Disclaimers: Neon Genesis Evangelion and all related characters, concepts, etc., are property of ADVision and Gainax. I only *wish* they were mine. This is my first stab at a Rei/Shinji fic. It take place between the 5th and 6th angel attacks. Also, I have yet to see if I will continue this with more chapters. The types of reviews will determine the continuation of this story as long as they are constructive. Flames need not apply! I do need Pre-readers if I continue as well. Hope you enjoy! This Story will be revised in the future! ****Special Thanks go to my Pre-reader Laval ! He has edited this story and I would recommend all to check his stories out at Fanfiction.net!*** Of Comfort and Kindness Chapter #5: Celebrations Short lived This was an unusual thing, all three evangelion pilots, happy and being happy within the same room. That room being the dining room of one NERV Director of Operations, Misato Katsuragi. The pilots, Misato and some of their friends were celebrating the defeat of the 7th angel and Misato's promotion to Major. All was going well as much as the stooges could stand to be in the same room with Asuka. Then Misato wanted everyone's attention. "I have an announcement to make." All then looked at the pretty Op.s Director, "I am happy to announce that Asuka will be moving in with us starting tomorrow!" "WHAT!?!?!?!" said the stooges and Hikari. Rei looked calm but a slight twinge of her eyebrow gave only a slight hint of surprise. Asuka was there smiling and taking all the reactions in. She saw the incredulous looks she got from Touji, Kensuke and Shinji. "Are you nuts, Misato? How can you decide this without talking to us first?" Shinji pointing to himself and Rei. "Actually, it was only partially my decision." The rest waited as Misato continued. "The Commander felt that since I was already housing the two of you, that having all the pilots under my supervision was practical and it would make it easier to retrieve you in case of emergency" "Yeah, and it makes Section 2's job easier since all the pilots will be in one place to keep an eye on!" stated Kensuke. "How would you know anything about Section 2, Mr. Aida?" demanded Misato now only 2 inches from the student's flustered face! "Well I do hear things on the net, aaand I am a military fanatic, so I have my sources," said Kensuke nervously. "Well, I suggest you keep you mouth shut, unless you want a visit by said agents in the immediate future. Am I understood!" "Yes Major Ma'am, crystal clear, I hear you, no problem, my lips are sealed, you can count on me!" answered Kensuke who was scared and enraptured with Misato. After a few minutes of everyone laughing at Kensuke’s predicament, then Kensuke starting to fry up their meals the conversation soon turned to the other topic of the day, Shinji' s and Asuka's 5 days together. "You mean to tell me that you spent five days with her?" asked a ruffled Touji "What do you think of all this, Rei?" asked Kensuke not as much to know as much as to take the heat off him. "I....... still haven't ....decided, Mr. Aida." Rei looked at Shinji siting next to her, he smiled back and under the table reached out and squeezed her hand. She squeezed back not showing any expression to the others, but conveying in her touch volumes. "Well, now I get to show you two how the top Pilot lives, and maybe you'll even learn something," said Asuka confidently. "Yeah, how the Devil's daughter lives that is," added Touji. "What did you say you dumb jock! Are you trying to imply something?" demanded an angered Asuka. "I'm not implying anything, you ARE the Devil's daughter!" Touji stated loudly! Both were nose to nose as the others moved out of the way. Now both of you stop this or none of you get any of the delicious meal that Kensuke has so graciously made for us! "Hey there, less yelling and more eating," Kensuke said to the two battling teens as he was serving the various morsels to those who weren't fighting. The smell of the food finally simmered the teens temper and finally all were eating. Kensuke even thought of Rei, with a bowl of fried vegetables. "Thank you Kensuke-kun." Ken was floored ("She used Kun, wow!") "That was nice Rei-chan," Shinji whispered to her as they were eating. She simply nodded as she ate her meal. While they ate Hikari arrived. She was invited by Asuka, and all accept her and luckily Touji hadn't had his seconds, so it became Hikari’s meal. Ken and Shinji did notice this, Touji giving up his second portion to Hikari. They'd have a talk with him later. After dinner and a few rounds on the karaoke machine a certain adult male appeared. "What is it, someone's birthday?" asked Kaji. "What?!?! What are you doing here uninvited?" asked a now mad Misato. "Kaji, Kaji, did you bring me anything from your trip?" asked an anxious Asuka now grabbing one of his arms. "Well, for a pretty girl such as yourself, here's something from my trip to Matsushiro." "It's so nice to see you in such a kind hearted manner now that Mr. Kaji's here. Now can't you prevail upon yourself to give us the same treatment?" asked Touji. "In your wet dreams slug. When it comes right down to it, you can't compare the moon to a microbe!" "Micro.... You mean me Hah!" "Under a microscope you're a virus, Shinji's mildew and Aida's pond scum," stated a confident Asuka. "Hey Mr.Kaji, some advice to you, she's a looker but once the covers