Disclaimers: Neon Genesis Evangelion and all related characters, concepts, etc., are property of ADVision and Gainax. I only *wish* they were mine. This is my first stab at a Rei/Shinji fic. It take place between the 5th and 6th angel attacks. Also, I have yet to see if I will continue this with more chapters. The types of reviews will determine the continuation of this story as long as they are constructive. Flames need not apply! I do need Pre-readers if I continue as well. Hope you enjoy! This Story will be revised in the future! ****Special Thanks go to my editor, Etsuriko (MadEdittor@aol.com) He has edited this story and I would recommend all to check his stories out at Fanfiction.net!*** Of Comfort and Kindness Chapter #3: Growing Feelings As class ended, the group of five students made their way towards the school entrance. As they recounted the days events, Rei whispered to Shinji; "I have been informed that my heating unit will be fixed by tomorrow. Will you and Major Katsuragi allow me to stay tonight?" "You know the answer is yes, Rei-chan." (Then a smiling Shinji leaned closer to Rei's ear, whispering), I also would mind you joining me as you did last night. (Now he was starting to sweat not because of what he asked, but because he realized, his friends were right next to him as he asked) Rei, though had not realized that when someone whispers to you, you are supposed to whisper back, so; (Out loud, and quite innocently) "So, did my sleeping with you last night calm your nightmares, Shinji-kun?" To say Shinji was embarrassed was to say that the sky was red! Because his face was as red as blood, while both the stooges and seconds later Hikari face faulted! Then Shinji was greeted by a whack to the head delivered by an incensed Class Rep. "How could you take advantage of her, she barely has any idea what is acceptable or not, and you.... YOU...." "I came to Shinji.... because he was having nightmares, and we fell asleep together." Answered a calm Rei. "You must believe us, nothing happened, we just slept together, that's all!" Shinji pleaded. "Well, I believe you Shin man." Said Touji. "Since I've known him, he wouldn't harm a flea, let alone take advantage of someone." "No, He just is too nice a guy for that. I believe him too." Added Kensuke. Hikari, took Rei aside. "Did he do anything to you that would be considered indecent? " Rei gave her a questioning look. "I'm just concerned you were taken advantage of, since you are my friend." A small smile showed on Rei's face (Even she now care's for My well being, .... because she's my friend) "No,.... we just slept in each others arms, we needed to hold and comfort each other." (Now looking in her friend's eyes) "Nothing happened that would constitute sex, Hikari-san. Shinji was a perfect gentleman." Hikari Sighed and said, "I believe you Rei-chan, and Shinji, (Shaking her finger at him) behave yourself, or you'll have me to deal with, got it!" "Yes mam, I will be the perfect gentleman, while Rei-chan stays at my humble abode." He visibly wiped sweat from his now drenched forehead, as his friends laughed at him. As he then got about five more minutes of good natured ribbing from the stooges, Rei and Hikari discussed how Rei ended up at Shinji's apartment in the first place, all the while the group was slowly walking home. "So he has been a good friend to you since that last attack?" asked Hikari. "That's when he had shown me his feelings for me. I am still trying to understand them. But, I hope he continues these feelings for me, because I have feelings for him now." Rei told a surprised Hikari. "Do you like him Rei-chan?" She paused and said; "I do …Like him." Hikari took this answer in with some apprehension, she then asked; "Can you describe them to me, you know your feelings. Maybe I can help you understand what you feel." Hikari looked at her friend with kindness and understanding in her eyes, Rei looked and said; "All right." Rei then took a few moments and began in her usual monotone voice. "When he looks at me, I get a warm feeling in my abdomen, I sometimes sweat , I want to be near him, and I feel.... happy when I am with him." After a short pause, Hikari answered; "What you describe is for what I have heard and read the classic things that someone shows when they are in love." Rei stopped dead in her tracks, causing the three boys to almost crash into her. "Are you sure of this observation Hikari-san?" As sure as I have the same feelings for...." Then she saw the boys all looking at her. With a fully blushed face, Hikari said good bye to them and Rei, and reminded her that she would call her to finish their discussion. She waved and ran down the street to her