Disclaimers: Neon Genesis Evangelion and all related characters, concepts, etc., are property of ADVision and Gainax. I only *wish* they were mine. This is my first stab at a Rei/Shinji fic. It take place between the 5th and 6th angel attacks. Also, I have yet to see if I will continue this with more chapters. The types of reviews will determine the continuation of this story as long as they are constructive. Flames need not apply! I do need Pre-readers if I continue as well. Hope you enjoy! This Story will be revised in the future! ****Special Thanks go to my Pre-reader Andre Laval! He has edited this story and I would recommend all to check his stories out at Fanfiction.net!*** Of Comfort and Kindness Chapter #6 From Sorrow and Teamwork The 8th angel hovered in orbit, biding it's time as it started to prepare for it's attack on Tokyo-3. While back in a certain apartment Shinji, still awake, had a sleeping Rei in his arms as a certain anniversary was coming up. He had to be somewhere he hadn't been in three years. He knew he had to go alone which made his holding of Rei that much more special. He also knew he would be there. Even his new found love would not quell his anger and his sorrow at what could happen, what had happened! He would stay up through the night unable to sleep, cradling his Rei-chan as his thoughts clouded over with apprehension and dread at tomorrow's appointment at his mother's grave. Morning at Misato's now crowded apartment Rei woke up a bit cold and alone. She scanned the room for her room mate and love but found an empty room. Then the sound and smell of fried vegetables was sensed by the first child. She quietly made her way to the kitchen and found her friend, her confidant, and the boy she loved there with the "Kiss me I'm a Pilot" apron Misato had given him last night. She gave him her usual small but cute smile, he looked up to see it and had a broad smile to answer back. She came from behind him wrapped her arms around his waist and laid her head on his back. "Why didn't you wake me to help you Shinji-kun?" "I didn't want to disturb you. You were sleeping so continently that I didn't want to wake you." Then a questioning look came to Rei's face. "Before you say I should have woken you up, did you know where I was by the smell and sound of cooking?" She took her customary time of about 15 seconds before answering. " Yes, I remembered that it was your turn to make breakfast, so yes ... I knew." He then bent his neck down and kissed her on her lips. Though it was enjoyable, both said something in unison, "Morning breath!" They both nodded and let go of each other and while Shinji went back to finishing breakfast and preparing lunches, Rei made her way to the bathroom for her morning rituals including washing her mouth out. Asuka stirred with the shower being used as she then groggily made her way to the dining room table. "Baka Shinji, where's my Breakfast?" "Right here Asuka, hope you like it!" As Shinji served her and himself breakfast. He put a plate of food for Rei and Misato as well. 5 minutes later, Rei joined them as they waited for Misato to make her entrance. "Remember, Asuka, you'll be walking with Rei to school." stated Shinji. "No, Shinji-kun, I have another harmonics test with Unit-00. They have upgraded its Start up program, so I have to pilot it to examine any....." "Yeah, yeah we know the drill, this means we split up until lunchtime right?" asked Asuka. "Looks like it." replied Shinji who finished his breakfast and excused himself to head to the bathroom. "Well save some of the hot water will you third child!" stated Asuka Will do Asuka." As Shinji shut the bathroom door! "Do you always banter with Shinji-kun, Asuka?" asked Rei. "Banter? We just are talking Rei, just like normal people,... ok." With that she finished placed her plates in the sink and headed for her room to get ready for school. "I'll need to improve on this talking with others." Rei said to herself as she finished and copied Asuka's and Shinji's actions, then headed for the room she shared with Shinji to also get ready for the day. After Misato had gotten up and waved good bye to the departing children, they headed out the front of the apartment and toward the corner. Shinji and Rei then kissed good-bye and headed to opposite directions they waved to each other as Asuka and Rei made her solitary way to school. __________________________________________________________________________________ Rei Made her way to the Commander's office. Dr. Akagi had cancelled her test and then told her to report to the Commander's office. "I wonder what does the Commander want of me now?" thought a puzzled Rei. As she entered the office the Commander waved her to the front of his desk, Sub-Commander Fuyutski standing beside him. Rei, I need you to accompany me to my annual visit to My wife's Grave site. Rei visibly stiffened. "Oh No, I don't want to go, but I can't defy a request