Disclaimer: See part 1.


Part 4

Pushing buttons

By Random1377


Several days later, things were looking up.  Rei could play a basic tune, though she still did not feel happy, she did feel slightly better… especially when Shinji focussed his undivided attention on her.  If asked, she would not be able to tell exactly what it was about his gaze that pleased her… only that it did.


It was a particularly warm evening, and Rei had been practicing for some time, thought she did not know how long.  Another secret she kept besides her pleasure in Ikari’s gaze was the fact that she lost track of time when she practiced… she kept this to herself because she did not want it to prove to be a false hope.  Why else lose track of time unless you were happy?


Shinji looked at the clock, “Let’s take a break.  Do you… do you want a drink, Ayanami?”  he asked hesitantly.


“No thank you, Pilot Ikari.” She said politely.


“Umm… ok…” he took the bow and said, “I should probably rosin this up… be right back.”


For once, Asuka had stayed in the room while Rei practiced… though she spent the whole time frowning as she read a magazine.  As soon as Shinji left the room, she stood up and leaned over Rei, speaking softly, “Why are you wasting your time with this?  You suck at it.”


Rei just looked at the other girl placidly, “I believe that I am making progress… and… and Ikari does too…” she blushed slightly as she recalled their conversation, and his frank statement.


“Oh he does, does he?” Asuka’s eyes narrowed, not at all liking the rise in the other girl’s color.


Shinji came into the room holding the bow and sat down across from Rei, “Asuka, could you leave us alone, we’re… we’re trying to practice…” he blushed, finding it very difficult to say anything even remotely antagonistic to the redhead.


She scoffed, “Practice… what a joke.  Who would want YOU for a teacher anyway?” she then held her hand up, forestalling any comment, “Oh, wait, I forgot… you’re teaching a doll.  Only someone as challenged as SHE is would consider wasting time with you as ‘educational’”


Shinji opened his mouth to say something, but she quickly cut him off again, “What?” she taunted,  “Are you going to say you’re sorry?”  She glared at him, “Save it! I don’t want to hear that… you apologize too damn much… loser.”


Abruptly, Shinji’s hand opened, and the bow clattered to the floor. He rose to his feet, trembling, and looked at Rei. “Excuse me…” he whispered.  He left the room without saying another word.


Asuka shook her head as the door to his room closed, “Idiot…  he’d probably apologize if the moon fell out of the sky.”


Rei regarded her for a moment, and then said softly, “Pilot Souryu? May I ask a question?”


Asuka whipped her head around, surprised because she had forgotten the girl was there at all, and because of the hint of genuine curiosity in the red-eyed girl’s voice. “What is it, First?” she snapped, her distaste for the other overcoming any other emotion.


Rei leaned down and picked up the bow, carefully placing it on the seat before answering, “Do you… enjoy hurting him?”


Asuka’s eyes widened and she opened her mouth, but no words came forth.


Rei continued, “I do not understand your interaction with Pilot Ikari.  You treat him as if he was…” she searched for an appropriate word, “subhuman.  Is your hatred for him so strong?”  She waited patiently, but the other girl had no response… she merely stared at the floor, a blush creeping slowly from her neck to her cheeks.


Seeing that no answer was forthcoming, Rei nodded to herself and picked up her book bag, walking slowly for the door.  “Please tell Pilot Ikari that I will see him tomorrow for another lesson… goodbye.”


Asuka stood in the room long after Rei had gone, the First Child’s words echoing in her head… especially the words hatred and hurting.


“Stupid doll…” she whispered, “what does she know, anyway?” but in her mind’s eye, she could still see the look on Shinji’s face as he stood and excused himself from the room.