house. After sharing, confused looks Touji, and Kensuke departed to the opposite end of the same street. As they left the boys tossed out one final statement from each of them. "Don't do anything we would do Shinji!" Said Touji "Yeah, you don't want to be a Dad at your age!" Followed Kensuke. "Would you two get you mind out of the gutter, nothings going to happen! OK!" A flustered Shinji answered. He then calmed right down when Rei grabbed his hand and squeezed. "I know you would not do anything to hurt me Shinji-kun." Said Rei as she looked up to her friend. "I would never do anything until we were both ready...... and old enough. Isn't that socially acceptable?" A now face faulted Shinji got up and nodded yes as the two pilots made their way home. ______________________________________________________________________________ Section 2's main job was to protect NERV, and it's personnel. It was also in the job of intelligence gathering. As such both pairs of NERV section two agents reported to the commander, and what was observed over the last few days. Though the Commander got a daily report, this was not your normal run of the mill report. "Agent Ute, and Shin, report", bellowed the commander from his standard position in this office. At his desk, with the sub-commander beside him. "Sir, the two EVA pilots were seen........ "( the agents then told him a narrative of the pilots activities and actions over the last two days, including the first child staying with, and later admitting to sleeping with the 3rd child.) "And you have this recorded, Agent Ute?" "Yes sir, even when they admitted they just slept together, and did not have sex sir." "Very well, leave me the tapes and go back to your assignments, dismissed." the agents left the office. "Well, it seems that you did not anticipate this Ikari, or did you?" questioned the subcommand. "I always anticipate every contingency, even pilots who get involved with each other." "Even these two pilots?" "Yes, and for now this doesn't seem to be delaying our schedule, and both pilots are still performing their duties adequately." "But, but don't you think....." "Make you point, Professor!" "They're... related!" "As you know that is a yes and no answer. But that really doesn't count in the scenario, does it!" "Their actions and their relationship now seems fine with you?' "I do not see that this would deviate from the allotted conclusion." "Are you sure, Ikari?" "What my feelings, or anyone else's (He looked squarely at his friend now) feelings have nothing to do with our goal, is that clear!" "Crystal!" The commanders then left for Central Dogma to observe the pilot's weekly sync test. (I hope you know what you're doing Ikari. I wouldn't want to hurt the children, or you might have consequences yet unforeseen!) The sub commander thought as they walked out of Gendo's Office. __________________________________________________________________________________ The sync test went better than expected. The two pilots had gone home, and spent some time together, then came to the Geo-front for their test. Both have been feeling contented, happy at being in each other's company. They mostly spent their time doing homework and keeping each other company. This warmth seemed to boost their confidence. This showed as they continued their sync test. Dr. Ritsuko Akagi and Major Misato Katsuragi were leading the command staff as the tests were being run. "Wow, a 6 point pick up for Rei on her sync, and a 10 point upswing for Shinji." Misato Commented. "Ok, Misato tell me what happened between when Rei left the hospital earlier this week, and now!" Asked a now annoyed Ritsuko All that happened was that Rei and Shinji seem to be... together now." "WHAT! What do you mean.... Together Misato?" "Oh come on, it's their first relationship." (She turned to the bridge crew and continued) "Oh they're so cute together, they even slept together... platonically of course." "WHAT , WHAT DO YOU MEAN SLEPT TOGETHER?" I said Platonically, you do know what that means! Now, if you'd let me finish, Shinji was having a horrible nightmare, and before I got up to check on him, Rei was there comforting him. I did keep an eye on them and they did not fool around with each other, OK Ritsu." "I would think that you would have separated them and send them to their separate rooms." "Ritsuko, listen, you know what jobs these kids have to do, even to the point of dying for us. They need to find some comfort in these stressful times. Why not with each other. In addition, I am keeping an eye on them. So, lay off them. Ritsuko was going to reply when from above them the commander stated; "Dr. Akagi, do the scores indicate that the pilots