Disclaimers: Neon Genesis Evangelion and all related characters, concepts, etc. are property of ADVision and Gainax. I only *wish* they were mine. This is my first stab at a Rei/Shinji fic. It will start between the 5th and 6th angel attacks. In addition, I have yet to see if I will continue this with more chapters. The types of reviews will determine it as long as they are constructive. Flamers need not apply! I Like to acknowledge Etsuriko as my editor, who checks and fixed my lousy grammar. Hope you enjoy! P.S.- I will be basing this story off the EVA manga and TV series! Of Comfort and Kindness Chapter #2: A Conversation As the morning sun crept into Shinji's room, its sliver of light slowly shown onto the pale-white face of Rei Ayanami. Her eyes opened. As she slowly lifted herself from Shinji's chest, she looked at his face. She thought about their battle with the fifth angel and when she smiled at him. ['That smile...']. She thought about when they first met on the catwalk near Unit 01. The third angel had been smashing its way into the Geofront. In her memories, Rei could see Unit 01 deflecting falling debris away from Shinji and herself. As she was pondering more memories, she recalled how Shinji had tried to comfort her. ['He's not like the Commander at all. He's more like ...']. A gentle squeeze interrupted her thoughts. "Good morning Rei-chan. Did you sleep well?" After her 30 seconds , Rei answered with a question; "Shinji-kun, do you view images and hear sounds while you slept?" Smirking a little Shinji answered; "Well, Yes Rei-chan, that is a good description of a dream. So, what did you dream about ?" "You do not understand, Shinji-kun, what you call a dream I have never had it happen before? This did confuse Shinji. "So, your telling me that you have never had dreams while you slept, until today, is that right Rei-chan?" "The commander and Dr. Akagi said that it was not necessary to dream, they told me to clear my thoughts and to just sleep." "And, That's what you do Rei, you just sleep, and not dream?" "There seemed nothing for me to dream about, until now." She said all of this in her usual monotone manner, which Shinji was becoming, use to. Shinji was becoming more aware of the little slight movements and flares of the eyes and mouth which he learned showed Rei's real mood and temperament. He caught with Rei's last statement a change in inflection followed by a slight quivering of the right side of her mouth. From his observations this meant that Rei was apprehensive that she had not dreamt before, and her mouth quivering meant to him that she was getting nervous. "Rei-chan, can you tell me what you did dream about?" Shinji was trying to distract her from her nervousness. "I saw a great lake with a forest all around it. You and I were having lunch, on a blanket ....... " That's called a picnic Rei." She gave him a slightly annoyed look for interrupting her story. "Sorry Rei-chan, go on." ".... Moreover, we were not in our standard school uniforms. "Really, what were we wearing?" asked a now curious Shinji while she rested on his chest. "I had a red plaid dress, with a brown turtleneck shirt. You had a blue shirt, with a gray jacket, and your normal black pants." She then looked at Shinji. Rei asked; "Why did you want to know Shinji-kun?" Well, I heard that if you dream about a relaxing place or event, then it means that you are relaxed and from what you were saying, happy!" "I am not sure if I was happy?" Well, was there more to the dream Rei-chan?" "We seemed to be talking about various things when 2 children came up to us demanding lunch. I then observed myself and you making room for them and I served food from the basket next to where I was seated." "Two, children, you said Rei?" She gave one slight nod yes. "So then what happened?" "We ate our respective dishes and then we seem to an play various games. "What types of games? You mean like some of those we play in PE class?" "Yes, exactly!" She then had a slight frown after what she had said. So Shinji Asked; "What's wrong Rei-chan?" A Look of concern traveled through his face. "I never recall myself smiling or laughing during these games while we played them in school, but here I was laughing, and smiling? How odd?" Rei still had a puzzled look when Shinji let out a slight chuckle. "Did I say something funny, Shinji-kun?" Rei now showed slight annoyance at her friend. "No, no, you misunderstand me Rei, I can see you doing just those things, Yes I can. "But, I do not do this. Why should I dream about things I do not do?" Because deep down dreams are a manifestation of what you desire Rei, even you. But, I don't..." "I know you don't laugh or smile in public because you didn't see a need for it, right Rei-chan?" She nodded yes. But, It seems that you subconscious or your soul says otherwise. In your dreams it shows you in various ways how you feel deep down inside." After another pause of silence . "Do you understand what I'm saying Rei-chan? She nodded yes again. Now don't go thinking I'm an expert here I just thought you should know what I thought. You might want to talk to Dr. Akagi about this later." "I will do that. Now, I will need to take a bath Shinji-kun, and so avoid any undue problems if the Major sees us like this. "Like What Rei?" She then points to them, then the bed. "Oh, I see, yeah I need to make breakfast anyway. Listen I'll have a fresh salad for you, is that OK Rei-chan?" "That is adequate." They both make their way out of Shinji's room and towards their separate destinations in the apartment. After a breakfast, which finally included a stumbling Misato. She had her beer, made her customary Yell of satisfaction, ate her miso soup and noodles. She then offered them a ride to school, which they accepted. Misato's car sped off at record speed for their school. After Misato dropped them off, the two pilots made their way toward the main school building. Shinji handed Rei one of two bent box lunches he made for both of them. Rei thanked him. Later, it seemed to him that as more students appeared Rei was becoming more withdrawn. He had remembered that she simply didn't associate with any other students and she seemed to be falling into her silent non interactive mode. Shinji did understand this since he did the same thing for the first few weeks after he arrived, but to a lesser extent that