are off the package she's a b***h to the bone and I mean deep fried!" said Touji while avoiding a swing from the angry German girl. "What are you telling Mr. Kaji?" "She's the worst of the worst, can't take the truth when someone tells her, can't show her true shrew self while covering for it with this goody goody fakeness. She's....." POW! "I SAID SHUT UP!" Touji found himself on the floor with a developing bruise on his cheek. "See what I mean, her true self is revealed!" Touji said as he got up off the floor. All were now encircled around Asuka "Well that's not a surprise to me," Kaji interjected. "Asuka's not that good an actress!" replied Misato. "But.... I'm not ...acting," Asuka whispered. Touji did catch it though ("What does she mean by that?") he said to himself. "Look Asuka, everyone here understands how it can be without parents to impress. So you don't have to have to force yourself to be a good girl all the time," said Misato trying to make her understand. "Ok, so I don't have to keep being what I'm not, right?" Asuka asked. They all nodded. "Fine." She then kicked Touji, whirled around to knee Kensuke and started to strangle Shinji all within 10 seconds. That broke the ice and everyone let their hair down and enjoyed themselves. For two of the party goers it was the most fun they had in their short lives. For Shinji, enjoying his friends and being with someone to love made for the best time he's ever had. For Rei, a new view of human beings from their interactions she had seen that night. She was beginning to understand the need humans have for companionship. Also the friendship. She was now in the company of friends. She hoped to keep this feeling. Both also knew two things, they cared for each other and they were going to need these friends if they were going to make it through this Angel war. _______________________________________________________________________ At Katsuragi's Apartment, after the music died all are sprawled out, mostly in the living room. All the children are there as well as their chaperones. A cell phone rang. It didn't wake anyone in the apartment except it's owner. Rei knew that she would have a call from NERV, but she had wanted it to be later tomorrow. Unfortunely it wasn't. She had finally gotten Shinji home and was snuggling with him on the couch when the phone rang. "Yes,..... no ,..... I'll be there in 20 minutes." She hung up the phone. She carefully untangled herself from a sleeping Shinji's arms, kissed him on the forehead and left the apartment without anyone noticing. 30 minutes later, she was in a dream world, floating naked in a sea. Examining various things about her surroundings and herself. She then senses something,.... no, ......someone. "Who are you? Who are you?" she kept saying in her mind. "How does Unit-01 feel Rei?" asked Ritsuko "It smells like .... Ikari." "Well the sync rates are almost the same as in Unit-00, Ma'am," said Maya. "You know what this means, don't you?" said Ritsuko to someone behind her. "This means we can implement the plan soon," answered the Commander, "Reverse check the Sync Check using Unit-01's pilot in Unit-00. I'll leave it to you." As The commander left, Maya Ibuki spoke up. "Ma'am, I have my reservations about this Dummy plug system. We need to test it more. It may become unstable." "Maya, I admire your scrupulous attitude. But we need to be prepared for every eventuality and that means some sacrifices may be made." "But, but they're just children, it's like leading our lambs to slaughter," stated Maya. "I don't disagree with you on that point but how can we fight the angels otherwise?" said Ritsuko as she left to prepare Unit-00 for Shinji's Sync test. _______________________________________________________________________ Back at the apartment; The two adults are in the bathroom, one helping the other through the results of 2 six packs of Yebisi beer consumed in a 2 hour span. "I see you're happy to have me hold your hair as you make a nightly deposit to the gods," said a smirking Kaji. "Shut up, if I could focus I'd hit you," said a drunk and sick Misato. "Let's take a walk to get some air." "I can't move, how am I supposed to get some air?" "I'll carry you, just like old times Misato." Before she could protest she was on his back and out the door. Unnoticed to them a redheaded teen had seen them leave and unknown to her a tall teen with a gym suit followed her. After a short walk Misato and Kaji sat next to a tree in a nearby park. They talked about their past lives and what she went through during Second Impact. As she told her tale the two children who had followed listened in awe and sadness at what Misato went through. Then they saw the two adults getting closer to each other. Touji wasn't pleased because of his crush on Misato, Asuka the same with Kaji. So at just the right moment Asuka walked out to them and basically broke up the near kiss. As the adults denied their attraction it was obvious to Asuka that she had lost her shot at Kaji. ("As if I even had a chance.") Then Asuka headed back to the apartment with the adults telling her that they would be following shortly. She then ran right into Touji. She was about to start a tirade but stopped when she saw his face. It wasn't much unlike hers a short time earlier. She then took a chance and asked; "Did you see what happened?" "Yeah, sucks don't it," said