiled mischievously.

"What is that supposed to mean?" Asuka eyed her carefully. "All right spill it."

"Oh, I just had a little conversation with Rei today."

"So what's so exciting about that? Did it last more then 3 sentences. "I am well, Major."" Asuka did her best Rei impersonation.

"Stop that. No, Rei wanted to talk about how a "certain boy had shown an interest in her". So I just encouraged her." Misato took a big drink of her beer, smiling in self-satisfaction.

"So what does that have to do with Shinji. The only boy who has shown interest in her lately is that bastard Jin and his posse."

Misato spit beer all over the table.


"You heard me. And you told Ayanami to go for it? Ha ha, that's rich."

"You said Jin. You mean that kid that got arrested for trespassing on NERV property."

"Yeah, and the one who beat up Kensake, and who has a "reputation with the ladies."

"Oh, my god. What have I done?" Misato sounded shaken up. "But I thought Shinji liked her?"

"What? That baka? He's so dense he wouldn't understand a girl if you gave him a manual."

"But he always acts so nice to her."

"Well, I guess it's too late now thanks to you." Asuka left Misato sitting in the kitchen clutching her beer.

"Oh, Shinji. I'm so sorry."



"Well, I guess I'll see you later. Have a nice night, Rei."

Rei was standing in front of her door.

Before she could say anything Jin leaned in and kissed her on the lips.

Quickly he broke the kiss and walked off.

"Later, Rei."

He winked at her and then was gone.

Rei stood motionless for several minutes as the sun set.




Please Read and Review. Just tell me if you liked it. It takes 5 seconds, just so I know someone is reading this.

Author's Note: So what did you think? The trio of Samu, Roku, and Jin got their names from a website for Japanese baby names. I really don't know how popular they are or even if they are real but it's not important. They're evil. Special thanks to some guys at my old high school who were like them. Thanks for the idea. Another case of life imitating art or vicea versa. Anyway the next chapter will be interesting. Will Shinji get out? What will Rei say about kiss? How will Misato repay Shinji…that's not what I meant, hentai! Anyway get ready for the next chapter.