from the Commander." thought Rei. "Rei, I something wrong?" Asked a now concerned Commander Ikari. "No, nothing is wrong, Sir." Though she couldn't keep the slightest doubt to cross her pretty face. Rei, I only need you to stay with me on the VTOL chopper. You need not walk with me there." said the Commander. Visibly relieved, Rei nodded to comply. She would not want to be in the middle of a probable conflict between Shinji, and his father. Plus she felt uneasy being at that grave site. She didn't know why. Then the Commander got up informed The Sub-Commander to take charge, then he headed for a side door with Rei following behind. ** Yes The graveyard scene actually come later in the series, but to tell the story here it will be here!** __________________________________________________________________________________ Asuka was peeved to see herself at school without the other pilots. He didn't know why she felt like this, but she simply did, which eventually would cause a problem later on with the 2 remaining stooges. "Damn, Can't pick on Shinji, or Rei." She said to herself as she made her way to her seat. Touji saw Asuka and began his daily verbal assault at the German girl. It didn't take long before Hikari was holding back a spitting and kicking Asuka, while Kensuke was doing the same with a hollering Touji. You B****H, what hole did the devil let you out of. Cause as soon as I get my arms on you..." "Don't you mean hands, Dumkoph!" Replied Asuka to Touji's phopah. "Lemme go, I gotta shut her face now!" said an angry Touji. "Make me, tall stupid and smelly!" replied Asuka. It took another 5 minutes until the teacher came in till the two stopped their threats and all sat down. "Oh, this is going to be one hell of a day" Typed Kensuke to Hikari. "Tell me about it. Listen Ken, do me a favor and you keep Touji from Asuka please?" "I can never refuse a call from a fair damsel in distress as you, Hikari. (She blushed and nodded slightly) Plus I don't want to get in the middle if these two fight. No problem and if you need anything else, just tell me. OK?" It took the rest of the day for both to keep the battling teens away from each other. And Yet again Ken noticed those smiles again. "What's with these two. They yell at each other, yet they smile secretly at each other too. Man, what's with them?" was all Kensuke could think as he kept Touji from Asuka for the rest of the day. __________________________________________________________________________________ Shinji had taken a little more time, hopefully so he wouldn't have to deal with his father at his mother's grave. He just wanted to go and say his respects to his mother's spirit. Rei felt alone though she sat next to the commander as their VTOL made it's was to the graveyard. "He seems to care about me, but he's really thinking of someone else. We only seem to talk about work, I am glad Shinji does seem to care. Maybe this is something I need to discuss with..." "We're 2 minutes from touchdown." said the pilot, breaking Rei's train of thought. "How do you feel Rei" asked Gendo Ikari, Commander of NERV. "No problems" she replied. And School? How is it? He asked. "No problems. I'll be going to see Dr. Akagi today, and back to school the day after." replied Rei. "And how has my son been?" "Well. I assume sir." "Rei, I know your his room mate now, I just wanted to know how he was?" Rei took a small pause then answered. "He is as well as can be, Sir" "Can you explain that Rei?" asked a now curious Commander. "He is happy with his life except when it comes to piloting,...and...you."she replied. She looked down. "I understand. Please stay in the aircraft, Rei." The commander left a puzzled Rei as he walked toward the grave site. The VTOL landed and Gendo walked towards his wife grave. Shinji saw the aircraft land and his fears were on him again. Damn, I can't have a few minutes alone with her now." he thought as his father walked towards him. He strolled past his son and knelt to place some flowers next to the ones that Shinji had placed only moments earlier. Earlier Shinji had been thinking of who and what his mother was to him. What she looked like and how he felt about her. "I don't even remember what she looked like." He had thought as he first saw his father's aircraft landing. "Shinji" "Father" "I.. Can"t... beleive it. You came to visit her grave." Shinji said. Gendo didn't answer him. "Do you come every year?" Shinji was trying to start a conversation. "...Yes! "What was Mom like? Do you have any pictures of her?" "No, no pictures." "You... you threw them away... that day, didn't you!" Shinji said it as more of a statement than a question. "The Grave.. it's just for show... there's no body here!" Stated Gendo trying to change the subject. "In the mind... that's all that's needed for now..." "...for now...?" Gendo then let out a sigh, "Shinji... don't look for me anymore." "What?" said Shinji "People only live by