Touji. Now that would have set her off but she kept her sights on his expression. ("He was sincere!") "You had some.... feelings for ....Misato, didn't you?" "Yeah, ...but I'll get over it! (Pause) Will you?" "Will I what? "Get over Kaji?" "Like I had a chance." "Hey, we all like to dream, you included." "But, it wasn't a dream,.. to me." She slowly started to tear up. No! She wasn't going to cry, especially not in front of the stooge. She turned to try to get away when a firm but gentle hand caught her arm. She turned to look at Touji who still had a sincere look. Without thinking or hesitating, she latched on to the surprised Touji and buried her face in his shoulder. It took about 5 more minutes for her to cry herself out. He just held her and kept on patting her back and saying that everything is ok to her. In the short time he had known her this was not what he had expected. This surprised and intrigued him. When she finished she pulled back from him and he gave her his handkerchief to clean up her face. "Thanks Touji. And remember we'll never speak of this to anyone we know, right?" "Not a problem, and don't let it get to you, I want you to be at your best when we spar again." She smiled, "I am Asuka Langley Soryu, the Second Child and the best EVA pilot there is. I will definitely be ready." Both now with their battle masks on, smiled and went back to the apartment. _______________________________________________________________________ At the next day of school, everyone was their usual selves. By the time lunch rolled around Touji and Asuka had 4 verbal fights and one shoving match. An odd thing was noticed by only Kensuke and Rei. The smiles each had after each of the arguments. Most didn't notice that subtle change. Both looked at each other and nodded in agreement. They would confer later with Shinji about this. As the class was over, Shinji and Rei made their way to NERV for his Sync Test with Unit-00. Misato had informed him that morning to be at NERV after school. The Sync Test went as well as Rei's had the night before. Afterwards the children were walking home when Shinji asked; "Why didn't you tell me that you left to do the sync test yesterday?" "I didn't want to wake you and worry you, so I left and came back before you awoke," answered Rei "Next time tell me. I would have been worried if I woke up and not seen you there," answered Shinji. "But you did not, so I do not see the need to do that," replied Rei. "It's simply a way to show those that care for you, that you care for them," said Shinji. "I do not understand Shinji-kun?" Rei asked with a puzzled look. "What I mean, is let's say in the future you have to go again, I would feel better if you would tell me you were leaving, so I knew where you were. I would do the same for you, if I had been called in." "So, by knowing where your loved one is, you feel more secure of their safety?" said Rei. "Yes, that's it, Rei. You've got it!" answered in an enthusiastic Shinji. "Now, I understand, I am ....sorry to worry you, Shinji-kun." They embraced and then walked on home hand in hand. As they navigated an apartment full of boxes, they found their things in the smaller of the two rooms designated for the pilots. Asuka was still putting her things away as they found her. "Why are you in our room?" asked Shinji. "Wait, you two sleep in the same room?" asked an accusing Asuka. "No, no I simply wanted to know why you are in my room!" Shinji now said angrily. "Shinji-kun, we'll take the other room. We don't have the same quantity of personal belongings as Asuka, so let's sleep in the other room." "You know Rei, you'rE right!" So both children put their belongings away in the 3rd bedroom while a perplexed Asuka watched them. "Hey, what just happened?" Asuka thought to herself. After that incident Rei and Shinji made dinner for Misato and Asuka then finished their homework together on the dining room table. As night fell a quick meeting was held to go over the new living arrangements. Misato spoke first. "Ok, Rei and Shinji will sleep in the same room but on their own separate futons." "Wait a minute, why are they sleeping in the same room, they might do something hentai or worse!" stated Asuka. "First, when you and Shinji stayed in the same room, nothing happened right?" "Yes of course, I wouldn't have let him do anything to me!" "That maybe so, but part of the reason he didn't was that he missed Rei and he promised me he wouldn't do anything you! Well, he didn't did he?" "No, but that didn't stop him from having hentai thoughts about my gorgeous body!" Asuka said as she flared out her arms. "Are you nuts? Why would I want to think of you that way? Besides I already have some one I care for." (Shinji took Rei's hand) "So if he's so in love with Rei how can you allow them to sleep in the same room?" asked Asuka. "Because they have never lied to me about this part of their relationship. When they said they just sleep together to comfort each other, I believe them," answered Misato. "But they could have sex at anytime their alone," Asuka retorted. "But they promised me they didn't and they won't. They even told me when they will and that won't be anytime soon." "But how can you trust them, they're teenagers!" replied Asuka. "Well, I see you're a teenager and I trust them more than you!" "What?" "They have earned my trust. Until you have that trust as well