Disclaimers: Neon Genesis Evangelion and all related characters, concepts, etc., are property of ADVision and Gainax. I only *wish* they were mine. This is my first stab at a Rei/Shinji fic. It take place between the 5th and 6th angel attacks. Also, I have yet to see if I will continue this with more chapters. The types of reviews will determine the continuation of this story as long as they are constructive. Flames need not apply! I do need Pre-readers if I continue as well. Hope you enjoy! This Story will be revised in the future! ****Special Thanks go to my editor, Etsuriko (MadEdittor@aol.com) He has edited this story and I would recommend all to check his stories out at Fanfiction.net!*** Of Comfort and Kindness Chapter #4: Of Fire and Ice Rei was Mad. Now normally she would not feel nor show much if any emotion, but today as she was being driven home by Misato, Rei was angry. Why you may ask? Well it started 2 days ago at school. The Second Child, Asuka Langley Soryu had the rudeness and gaul to disturb her during the lunch period, as she was reading. She was not in the mood to speak to anyone due to the fact of not being able to sleep with Shinji the night before. Misato did not accept more than one night of comforting that Shinji should give to her, so She as well as Shinji didn't get much sleep. So, an unusually irritable Rei was confronted by and equally egotistical Asuka. The verbal exchange made it clear that both girls didn't like each other and that it would be a bone of contention from then on. Being called "The commander's pet" didn't help matters any, so In typical, Rei fashion, she ignored Asuka's tirade and then got up and walked away from the Fiery German girl. Each would tolerate each other, but that didn't mean each would always not allow a barb here, or a look thereto escape the other's notice. Especially when it came to Shinji. Rei's awakening awareness of her human emotions, plus Asuka's knowledge of the 2 pilots closeness would give her ammunition for future confrontations. As this alone proved annoying to the usually calm Rei, The 7th Angel chose that day to attack. AS her unit was still under repairs from the 5th Angel's attack, Asuka and Shinji were sent out to confront the Angel. As Rei, watched from the monitors command tower, She saw the brashness of the Second shine through, and the pain od defeat as the attack that ASuka had launched on the Angel backfired as it split into two, and easily defeated the Asuka's and Shinji's EVA's. Only an N2 Bomb immobilized the Angel, it will awaken in 5 days. As the briefing finished, Misato and Kaji had come up with a radical plan that might work. This was after confirmation the Unit-00 would not be ready to help, and that Both the other two EVAs would be ready before the Angel reawakened. So, Rei was out of the loop until her EVA was ready. What made her Angry though more than anything so far was the fact that for the Kaji's plan to work, both pilots would have to synchronize to be able to simultaneously destroy the dual angel's cores. That meant that the two pilots (Asuka and Shinji) would have to eat sleep and spend every waking hour together, working on the dance pattern developed by Misato to attack the angel when it was predicted to awaken in 5 days. That meant 5 days without seeing Shinji, except occasionally, and him being with the Second away from her for 5 days. Not only would she be away from the one she cared about the most, but he'd be in the same room, not separated from her, sleeping within a few feet of her the whole time. Normally if this was the Rei from before the 5th Angel's attack, this would make no difference to her. I would just be another mission to kill the angels. but, now things were different, she felt a pang in her chest thinking about being away fro Shinji. A hint of anger at the thought of him being alone with ..... her. Though she still projected out to all that her emotionless shield, she was in turmoil inside herself. This was the state that Rei had found herself in as she and Misato drove home this day. "Rei, are you OK? you don't seem your normal self today?" asked a concerned Misato. "I am .... fine Misato-san, I am just .... tired." Misato wasn't taking that excuse at all, so in her usually fashion she got straight to the point. "You miss him, .... Don't you, Rei?" After a long moment of hesitation, Rei bows her head down and says; "Yes." "Well I do too, but it can't be helped. The mission required the pilots to sync in every way, so that is why they are to stay together until the angel is defeated." "I understand that Misato-san, but I do not like to be ....away from him ..... for so long. I feel incomplete without him near me." (Oh the pain of young love, wonder if i was like this when !....Oh man, she need to talk to someone about this, or I'm going to have the Commander and Ritsuko on my butt if Rei's New emotions lower her sync scores) "Rei, Do you have any friends you might want to talk to about what your feeling? A Realization set in on Rei, Although it had been a few days, and she became fast friends with Asuka, she remembered that Hikari had told her to call and continue their discussion from last week about emotions. "Yes, I do have a classmate who I can talk to about this, Misato-san, I will call her when we get home." "If you want Rei, you can invite her over (She assumed it was a girl) so you can talk. I have to get back to HQ and monitor Asuka and Shinji." "Thank you, Misato-san, I will do that." after a few more moments, "Misato-san, ..... when you see Shinji-kun, can you tell him, I .... miss .... Him." said a quiet by slightly upset Rei. "I'll make sure he knows about your feelings Rei, don't worry." __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The commander's office Well Doctor, what brings you into my office