Rei. But, now that he had successfully gotten Rei to open up to him. He decided that his next great task was to get Rei to have some friends, preferably those whom he called friends (Touji and Kensuke), maybe even some of the girls ["Maybe Hikari could help."] he thought. As the class started Rei was back to her normal routine of staring out the window of her classroom, and tuning out those around her ["Even Me."] thought a dejected Shinji. ["Well this will be harder than I thought."] As the lunch bell rang, Shinji put his little plan into effect. Earlier he had informed Hikari of Rei's change of attitude, and how she reverted to her old self in the class. He also knew that if Hikari would help him, Touji, and after him Kensuke would follow ["I'll even take some teasing from the guys just so I can get her to open up more."] Shinji thought. As the students made their way out of the class, Shinji invited Rei to the roof to eat her lunch with him. He and the other stooges hang out during the lunch period there. Hikari would be there today, not only to help Shinji with Rei, but to also get closer to Touji, whom she had a crush on. He wasn't sure Rei would accept since she normally ate alone and almost hidden at the bottom of the stairs. He was mildly surprised when she did accept. As Rei followed Shinji to the roof, she saw as they opened the door that Kensuke, Hikari, and Touji had already gotten there. "Hey Guys, I invited Rei to eat with us Is it Ok?" "Wow, hum, sure That's not problem at all." A surprised Kensuke answered. Since he had gotten to Tokyo-03 Junior high school, he had never seen Rei sit with anyone during the lunchtime. "That's Ok with me, Shinji. Glad to see a fresh face here!" answered an equally surprised Touji. "And what am I Suzahara, chopped Sushi?" said an irritated Hikari. "Oh Class Rep, I didn't see you, I'm sorry. Now I see two fresh faces to brighten up our day right boys!" He looked at his fellow stooges for support He got none as they had already turned away from the jock and the class representative who was now glaring at the now sweat dropped Touji. After a few seconds Hikari said; "I'll forgive you this time Touji, but if you keep opening you mouth before your brain starts working, you foot will literally be in your mouth, got me!" "Yes Mam, I got it!" After a few minutes the small groups was sitting on a picnic table as they all ate lunch. As the conversation went on Shinji whispered to Rei; "Now you should take advantage of this opportunity." "What is opportune about this gathering for the lunch period Shinji-kun?" Rei asked also in a whisper. "To observe teenage social interaction." Then before she could say anything, Shinji continued; "This can bring you contentment in the sense of how other people interact with each other. You'll be able to see the good and the bad side of it so you would be more skilled at this type of interaction in the future." By putting his argument in a more authoritative fashion, Shinji hoped to get Rei to understand not just others, but herself as well. By the end of the lunch period. She was having a real conversation with Hikari as they left the roof first. "So, Rei do you like eating up here?" "....." "I know that you normally eat by yourself, what changed your mind?" "Shinji-kun Advised me to interact more with my peers. It seems that I have to improve my social skills as he put it. Hikari was staring at Rei, not just for the longest conversation she had with her ever, but she had called Shinji, Ikari-kun. "Ok, Well if you have any questions about it you can ask me. Boys sometimes have lesser skills at this than girls do." "Why are you voicing the stereotype women being more socially skilled than men?" One thing that unnerved most people who spoke with Rei was her silence, or more so, her direct questions. The latter was the case here. "Well, more of it has to do with culture Rei. I think Shinji wants you to learn what is proper social behavior based on our culture. Do, you understand, Rei?" "I am beginning to understand. Thank you Representative Horaki. Well, one way you can improve you social skills is to call your friends by their names Rei-chan. I am you friend now right?" After a pause, Rei answered "Yes, Hikari-san, I will strive to improve. And, yes you are now my friend." All right! Lets get back to the classroom, I'll explain some more there Rei-chan! The girls then walked down the stairs. Meanwhile, back on the roof, the stooges continued their discussion. "I heard you'll be getting a new EVA and a new pilot Shinji." said Kensuke. "How did you find out? No, let me not know so I won't have to report you to NERV security!" answered Shinji. "Ah, come on Shinji give our Otaku here a break! He's just living out his military dreams through you and those EVA's!" said Touji." "Ok, Ken listen, I'll see what Misato can do when the EVA gets here, maybe let you film it or take pictures, Ok?" Answered Shinji, not knowing if he could do that! "Hey, as long as Misato's there I don't care if I film it or not! Boy she's so hot!" A now distracted Kensuke said as he left the roof. "Hey, Don't forget to include me there Shin-man Ok?" stated Touji as he followed his departing friend. "Yeah, I try Touj, I will try" answered Shinji as he closed the roofs door and followed his friends down the flight of stairs leading back to his classroom. Meanwhile as a fleet of UN ships headed towards Tokyo-02's harbor, a mammoth creature lay within the ruins of a flooded out Tokyo. Waiting it chance to inflict pain and suffering on the puny humans they were there to put on trial in front of the almighty. It also wanted to "Rescue the "Father of all angels Adam who was on the fleet delivering Evangelion Unit-02 and it's pilot fresh from Germany. One Asuka Langley Soryu, The second child, and one real pain on the A**! ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Well I hope Shinji wasn't too OOC, but I had to have him be just a bit to get Rei to "Open up" a bit more. As we know now we will see the 6th angel, the second Child, and the battle at sea that will affect the first child in a new and different way. Next is:Chapter #3: A Blitzkrieg in Red *Please continue to Read and Review. Constructive criticism please! Thanks for the support so far, I hope with your help, this story gets better! P.S- Thanks Andre Laval for Prereading this story!