their own strength. They only grow by their own strength. Only infants needs parents... "After a pause,"... and you are no longer an infant" I learned to do the same!" "But" said Shinji "Don't try to think we can undersand and each other. For some reason people think that they can do that. Remember that they can't. Never completely enough. People are such creatures. Remember that my son, and don't let that clarity could your judgment. You will need to make some important decisions soon, you need to know that clarity to fulfill your destiny. This whole speech he got from his father was as cryptic as their relationship. But before he could ask to have his father explain more, he departs. As looked into the aircraft, he saw her, with her customary emotionless look. "What is she doing with him?" "What happened to her test?" "What is going on?"" All three questions would have to wait as Shinji heard the Klaxon alarm and made his way towards the nearest Maglev train as he saw his fathers VTOL head towards NERV. In the VTOL, Rei saw the look of confusion and betrayal in Shinji's face "He didn't like me being with the Commander." "He's... upset with me." "I will have to talk to him." "Sir, an alert has been issued." Stated the pilots. Head to the Geofront at once." Gendo Ikari then sat silently as Rei, though outwardly calm, was in conflict with the realization that Shinji was mad at her. She just couldn't figure out why! __________________________________________________________________________________ An angel has been discovered in the center of a volcano some 1/2 hours flight away The three pilots along with the bridge staff The commanders and Kaji all meet to define the mission to capture the embryonic angel who sat 50 meters inside the volcano. * ( I will tell you now that I won't change a thing here about the attack and defeat of this angel except for the following!) Rei was standing at the door as Misato, Asuka and Shinji made their way out of the conference room. "Major, can I speak to Pilot Ikari for a moment?" Rei asked Misato "You have 5 minutes Rei!" was her reply. Rei then made her way to the seat next to where Shinji was sitting. The rest of the staff left them there. The Commander looked at both, then left the room. "Shinji, did I do something to upset you?" was what Rei said in her customary soft monotone voice. "What were you there with him... on the VTOL?" Said shinji with an edge on it. "I was told my the Commander to accompany him." "He asked you to go, right. He didn't order you to go Rei?" asked Shinji now a little louder. "Yes, It was not an order." "Rei please understand what I am about to ask, and think about your answer, please." "Fine." Rei said in a slightly harder tone. "Do you know what the word manipulation means?" "It is when a person uses their relationships with others whether personal or professional to make those people do or say certain things so as the first person get what they want done." "If I told you that my father is that first man, and you might have been asked to come as a way to manipulate me in some way, as well as yourself. What would you say, Rei?" I took another minute of thought until Rei answered. "I can see that my presence made a negative reaction from you. It could be said an angry reaction directed towards me." If I hadn't thought of how my father tries to manipulate me I wouldn't have caught it, Rei." He takes her hand in his. "He doesn't want us to be too close Rei." "But, he doesn't want to alienate you to his requests, so he tried to make me angry enough to break up with you." Rei looked down and said, "He asked me how you were and I truthfully answered that you were happy now except for piloting, and ... his relationship with you." "That's why he said what he said to me, to make me decide without thinking to break up with you, because he thought that I would be upset about you being there with him on the VTOL." Shinji then sighed and chuckled for a bit. "What is funny Shinji-kun?" asked a perplexed Rei. Shinji's answer was simple. He gathered Rei up in his arms and with his father's view from Central Dogma uncluttered Kissed Rei full on the lips! She smiled at him, and he at her. "I'll see you at home after the angel, Ok?" Yes that is acceptable, ...and very nice Shinji." She then kissed him in the same way as he had her. There was a perceptible twitch of the Commander's eye then nothing. The only other reactions were of surprise from the bridge crew and a gasp from Ritsuko. Asuka then grabbed Shinji by the arms and yelled, "Your five minutes are up, now lets go!" __________________________________________________________________________________ ** The battle went as the others with Asuka this time winning against the 8th angel while Shinji rescued her. Asuka then saw him in a different light.After the victory Shinji, Misato and Asuka went to the Hot springs as a reward for them. Misato sent for Rei as well. They