Brave Nurse Shinji

An Evangelion fan fiction by rojo

Disclaimer: I don not own Evangelion or its characters. Wish I did but I don’t. The idea for this story is all mine.


Brave Nurse Shinji

Chapter 1: Good Morining, Shinji.


Shinji Ikari slowly opened his eyes as the bright sunlight hit his face.

"Another morning, another day." He thought glumly.

Slowly he stretched his arms over his head and tried to become fully awake.

"Ouch." His hand touched a sore spot on his left cheek. This spot had a remarkable resemblance to a certain German girl’s hand.

"Damn, I wish she didn’t hit so hard." Shinji mumbled.

Suddenly the door to his room opened.

"Talking to yourself again, baka."

"Oh…good morning, Asuka."

"You should sound more enthusiastic when you’re talking to the most popular girl in school."

"Yeah, I guess I just can’t get used to how lucky I am," Shinji replied sarcastically.

The redhead continued to stand in his doorway, her look becoming more cross all the time.

Why is she still standing there? Did I piss her off that much by saying that?

Shinji felt something tug at the corner of his mind.

"Well…shouldn’t you get started," Asuka’s frown deepened.

Shinji’s brain kicked into overdrive.

She wouldn’t be standing here if she didn’t want something.

Crap hurry…think…did I forget something?

Oh no…it’s my turn to make breakfast! And I slept in.

Shinji thought he heard a small voice in the back of his head say, "To late."

"Baka, I’m waiting for you to make breakfast! Do you think I’m standing here ‘cause I like your company! Get the hell out of bed!"

Asuka marched over to the bed and dragged Shinji out of it.

Fate stepped in. Bad luck also decided to lend a hand.

Unfortunately for Shinji he had been having a very good dream.

Unfortunately for Asuka her feet got tangled up in the blanket by the side of Shinji’s bed.

Unfortunately for both of them Asuka fell to the floor pulling Shinji along with her.

Shinji ended up staring into Asuka’s deep blue eyes.

I am sooooo dead, Shinji thought.

What the hell is poking me in the thigh, Asuka thought.

Shinji’s eye’s widened about half a second after Asuka’s as realization dawned on them.



Misato sat straight up in bed when she heard the scream.


She promptly fell into a large pile of beer cans as she tried to get up.


Penpen rolled over and tried to get some more sleep.

Silly humans.


"Shinji, did you really try to force yourself on Asuka?" Misato said as she leaned against the kitchen counter. She opened her third beer and started to work on it.

"Wha…what!!!…N-No!" Shinji managed to stammer out.

"Can you please explain what all the screaming was about this morning and why I got woken up so early after having night duty?" Misato sounded a little pissed.

"Uh…well, she barged into my room and tried to get me out of bed, and…uh…I sorta fell on her."

"Ha, that’s all. Well just be careful next time okay. I don’t need to get woken up. And you don’t need to get the crap knocked out of you by Asuka either."

"Uh…Sure, Misato."

"Next time I may not be there to stop you on your horny rampage."




Shinji slowly walked to school. He wasn’t feeling very well after his confrontation with Asuka, which had left him with a stinging slap mark on his right cheek.

God, I’m marked on both cheeks now. I must look like a dork.

Man, that’s so embarrassing. I hope Asuka isn’t still pissed.

But Asuka, like her usual self, was not being to forgiving. She had left before him as she went to meet Hikari before school.

She’s probably already telling everyone that I’m a perv.

He knew he was probably right too.

Just then Shinji heard the school chimes.

"Oh, crap." He started running the last block.



"So then he jumped on me, I mean he is such a pervert."

"That really doesn’t sound much like Shinji, Asuka." Hikari said as she looked to the clock.

"Well how can I help it if my beautiful body makes men go crazy. It’s not my fault." Asuka gave a little huff at the end of her sentence.

"Sure, Asuka." Hikari didn’t sound too convinced.

The school chimes sounded.

Hikari assumed Class Rep. Mode, "Everyone get to your seats."



