Disclaimer: See part 1.

Crimson and Azure


Part 3


By Random1377


It was not going well.  Shinji had his hands clasped over his ears as the cello made a terrible screeching sound.  Asuka had stormed out an hour prior, mumbling something about going to a construction site for some quiet. It was two weeks since the first lesson, and Rei had not improved… at all.


“Th-that’s enough for today, Ayanami.” He yelled, blinking at the sudden quiet.


“I do not understand why I cannot play this melody, it is fairly basic.” Rei said calmly, ignoring Shinji’s thankful sigh.


“Let’s go out on the balcony,” he suggested, “it’s hot in here.”


They moved to the balcony and looked out at the sky.


“Why am I not improving?” Rei whispered.


Shinji looked at the sky, “Think of it like… Atlantis!” he said suddenly, as inspiration hit, “Up until the year Two Thousand, people still looked for the legendary city lost at sea.”


Rei’s reply was flat, “Atlantis is a fictional city created by the philosopher Plato to illustrate a point to one of his students about excessive pride… seeking it would be useless.”


Shinji shook his head, “How do you know it was fictional?”


Her brow creased very slightly – she did not understand his line of questioning, “It was written in our textbook.”


He leaned forward, excited, “Yes, but what if the textbook was wrong?”


“Then they should not be using them to teach us.” She said simply.


Shinji groaned and tried another approach, “Ok, how do you know that the textbook is RIGHT?”


“Because I am told that it is,” she said, losing interest in the conversation.


“Yes, but… WHY do you believe!?” he pressed.


She blinked, “I…” she closed her mouth, feeling that she had been tricked somehow, “If I do not believe, I will not be educated.” She said coolly.


He smiled, seeing an opportunity, “Yes… that’s true,” he conceded, “but if the textbook said that Atlantis DID exist, you would believe THAT, wouldn’t you?”


“Yes,” she said, “I would.”


He leaned in closer, and asked quietly, “Why are you bad at the cello?”


She started, completely unprepared for this question.  She was composed again in a second, “I do not yet have the necessary skill to-“


He cut her off, “You play another stringed instrument just fine, the skill and theory should be the same for someone as talented as you,” he blushed self-consciously, but went on, “by now you should be able to at least play a simple tune… why can’t you?”


She was confused, “Because I…” she trailed off, uncertain.


He spoke reassuringly, “I think it’s because you don’t believe that you can. When the old sailors went looking for Atlantis, they did it because they believed it was there, even though textbooks said it wasn’t.”  He leaned closer to her, “Just believe, Rei.  You know how to make the notes, you know how to hold the bow, just believe that you can do it.”  He looked at the ground, “I believe in you, Rei…”


She looked at him, blushing slightly at the praise, “We should… go back inside…” she said after a moment.


He smiled sheepishly, “Yes, we should…”


They went in the house and she practiced some more.  Though Rei was not immediately better, Shinji felt like she could be.  ((She just needs a little time and someone to believe in her)) he thought happily… unconsciously laying his finger on everything that was wrong in both of their lives.




Author’s notes: Just a quick note here. I don’t play a stringed instrument, so if I’m wrong about any of Shinji’s comments in that regard, I apologize.