I suggest you stop bothering them!" "But?" "Didn't I make myself clear?" "Yeah! So, is that all?" "Yes!" Asuka then left for her room leaving Misato with Shinji and Rei. "She's going to be tough to get used to," Shinji said. "Well, you've both gone through several angels, Asuka shouldn't be much different." "Other than using a prog knife on her," jested Shinji. "Why would you want to kill a fellow pilot Shinji-kun?" Rei asked nervously. "No Rei, that was a joke," answered Shinji. "That was not very funny Shinji, I fail to see the humor in killing another person," Rei said. "I'll explain irony to you when we go to bed OK?" "Irony, so that is the basis of that joke. (Pause) Hmmm, I am beginning to understand." "Good, now get to bed. You have another slew of tests tomorrow!" said Misato as she directed them to their room. _______________________________________________________________________ In Shinji's and Rei's bedroom both futons were pushed together with the couple in each others arms having a discussion. "Shinji-kun, why does Asuka accuse us of having had sex when we haven't?" "I can't read minds Rei but I think she's been alone for most of her life. From what Misato tells me she's mainly been around adults so she has had a harder time in dealing with children her own age." "But we can also fit that scenario, of being alone and interacting with adults." "But, how did we change from that Rei?" "When you showed me your feelings back with the fifth angel I realized that there was more to my existence than I was experiencing." "How did you know that Rei-chan?" "By how you spoke to me. By how you looked at me. By how I felt when I realized your feelings ...for me." "I think that Asuka had something happen to her when she was younger. I can see myself in how she hides herself. But while I tried to stay in the background and run away from the spot light, she grabbed it as her only way to justify her existence. She's like you in that vein." "How is she like me? I do not quest for attention." "But her focus in life is EVA, as your is." This caused the first child to sit up and face her bedmate. "I have more than EVA now," she said this with an unusual forceful tone in her voice. "I know that, but for Asuka it's still true." He grabbed her and forced her back down onto the futon. He embraced her and kissed her cheek. "I can tell you that this closeness and the comfort of a friend or loved one is what she misses. It's what we have and because of her emotional state she becomes upset that we have something she doesn't," said Shinji. "So, competition is what drives the Second Child," states Rei. "And the ray of hope that she will find someone to be kind to her. The problem though is that with her keeping others away she'll have a hard time in getting it." "I feel sorry for her Shinji-kun, she's where we were before we ..... became a .... couple." "Let's be patient with her Rei-chan, maybe we can help her." "As much as she will let us Shinji-kun. Now please, it's getting cold. Please tighten your arms around me." "Yeah, I agree Rei-chan." He then kissed her for a few minutes then each said goodnight to each other and fell asleep secure in each other's arms. What they didn't notice was Asuka at their door listening in to their conversation. At first she was there to throw the door open so she would catch them in the act of making love, at least that's what she thought would happen. Then she heard the talking instead. Just as she was going to go back to her room she heard them talking about her. She sat down and with an ear to their door listened to their entire conversation. Slowly sinking down so she was sitting on the floor, with her back to the wall adjacent to the door. She slowly began to feel rage. How dare they judge her. They didn't know her, they had just met her. Those dolls didn't know her, they were just two wind-up dolls following orders. As she debated how she was going to beat up the two pilots in the next room she heard things that caught her attention. The pity she didn't need, or was it friendship? She listened as Shinji and Rei discussed their observations and Asuka realized that they were telling the truth. Well, at least up to a point. Then the last two things they said caught her attention: "Let's be patient with her Rei-chan, maybe we can help her." "As much as she will let us Shinji-kun." "They might help... me?!? Huh!" Asuka got up thinking about this as she made her way to her room. _______________________________________________________________________ The 8th angel hovered in orbit, biding it's time as it started to prepare for it's attack on Tokyo-3. While back in a certain apartment Shinji, still awake, had a sleeping Rei in his arms as a certain anniversary was coming up. He had to be somewhere he hadn't been in three years. He knew he had to go alone which made his holding of Rei that much more special. He also knew he would be there. Even his new found love would not quell his anger and his sorrow at what could happen, what had happened! He would stay up through the night unable to sleep, cradling his Rei-chan as his thoughts clouded over with apprehension and dread at tomorrow's appointment at his mother's grave. Will the next Angel make a dent in Tokyo-3's defenses and what will be the outcome of Shinji's visit to his mother's grave. In the Next Chapter - Chapter #6 Of Sorrow and Teamwork.