Disclaimer: See chapter 1.

Crimson and Azure

Part 2

The lesson

By Random1377

Rei showed up exactly at the appointed time, ringing the doorbell at precisely 5:00 and 00 seconds. Asuka answered the door, much to their mutual displeasure. Rei did not exactly dislike the blue-eyed girl, but her presence meant that she would undoubtedly interfere with Rei’s lesson. Asuka, on the other hand, absolutely hated the First Child. She could not stand anything that reminded her of dolls… and Rei DEFINITELY reminded her of a doll.

"What do you want, Wondergirl?" Asuka asked, not bothering to hide her irritation.

"I am here to learn the cello from Pilot Ikari." Rei explained calmly, hoping that the other girl had plans to be elsewhere.

Asuka’s eye twitched and she frowned, "The cello…?" she echoed, "why would you want to waste-"

"Ayanami, you’re here!" Shinji’s voice cut her off, "Asuka, let her in please."

She shot him an icy glance, causing him to take a step back, "Whatever…" she grumbled, opening the door all the way and walking back to her room, leaving Rei to let herself in.

Shinji walked to the door and invited her in, blushing slightly as he did ((Even though it’s just a cello lesson, she IS here to see me… kind of…))

Rei immediately and effortlessly dismissed further thoughts along those lines as she breezed past him, barely even acknowledging his presence.

Shinji sighed and closed the door. "Right this way, Ayanami." He led her to the living room, where he had set up a chair and his cello. He gestured for her to sit, and when she had he carefully leaned the cello forward for her to take.

Slowly, she reached out and took the instrument, leaning the neck against her shoulder the way she had seen him doing it.

Resting against the doorframe, Asuka snorted, "This is pathetic. It’s like watching an old man passing on his prized possession." She clasped her hands together and looked upward, her voice rising an octave, "Oh daddy dear, thank you! Thank you for this wonderful gift!" She then put her hands on her hips and nodded sagely, dropping her voice as low as she could, "It belonged to my grandfather’s grandfather… so be carefully with it, son." Abruptly she was back to normal, "Feh, I’m leaving."

Shinji watched her as she walked out the door, a frown on his face. Rei ignored her exit completely, focusing instead on the instrument in her hands.

Shinji shook his head and handed her the bow, "Here… let’s see how you hold it."

Rei took it and laid it across the strings, trying to remember how Shinji had done it, "Like this?" she asked quietly.

He viewed her with a critical eye, then said, "Hmmm… close, but not quite… umm… may I…?"

She looked at him blankly, "May you what?"

He blushed, "Umm… well, here…" he walked over and stood behind her. "Put your left hand here, cradling the neck," he laid his hand on hers, causing a small spark of static electricity to shoot between them.

"Ouch… sorry…" he apologized.

"It is alright, I am uninjured." She said, waiting patiently for further instruction.

He tried again, noticing how his hand contrasted sharply with her skin as he gently guided her hand to the correct location. ((She’s so… pale…)) he thought, ((I wonder how she doesn’t get sunburned…)) He began blushing as he noticed something else – not for the first time, ((and she’s so… pretty…))

Rei observed a slight tremor in his touch as Shinji carefully repositioned the bow in her right hand, leaning over her shoulder. She also observed his breath, blowing gently across her shoulder and neck, ((It is very warm…)) she thought, ((I…)) she blushed slightly, remembering Touji Suzuhara’s words of two months prior: ‘Oh, you’ve got a thing for Ikari alright’. Her blush deepened as his fingers accidentally slid across hers in his efforts to place her fingers on the stings.

"T-There…" he said, drawing back from her with some reluctance. Had they been facing each other, they might have been aware of the quiet moment of oneness that they were unconsciously sharing… and perhaps something more might have come if it. As is was, Shinji said, "Umm… that… that looks right. Give it a try."

Rei nodded, clearing away the surfacing thoughts and questions that his brief touch had evoked. She carefully drew the bow across the strings.