have improved their sync ratios?" "Yes sir but..." "And does that indicate that it is a result of this relationship that they have?" "It's not conclusive, but it might be." "Then you shall leave the pilots social lives alone, unless there is interference with their duties, do you understand Doctor?" stated an authoritative Commander Ikari. "Yes sir!" Answered a now very annoyed Ritsuko. "Good, carry on!" The commanders then left as the test was concluded. "Ritsu, don't mess with them or I'll beat you within a inch of your life!" "Unless it interferes with their duties, Misato. So you better make sure this little love affair doesn't interfere in NERV business!" "I'll keep an eye on them, don't worry!" Misato said as she left Central Dogma (And who pray tell will keep an eye on you Misato?) Thought Ritsuko as she followed the Major to meet the pilots for their debriefing. _____________________________________________________________________________ After the tests and the debriefing; As Misato pulls into her solitary parking lot. There are no other cars because there are no other tenants. From the car 3 people get out and head towards the elevator. Misato, Shinji, and Rei head upstairs, Shinji is holding Rei's hand, both glowing with an aura of contentment around them, as they enter Misato's apartment. ______________________________________________________________________________ As dinner is finished and no one is sick, thanks to Shinji's cooking. Misato then motions for the two children to sit on the couch. As they sit Misato pulls a chair from the dining room and sits with the back of the seat in front. As they saw the concern in Misato's face. Both pilots found each other's hands and squeezed to comfort each other. While Shinji wore his worry on his face, Rei sat with her customary emotionless look, both had a feeling that what she was going to tell them was unpleasant. "Ok, kids here's the skinny on your relationship and NERV." Misato started. The Commander doesn't say he approves or disapproves of your relationship..... as long as your sync scores keep at the level they are now or go up." "But Misato, we've just been holding hands, we haven't even kissed yet!" A distraught Shinji said "You're getting ahead of me there Shinji." Corrected Misato Plus, when you sleep together, even platonically, it does constitute a relationship." "But, Major, we haven't had sexual relations what so ever, we just slept in the same bed comforting each other." Rei squeezed Shinji's hand to convey her feelings as well on this to her friend. "Ahh, Ok, Rei I believe you, but Ritsuko made it clear to me that if your relationship affects your sync scores or either of you during a battle, they will effectively separate you. You'll only see each other at NERV. Do you understand this, both of you?" Both pilots were silent, but Misato clearly saw despair in both of them. Especially, Shinji. It took a minute or two for one of them to react, and to her surprise it was Rei. She slowly put her arms around Shinji's waist, put her head on his chest, and slowly, quietly started crying. Now what we call crying, to Rei this meant a single tear one at a time with no sound given, no grimace, just a blank look of sadness. This blew both Shinji and Misato away! Shinji gathered his girlfriend up (Yes, he had accepted her as that) and slowly rocked her back and forth, running his hand through her hair as a way of soothing her sadness. "Misato, what can we do? I can't promise that I will react differently, especially in battle if Rei is in danger. I know that she would try to help me." Said Shinji as he looked at her brilliant red eyes. "Look, Shin-chan, I think what they mean is if lets say Rei is in danger and you are ordered by me, or the Commander to retreat and leave her, you are going to be expected to do it." "And If Rei sees me in danger and is ordered not to help me... " "Exactly, she would have to obey. I don't know why Ritsuko is so against you two being together, but I'm going to find out. OK?" The pilots both nodded Yes. "Listen it's been a long day, and you two will be busy tomorrow, so why don't you two get to bed, OK?" Before Misato got up, Shinji grabbed her hand and motioned her to sit down. Then first looking at first to Rei, then back to Misato. He finally speaks; "Misato, I think that Rei needs me to stay with her tonight, I promise to just sleep and hold her, please Misato?" pleaded Shinji. Misato looked at Rei, who was far from normal to her. She was still quietly crying single tears, while keeping a sad look on her face, in Shinji's arms. "Rei, Look at me, (The first child did as she was told) I'm going to ask you two questions, all right?" She