An Evangelion Fan Fiction

By rojo

Chapter 7: At the Party She was Kindest



Shinji sat on the couch in Misato’s living room and watched his own tapping toes.

This is boring. I wonder where Rei is?

Rei had walked to her apartment after the battle and was now late to the party.

I don’t think Rei has ever been late. Maybe I should go look for her.

Misato walked by and passed a punch glass into Shinji’s hand.

"Here kid. Relax a little. You’re supposed to be having a good time."

Shinji smelled the punch suspiciously and found it definitely had Misato’s added touch.

Misato eyed Shinji eyeing the drink.

"It won’t hurt you."

"Ah, well…I just…"

"After such a great battle our hero deserves a little booze. Keeps me going."

"Well…ok, just one glass…"

Misato beamed. "Great, have you seen Kaji…" She wandered off toward the kitchen and the sounds of Asuka, who had likely cornered Kaji.

Shinji carefully sipped the red liquid and found that it didn’t taste half-bad. Several minutes later he swirled the remaining liquid in the bottom of the glass.

"This isn’t so bad. I bet no one would notice if I took another glass."

A half an hour and several glasses of punch later Shinji was trying to unravel the secrets of the universe with the wise sage Pen Pen as his guide.

"So when the angels come here maybe they are just trying to contact us…"


"It’s too bad they have to try to destroy everything…"


"Maybe one day we’ll look back and see that this was all a big misunderstanding…"


Asuka walked into the living room at that moment. "Who are you talking to, Baka?"

"Pen Pen."

"Misato, how much did you give Shinji to drink…Kaji!" Asuka skipped away to the other room.

A minute later the doorbell rang.

"Kaji! Can you get that? I’m making more punch. Someone drank most of it. Well, that’s half a bottle of vodka gone." Misato’s voice yelled from the kitchen.

"Hey, Shinji. Could you get that? I’m a little busy." Kaji said as he attempted to pry Asuka off his arm unsuccessfully.

"Wha…sure." Shinji weaved carefully toward the door and after deciphering the workings of the handle opened the door to reveal Rei.

"Wow…" Shinji was looking at a Rei he had never seen or even thought possible.

She was wearing a long black skirt with a white V-necked white blouse. She looked so normal it was almost unnerving.





"Can I enter Major Katsuragi's residence?"

"Oh, right. Come on in." Shinji moved to the side of the hallway as Rei lithely stepped past him.



"I am in the apartment now. You can shut the door."


Misato peeked around the corner of the kitchen door, "Oh, hello! Everyone it's Rei."

Asuka groaned in the next room.

Rei and Shinji walked past everyone and sat down on the living room couch.

Shinji handed her a glass. "Here. Try this…Misato made it! It's great. Right Pen-pen?"

As Rei carefully took the glass Shinji marveled at her long, pale fingers.

"What is it?"

"It's…punch. I really don't know what the hell Misato put in it."

"I heard that." Misato yelled from the kitchen.

Ikari is acting strangely. Maybe this is not a good time to talk to him about his feelings. Hmmm…This drink makes me feel warm…

"Rei, you said that you wanted to talk about the other night."

Rei lowered the drink and gazed at Shinji. "I would like to talk about my feelings and…"

She glanced to the side to see Asuka in the doorway watching them intently.

"Maybe we can go somewhere more…" She motioned to Asuka, "…more private."

"Ok, just follow me." Shinji stood carefully and walked down the hall to his room.

Shinji closed the door after Rei had taken a seat on his bed.

"How have you been feeling?" Shinji took a seat beside the blue haired girl.

"I have been feeling well…physically, but I wanted to talk about my emotions…when I am around you."


"I…have felt…happy but also I have felt other feelings…that I cannot explain. I do not know if they are good or bad. And so I am afraid of them because they are new to me."

Rei carefully studied her hands as they lay in her lap.

"I do not…know if I should listen to them…"

Shinji leaned down to look at her face. Taking in all her delicate features Shinji was overwhelmed by his emotions.

He took her hands in his. Rei was startled by the sudden closeness.

"Rei, I want you to know that I will protect you from anything. And if you feel weird…I'll help you work through it...I know what you mean about emotions. I've had a terrible time trying to understand what I've been feeling…"

She was staring intently into his eyes.

"Sometimes…these feelings…make me want to act…in ways I would never act."

Shinji swallowed heavily and cupped Rei's chin in his hand, leaning in toward her. With his eye's closed he felt the lightest feathery touch of her lips brushing on his. Warmth rushed into Shinji and seemed to wash over him.

So soft…

Rei's mind reeled at all the feeling she was experiencing as Shinji continued to kiss her. She opened her lips slightly and kissed him back.

I feel that this is right but…

Outside from the living room there was a crash of a breaking glass and a shout from Misato.

"Kaji, are you breaking my glasses?"

"Sorry, I was trying to get around Asuka and I tripped."

The sounds made Shinji regain his senses and he leaned back from Rei, ending the kiss.

Rei was still in the same pose, lips slightly parted, eyes closed. She had a dreamy expression on her face.

I should tell her.

"Rei, I think I love you."

The words snapped her out of her pose. Her eyes were wide and full of a terrible panic. Shinji drew back from her shocked expression.

Suddenly Shinji also felt a terrible panic.

Maybe that was the wrong thing to do.

"I have to…leave."

She jumped up from the bed and was gone before Shinji could finish, "What did…"

In the other room Shinji heard Misato talking, "Rei, are you ok?" and then a door slammed.

"Kaji, was Rei crying?"

Another voice chimed in. "Who knows what Wondergirl thinks. The first child is just so weird."

Kaji spoke next, "Misato, you should go try to find her. I'll go talk to Shinji. Excuse me, Asuka. "

"But Kaji, we were having such a nice party. Owwwww! Stupid Wondergirl."

Shinji sighed and put his face in his hands.

What did I do wrong?

"Shinji, are you in your room?"

What have I done?







So ends the chapter. My most hated chapter, not in terms of content but that I had writers block and no idea what to do here. So I waited several months and went to Anime central 2002 (as Gendo!!! Pics on my website soon!!) and then sat down and started writing. It’s a great thing, anime. And the convention made me remember why I love it so much. Hope you enjoy.