now? Said an annoyed Commander Ikari to a slightly flustered Dr. Ritsuko Akagi. "Rei's sync scores from today and yesterday have lowered." "What do you think is the cause, Doctor?" asked a seemingly knowing Gendo Ikari. "I do believe the absence of the third child, in the first child's presence is a direct cause of this." "And, what would be your recommendation, Doctor?" "That the First and Third Children be permanently separated, the First either isolated or maybe even replaced, and the third confined to his apartment except for school and testing here at NERV." Se spoke confidently. Then Gendo Spoke rather bluntly; "What do you have against their relationship. Doctor?" It took a few moments for the Doctor to reply, but she did! "They are ...related, and as such should nt be allowed to form and maintain a relationship which could lead to complications later on, which might endanger the scenario." "How would their relationship endanger the scenario?" asked Gendo "They are both key components of the project, and they must not be allowed to interact lie this. It's simply too dangerous." After a minute of thought, The Commander spoke. "First, you know that both are not as related as some might think. remember who donated the eggs for the clones to be made! Second, when they are together, their sync rates go up. Now that they are separated, it would logically be assumed that Rei's sync rate would go down because of that. Yes both are an important part of the scenario, but their relationship should not affect it's outcome, do you understand Doctor. I only want reports like this only when it is cause by other factors than this. Am I understood Doctor?" "Yes, Sir, I ..I understand." Ritsuko looked defeated. "And Doctor." "Yes"? "8 p.m., You residence." "Of course, I'll be ready." The Doctor left Gendo Ikari’s office to ponder the possibilities of what she had really said ("Still jealous of her Ritsuko, trying to get back at her, and me by harassing Rei? Sorry, I am beyond that now. But I will protect Rei's relationship with my son for now, and we'll see who's right!") __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Hikari was startled at the phone call and that Rei remembered, even if it was a week ago. Yes, She had struck up a friendship with Asuka, but she didn't forget Rei, just that until she left two days before to stay at the Geofront for training, The German girl hadn't allowed her the time to get back to Rei. So she quickly hurried over to Misato's apartment to speak with Rei, who sounded slightly sadder than usual on the phone. After they said their hellos, and getting something to drink, Rei and Hikari went to the living room and sat down on the couch facing each other. Rei came right to the point; "Hikari, what is jealousy?" "Wow, you don't waste time do you Rei?" Rei stared back impassively waiting for an answer. "Mmm Ok, well when your jealous, you feel a pain here in your stomach, you think nasty thoughts about who your jealous about, and you feel sad because you feel helpless to do something about it." "So, that is what being jealous means, correct?" "Yes, Why did you ask, Rei, is something wrong with you and Shinji?" "I don't know, I haven't seen nor spoken to him in two days." "Why Rei, did you two break up?" Hikari now looked concerned. "I don't think so, he is now in training with Pilot Soryu in preparation for the next angel battle." "Then why feel jealous, if you haven't broken up?" What is this breaking up you have repeated? What does that mean?" "Well, Rei it means when the two people who were together separate, because they don't like each other anymore." Then after a moments hesitation; "Did you and Shinji Break up?" We are separated until the next angel attack, but I do still have feelings for him, but since I have not seen him in two days, I now do not know of his feelings." Rei then dropped her head down. "No, Rei, I don't think he broke up with you, he's just stuck doing his training now. I'm sure he'll be back, missing you even more than before." "Are you sure of this Hikari?" "Knowing Shinji, he's probably tried to contact you, but I'm sure that due to his training, he can't right now, so don't feel sad, Ok?" All right, I will be awaiting his return from the testing that he and Pilot Soryu are on together." "Is Asuka the reason you asked me about jealously?" "Yes. I have not had the best of relations with her, and I think she might do something to effect my relationship with Shinji-kun." "I wouldn't worry, Rei, Asuka seems to dislike Shinji, especially after what Asuka told me about him peeking at her while they changed, when fighting that last angel. I don't think he and Asuka could be a couple, at least from what Asuka has told me." "Thank you Hikari, that has alleviated my fears." "Now, what can you tell me about Touji, did Shinji tell you anything since our walk home the other day?" "Only this, it seems you must make a ... first move .... because Touji was going to act like a bird like animal that some humans eat. "You mean a chicken?" asked Hikari. "Yes, he said, That Touji is too much of a chicken to ask Hikari out, she'll have to ask him out first, or he never will" "So, you mean I would have to ask Touji out, and not him?" "It seems so." As Hikari was pondering the possibilities, The apartment's phone rang, Rei answered and after a couple of minute returned to Hikari. Misato has asked me to come down and observe Shinji's and Soryu's training." "Well Rei, are you going?" "Yes, I'm sorry Hikari, We will talk later." That's Ok, I'll see you at school tomorrow, will talk then." Both girls gathered themselves and headed for the front door. As both said their goodbyes, Hikari headed home, while Rei headed for the Geofront, to see Shinji, and to really see if what Hikari told her was true. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________ To say the Shinji was going through hell was and understatement. Ever since they had their butts handed to them by the twin 7th angels, they were neither harmonious nor in sync. The fiery German had been giving a constant blur of comments all aimed at him and his skills. To say that he was not happy was more than true, to say that he'd like to ring Asuka's neck was very true. But, they had a mission to complete and also he missed his Rei-chan. He knew the faster and better they prepared, the faster he'd get home and to Rei. Oh, how he'd missed her. he was thinking about her every five minutes. This distraction showed in his performance thus far It was becoming clear to Misato, that unless she got Rei here soon, he'll not get better in his synching with Asuka, Who was also getting more angry at the third Child. Within 15 minutes Rei had shown up at the training session with Kaji in tow, To a smile from Shinji, and a frown from Asuka, then to a smile herself as she spotted Kaji.. "Why is the First here Misato?" Asked a perturbed Asuka. "Because I think that we may need a back up for you two if you can't sync properly with each other. "Well it the Idiot's fault, he can't keep up and is always slowing me down." "Well Asuka, could it be that it may be you rushing so hard that Shinji couldn't keep up." "Oh no it is definitely the Moron here (pointing towards Shinji). "Hey I'm not that bad!" said Shinji "I agree, you are purposely rushing through the routine so as to cause Shinji-Kun to drop behind." Said a still reserved Rei. "Oh, and I bet you could do better Wondergirl?" Asked Asuka sarcastically. "Well, Why don't we just see, Rei step up to the pad and be ready to sync with Shinji, Ok?" Said Misato " Yes Major, I will comply." She then scanned the routine on an instruction sheet As Rei took up her position next to Shinji, she then squeezed his hand with hers, they looked at each others eyes and a smile appeared on their faces, much bigger on Shinji's a small one on Rei. As the danced the routine, they were in perfect harmony, as Asuka was fuming. "Well maybe we should consider Rei for the mission." Said Misato more to get Asuka to cooperate rather than to encourage Rei to be on this mission. "Fine, you want the Wonderb***h, then you can have her!" Asuka then ran out of the training room. Shinji was told to follow her by Kaji, Rei was dismayed when he did. He found her some minutes later at The Geofront's Gardens, sitting in the Gazebo there. "Soryu" "What do you want? Why did you follow me, aren't you happy to dance with your Lepshin? said a hurt Asuka (Damn, I don't know what to say) "Sorry...." said Shinji. "Why was I the one yelled at, I'm doing this perfectly, your the dumkoph here! Why take it out on ME!" "Sorry....." "Now in a whisper, "I'm doing my best ... really." "Maybe if ....you relax some, ....we could work better ....together." "Advice from the Great Shinji Ikari, Oh, Just SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP!!" "I do understand how you feel, I use to be like tat too, trying to impress everyone around me, to make myself feel better. "You don't understand, you not me, so don't go telling me YOU Understand!" Well, I'll go back now, ....Sorry. Shinji then makes his way back to the others leaving Asuka to think about what he said and why she reacted the way she did. When he got back, Shinji was met by Rei, who grabbed his hand with hers and squeezed it. "Thanks Rei-chan." "How was your conversation with pilot Soryu?" "I could have gone better since she didn't return." "It's Ok, Shinji it wasn't your fault, listen why don't you and Rei head to the cafeteria and have some lunch on me, then return later for some more practice, later." said Misato "What if Asuka doesn't return on time?" "Rei, can you help Shinji practice until Asuka returns?" "That is acceptable, Major." "Call me Misato, Rei" "But. were at NERV Major." "Point taken, Rei, Ok see you two later!" After a light lunch Rei and Shinji went back to the room he shared with Asuka. Both then started to practice the dance moves that would be used on the twin Angels. Somewhat later in the day Asuka did return, when she did Rei, got up and was leaving. Rei-chan, I really miss you. I hope you can sleep better now." He then kissed her on her cheek, she slightly blushed, then she kissed him on his cheek. I am happy that you feel so much for me, I will keep that in my mind as I sleep tonight. They waived at each other as she left. "My Gott, you two really are hooked on each other aren't you Dumkoph?" "Yes, we are. He turned to his fellow pilot, I was lucky enough to find someone to fight for, that's why I'm still here, that's why I am waiting for you to start practicing." "Why don't you just ask Misato to get Rei as your partner?" Asuka said dejectedly. "Because she wasn't chose for this mission, you and I were, so what are you going to do?" Asked Shinji with a slight smirk, that set Asuka off. She ran at the third child, jumped and shattered a speaker hung on the wall. It revealed a camera. "Now that we have our privacy, lets start practicing"! As both practice the rest of the day and into the night, they got to the point of perfect sync. So much so that when Misato checked on them the morning of the battle, she found them on the floor asleep. "They've been practicing all night, well they'd better be ready for the battle." Stated Misato. Author's note: I will not go over Angel battle unless I change something in them that would influence the storyline I have, so the 7th angel battle will be based on the manga's battle. Naturally they both combined to crush each angel twin's core and won the battle. Next in Chapter #5: Celebration Short Lived After celebrating Misato's promotion, The apartment get's more crowded, and All are not happy