Shinji managed to make it too class before the sensei even though the chimes had already sounded. He looked down at the ground rather then meet Asuka’s furious gaze as he walked into the classroom.

Man, she’s still pissed. I better stay out of her way today. Why can’t she just let it go for once?

Touji and Kensuke noticed their friend’s mood as he took his set.

Kensuke leaned over and whispered, "What’s up, did the demon do something?"

"No, nevermind."

"You ok?"

"Yeah, I don’t fell like talking about it right now."

Kensuke leaned back as he met Touji’s questioning glance and shrugged.



Shinji was deep in thought as the teacher droned on about some fishing village he had lived in until the Second Impact. Shinji could practically recite it by memory. His thoughts drifted back to his roommate and what had transpired that morning.

Why can’t Asuka try to be understanding for once?

Some things are accidents.

She always lashes out at me. I don’t know what’s worse her or being in an Eva.

But Shinji knew the answer to that question already. Eva.

I just wish she wouldn’t treat me like that.

His gaze drifted to the window and the empty seat beside it.

Hmmm…I wonder where Rei is today. She misses a lot of school. I hope she didn’t get hurt again testing or something.

Shinji’s thoughts stayed on the blue haired girl.

Rei Ayanami. The First Child. Now she’s the complete opposite of Asuka. Sometimes I think she doesn’t even know I exist. And she is always so calm. I wonder what she thinks about when she sits there.

I don’t know much about her. I wonder if anyone does.

She told me once that she had nothing else but Eva. I don’t think I could live like that. But, then again, what else do I have?

She smiled at me. But only when I asked her.

I wonder if she’s happy.

What could make someone like that happy?

These thoughts swirled round in the young pilot’s head until the lunch chimes brought him out of his trance.


The rest of the day passed slowly. Asuka had continued her "Shinji is a pervert" campaign with limited success and Shinji had gotten weird looks from some of the girls in his class. Touji and Kensuke wouldn’t let it go and kept ragging on him to tell them the details of his supposed love tryst with Asuka. After finally convincing them that nothing had happened he walked home parting with his friends. Asuka had gone to Hikari’s house so Shinji arrived home alone.

"Shinji?" Misato’s voice came from the kitchen.

"Yeah, it’s me, Misato." Shinji took off his shoes and headed down the hall .

Misato was sitting at the table with her cell phone. "I need to talk to you."

Oh, great now she’s going to tease me more. Will this day never end?

"I need to ask you a favor."


"I just got off the phone with Ritsuko. Apparently Rei is really sick and I really need you to go check on her."

"What? Why me? Can’t someone else take care of it."

"Well, normally I would but both of the commanders are away and I have to go in to NERV for awhile. I don’t think Asuka would want to. So that leaves you." Misato smiled.

Shinji thought about the first time he had gone over to Rei’s apartment.

That was so embarrassing. God.

Misato’s smile turned wicked. "But I guess if you don’t trust yourself around young women after what happened this morning I guess I understand."

"What?!?…Stop that…sure, I guess I will."

"Thanks, I knew I could count on you." She stood and picked up her jacket. "And call me if you need anything, ok?"

"Sure thing, Misato. See you later."

"Bye." The apartment door closed.

"Well, I guess I better get this over with." Shinji said to himself as he headed for the door as well.



Author’s Note: I got the idea for the title from the Playstation game Brave Fencer Musashi. The story has nothing to do with the game. I just like how it sounds. Anyway, this is my first fan fiction and I could really use some feedback. I don’t care if you flame me b/c that stuff doesn’t bother me much but please try to be constructive. Any of you Rei/Shinji authors out there can email me too b/c in the next chapter I have to have Rei and Shinji interact and I am really nervous about writing for Rei. So Please Contact me and maybe you can preread and give me some help. The sooner the better. I don’t know how many chapters I will get into. I have 2 more planned and depending on feedback maybe more. I will probably post every week depending on how school goes. Midterms are coming up and I am trying to get this done. It’s the cross I bear. Special thanks to master tevlin for all his help.