spent the next 2 days there and became closer friends because of it. Even Asuka became more tolerant of her two teammates. Yes, they were a team, of pilots against the Angels. When time came for them to leave all were sad, but a new respect came out of it. All three pilots knew from now on they they would watch each others back, and all three would do anything to help each other. __________________________________________________________________________________ As the next three angels came the three pilots worked like an perfect machine. The 9th and 10th angels were eliminated with the teamwork that all three showed, they didn't battle the 11th, as it was Ritsuko, Maya and the rest of the bridge crew won that battle. As those angels are disposed of Rei takes some time out to go by herself to that meeting place that she and Shinji had been going to to clear her head. Shinji was with the other 2 stooges while Asuka was staying at Hikari's. She was invited to come, and would go after her time to think. She sat on the grass gazing out over Tokyo-3 thinking of Shinji. "Do I love him? Am I allowed to love such as him. I know what I am, yet my human half is yearning for his comfort." she thought. "How can our relationship continue when the worst is yet to come?" "Can he take the truth of my origin, he will have to know soon?" "Will he still care for me then?" Rei's expression saddened, as she said that out loud.. "I think he will Rei!" Rei was startled by the vocal answer as she wasn't aware she was speaking aloud. She saw now sitting down next to her a calm Touji Suzahara. "Mr. Suzahara, you startled me." Rei said in her best normal tone as she could under the circumstances. "He loves you Rei. No matter what happens, he will love you until he dead, I know it !" Touji said this with conviction in his voice. "How do you know this?" Now asks an apprehensive Rei. "Because all he talks about with me and Kensuke is you! "She smiled briefly. "I also need to talk to you about something." Touji said hesitantly. "I am listening Touji-san." (He was surprised she used his first name instead of His last, but he continued.) "I think Hikari likes me." "She does, she has a great affection for you." answered Rei. "But I like her ... like a sister, I don't have deeper feelings for her." This caused a concerned look from Rei. "Touji-san, She is my friend, and I don't think she will like knowing the way you feel about her is not the same as yours." "I know that. I wanted to know if you can tell me how I can tell her without hurting her feelings. You are her friend, right?" "I can only tell you to be truthful and to tell her you are her friend always."Rei replied. "So, being honest is the best way to go?" "Being dishonest will only bring pain and confusion." "Ok Thanks Rei." Touji responded. "Do you have another that has your heart and desire?" asked Rei. "Rei I don't think she would have the same feelings as me." "Asuka might Touji-san." A surprised look came over Touji's face "How did you know..." Touji sat there open mouthed. "You and her smile while you fight. Kensuke and I caught this earlier, ever since the Major's promotion party." "I have had feelings for her since then." He put a hand behind his head and he had a slight blush. "One of the things Shinji-kun and I have discussed is the fact that humans either are attracted to those who are opposite from them, or to those who are very similar to them." said Rei "So, me and Asuka are similar, so I like her because of that." replied Touji "That is probably one reason." He replied by shaking his head yes. "So, Rei why are you out here?" asked Rei. "To think how to protect Shinji and all of us of the upcoming events that will affect us all!" Touji looked perplexed then said, "Ahh, well just know that you can tell Shinji anything, because he will believe you." "Why would he believe me?" asked a quiet Rei. "Because he loves you and you haven't lied to him, right?" Rei looked worried. "If you haven't told him the truth, you need to ASAP. That's what you have told me!" Said Touji. "ASAP?" What does that mean? "Touji-san?" "As Soon As Possible! OK." She nodded yes. "Listen Rei I gotta get back to Shinji and Ken, I'll tell him you want to talk to him." "Yes please do that, tell him I'll meet him at home. Do you want me to tell Hikari to see you tomorrow? "Yeah. tell her at the usual place she'll know, and thanks again Rei, your a good friend." "I hope to be!" was Rei's reply. "Now I'll have to tell him." She said to herself as a single tear fell from her eyes to her lap. "I might lose him, I might lose myself." Rei then stood up and made her way towards Hikari's home. Next chapter all hell breaks loose and Shinji and Rei have their first fight,... Well you know heated discussion, ... Ok a calm but constructive conversation. Jeeze, what people go through to write the ideas in their minds, Oh damn is the computer still on!?!?! Chapter #7: To hell and back!