nodded yes. "OK, Why are you upset? What I mean is why are you crying for?" After a pause, Rei then quietly gathered her thoughts before she spoke. "I have never before yesterday night felt as if I needed anyone or anything except myself, and to do as I was told." (Misato had a surprised look, someone had told Rei to act the way she does). "I was raised to do exactly as I was told. I was a doll." ( another pause as Rei gathered a ragged breath) "Then Shinji showed me how to be a normal caring person. I am not a doll anymore, and I will make decisions on my own. Please understand that I will do my duty and I will follow orders, but I will not want to act like a mannequin anymore. So I cry because Shinji was the one who showed me this, I cry for the possibility of losing him,..... now that I need him. I cannot lose him." She then tightened her hug on the third child. "But, if I or the Commander have to tell you to stop and back away from Him in battle, will you do it?" asked a now worried Misato. She knowing that if she answered incorrectly, she'd have to act as she said she would . After a few moments, Rei looking down to the floor answered; "I will do my duty as will Shinji-kun." Both pilots then nodded yes to Misato. "Ok, second question. If you need Shinji to hold you tonight, will you promise me that you aren't going to be …. intimate?" As both looked at each other , Rei answered for both pilots. "I promise Major, I just need to be in his arms tonight." Just call me Misato when were out of NERV. Ok then, get going and sweet dreams you two?" Yes Maj.. Misato-san." As the two children got up off the couch, Shinji guided Rei to the bathroom. Then after Rei, then Shinji in turn went to the bathroom, they headed for Shinji's room. ("That's the longest conversation I have ever had with Rei.") Misato though as she made her way to bed via the kitchen for a six-pack of Yebisi beer. Before she got to her room, she checked in on the two children in Shinji's room. They were already in bed, clothed and quietly talking with each other. Satisfied that they would keep their promise, Misato called out, and "Good night Kids, sleep well, and if you need anything call for me." "Fine Misato-san, Good night." answered Shinji. Rei waited about five minutes as she laid in Shinji's arms, after she heard Misato go to her bedroom. Then she started talking to Shinji, who was almost asleep when she asked him; "Shinji?" "Mmmm?" Came from Shinji who was almost asleep. "why do you continue to care for me,.... though Dr. Akagi opposes our relationship?" After asking Rei to repeat herself, he gathered his thoughts and answered her. "Rei, this week has been an unusual one for me. I save you from harm in Unit-00 after you saved my life stopping that Angels Particle beam. We started to have feelings for each other." He tightens his hold on her conveying what he is saying out load to her. "We find ourselves together, gathered above the city admiring the view. We sleep together and gain more feelings for each other. Now your in my arms again and you know what Rei?" "No, what Shinji?" That I know now that I Like you, Rei, maybe even … love you. He stuttered as he continued. "At least to me it has to be love, bbbbecause I haven't had these fffeelings before, and I have never slept as well since that night." Shinji then remained silent as he waited for Rei's response. It came after a minute of Rei's contemplation. " I have these same feelings Shinji." (As she looked at him from her view on his chest.) "I now dream, where before I didn't. I now care more to live for you, rather than not live for all. I love you too, my Shinji -kun." Then it finally happened, they drew their faces near each other, and then their lips met. At first it was a gentle caressing sort of kiss, then each took the others lips between the others, while holding each other firmly. It took several minutes of making out until they finally broke the kiss. Each of them had a hazy look, then Rei settled down on Shinji's chest and both pilots with smiles in their faces slowly lost themselves to a firm and fitful sleep. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ The Next Day: Asuka Langley Sohryu was pacing impatiently on the air craft carrier Over the Rainbow. She and her Guardian Kaji were waiting for the first and third child to arrive. The plan had been for the children to meet as the fleet delivered Unit-02 and it's pilot to Tokyo 3 via Tokyo 2’s shipping docks. "Well I hope they're as good as they say, or I'll just have to show them who's really the best!" boasted the second child. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Back at the dock, Ritsuko was waiting for Misato and the two pilots. Then she saw the familiar blue streak taking a turn way to fast. However, it was Misato driving. As the car pulled up Ritsuko was there to greet them. "Misato, I have to take Rei for a quick harmonics test." "What, who got the bright idea about that?" questioned Misato. " I asked the commander before he left for a conference, so she'll have to come with me." stated a slightly smirking Ritsuko. Just as Misato was about to protest, Rei said; "Major, it's all right, Shinji I'll see you at home." She squeezed his hand as she got out of Misato's car. Rei then got in the jeep that Ritsuko sat in and left. Shinji had gotten Misato to allow Kensuke and Touji to come with them, but he had counted on Rei to be at his side. He wasn't sure the new pilot would be friendly, and having Rei there would make it easier to deal with. The news that Rei was allowed to stay with Misato and Shinji was a happy start to the day's events, but now that Rei was gone, Shinji became depressed. "Oh, cheer up man, we get to see the U.N. Fleet and all those awesome ships and jets on that carrier." Kensuke says enthusiastically. "Anytime I'm near Misato, I’ll be happy." Touji said with a smiling smirk on his face.. "Wait, for the class Rep. to hear that Touji. " said a now stern Shinji. Touji then looked like someone had shot his dog. "Ok, ok I'll behave,… at least for her." (This made the other two stooges turn to Touji with a peculiar look on their faces. "What?" said Touji. Misato was listening a few feet away and chuckling. "Boys will be Boys. Well let me mess with their heads!" After ten minutes of Misato's charms (That's both of them) and some more teasing, both of Shinji's friends were drooling and fighting bloody noses as they neared the air craft carrier by helicopter. As they neared, they saw a spot of yellow. This was seen from far away due to the fact of the color of the ships (Gray), and the sea (Blue). As they landed Touji's cap flew and ...........!** **Author's note: I will skip this section , the meeting of the Three stooges and Asuka, plus the sixth Angel's defeat, I will use the TV version for this, as it is well known to all in the series. So, let's just skip to that night after they returned. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Misato had picked Rei up after she had dropped Shinji and his friends off. Them to their homes, him to their apartment to Make dinner. Misato and Rei went to her apartment to gather her things. It took a little over ten minutes to pack Rei's things. "That's all of you stuff Rei?" asked a surprised Misato. "Yes Misato-san, I never had many material possessions." Misato shrugged and said; "Ok, Let's go home Rei." They made their way back towards the car. As they headed back, Rei asked Misato; "How was your day Misato-san?" Rei was trying out her social skill again by asking the Major about her day. The Major did catch on. She then told Rei of the battle, Shinji's and Asuka's heroics, and of the victory over the sixth angel. Rei had already gotten the information earlier at Terminal Dogma as she was in the LCL chamber in a Harmonics test with the dummy plug system. Watching her as always was the Commander and Dr. Akagi. Though she somewhat trusted the Commander, she wasn't so sure of the Doctor, especially after the conversation she had with Misato and Shinji, the night before. Things to her have now changed. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Asuka was settling into a windowless apartment within the Geo-front. "Damn these rooms are so small. Well, I'll have to get use to this small cramped Japanese apartments." She settled in for the first night in Tokyo-03. She would finally meet the the first child tomorrow , and though she already heard of her involvement with the third child, she resolved herself to not count that against her. Just because of what she observed Of the third child during the battle. ("Idiot pervert, god I hope I don't have to live near him") She then thought; ("I hope she's outgoing like me, maybe we can be friends? Well we'll see tomorrow.") She made her way into her bedroom to settle for the night. ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Inside NERV's Terminal Dogma, a lone figure was typing on a computer terminal encoding a message to be put into the Magi." Hope this works." Said a masked stranger. "This will be a time delay so I hope they don't find it. " With that, the lone figure left the area. Next Chapter: Of Fire and Ice How will Asuka deal with the other pilots? Will Rei grow more socially and, will Shinji be affected. Moreover, What about Spam and dead parrots!?? Opps, sorry. Wrong fic, gotta stop reading those Monty Python Stories!