Disclaimer: see part 1.

Part 7



Asuka sat in a square of yellow tape, cordoned off from the rest of the world.  Her arms were wrapped around her knees as she watched Unit 02 being returned to its cage.


“Asuka! I’m… I’m glad you’re ok…” Shinji called for the parameter of the tape.


She looked over her shoulder, considering him, then smiled… a wan smile, but a smile nonetheless, “I’m ok because of you, Shinji…” she whispered.


Shinji swallowed, taken in by her beauty. ((Is… is this right?)) he thought to himself. She stood and walked over to him, stopping as she reached the tape.


She abruptly reached up and pulled him into a hug, “If you hadn’t spoken to me and told me those… those wonderful words… I would be dead now, Shinji.”


He blushed deeply, “I… I meant what I said, Asuka…” though his voice hesitated as he spoke.


Asuka smiled over his shoulder, and sighed, “I know you did, Shinji…I know you did.” She drew back and kissed him… on the cheek, “But I don’t think you meant them the way you want me to think you did…”


He met her eyes, surprised, “What… what do you mean?”


She patted his cheek, “You are such an idiot,” she said, a smile stealing across her face, “I’m not stupid… I know that you love Wondergirl…”


Shinji’s eyes widened, “What…?”


Asuka looked surprised for a minute, and then threw her head back and laughed, “Oh… oh that’s too funny…” she backed a step away from him, holding her sides as she doubled over.


“What is SO FUNNY?!” Shinji was starting to get annoyed (though inside he was thrilled to see her happy).


She wiped a tear from her eye, “Oh… oh and you don’t… you don’t even KNOW!!!”


“KNOW WHAT!?” he screamed in frustration.


Once she had calmed sufficiently, she stepped forward and hugged him again, amused at how he held himself tense, “You love Rei, you moron… why are you trying to deny it? I’ve seen the way you look at her, and the way she looks at you.  Man, if there were ever two people that were in deeper than you guys, I’ve never seen it!”


He stared straight ahead in shock, his mind whipping through recent events, ((Is it… is it possible?))


Asuka held him tighter, “Shinji… I love you too, and I’m glad that you are in my life – as a friend.” She pulled back and smiled at him, “Now go find Wondergirl before it’s too late, ok?” her smile fell away, “I’m sure she heard what you said.”


He paled and turned to leave, “Thank you, Asuka…” he said as he ran off.


She smiled sadly, ((Maybe this can make up for how I treated him…)) she wrapped her arms around herself, “Wondergirl… you BETTER appreciate what I gave up for you…” she whispered. She watched Shinji disappear in the distance, still smiling that small, sad smile…




Shinji searched everywhere he thought he might find Rei.  He went to NERV HQ… to the EVA cages… to Misato’s apartment… and finally (after slapping himself in the head for not looking there first) he went to her apartment.


As he approached the door, he heard the sound of Namida floating from the apartment, the lilting tones flowing smoothly.  For once, the construction had ceased (or at the very least had quieted enough to allow him to hear), and he stood outside of her door, listening with a soft smile as the cello brought forth the sad notes of the song.


When the sound trailed off, he knocked gently on the door.  He had considered just walking in, but this was no longer possible as Rei had finally installed a lock on the door, ((Thank goodness…)) he thought idly as he waited, ((there’s too much that I value behind this door…))


“Ikari…” Rei said coolly as she opened the door, “why are you here?” he noticed that the bow was clutched tightly to her chest, like a talisman to ward off evil.


Shinji flinched at her cold tone, “Umm… I…” he looked at his watch, ((Thank God for coincidence!!)) he thought, “It’s… it’s time for our lesson…” he said awkwardly, “sorry I’m late…”


She began to close the door, “I no longer require lessons… I… I know all that I need…” her voice was low, the pain in her heart evident.


He put his hand desperately on the door, stopping its progress, “Rei, Wait! There… there’s one more lesson I forgot to teach you…”


She regarded him uncertainly, then opened the door, her curiosity piqued, “What is it?”


He stepped into the apartment and gestured to the seat, “Sit down and I’ll show you.”  She sat down carefully, taking the cello. “Ok, now you just concentrate on the bow…”


“What about the…” she began, “strings…” she finished quietly as he stood behind her and gently reached over her shoulder and put his hand around the instrument’s neck.


“Just… just work the bow…” he said softly, “we’ll play Bach’s Cello Suite number one, ok?”


“That is a complex piece, Ikari…” she said quietly.


“I think we can play it… together… I believe in you, Rei… do you…” he swallowed, “do you believe in me?”


After a moment she nodded, and began to draw the bow.


Quietly the strains of music filled the room.  As the music flowed, Rei’s mind was in turmoil, ((Why is he doing this?  He has made his feelings for her clear… is he… teasing me?)) the thought made her frown and nearly play the wrong note.


After a few moments Shinji leaned closer, “Rei?” he said quietly.


She shivered slightly as his breath blew across her neck, “What is it, Ikari?”


He hesitated, “It’s… it’s about Asuka… I-“


Rei realized that she could not take any more, “I… I do not want to know, Ikari… it… it is between you and her… now…” still she drew the bow, focussing her concentration on that, ((Please… please do not torment me any more with what I cannot have…)) her mind entreated.


He drew a deep breath, pressing the strings with great care, “Rei… you don’t understand, I-“


Abruptly, she stopped playing, “I… I do not want to play any more… please… please leave…”


Shinji’s heart skipped a beat, “Rei… please listen to me!”


She shook her head, “No… I do not wish to hear of your love for her… I… I will leave…”


She stood up quickly, forgetting that his arm was still around her shoulder.  Losing his balance, Shinji tumbled to the side, bringing Rei and the cello down with him.  They landed with a crash, Rei first, Shinji next, the cello last.


Shinji opened his eyes (which he had closed by reflex), to find himself inches from Rei’s face… her red eyes staring back at him with, ((What… what do I see in her eyes?)) he asked himself, ((Is it… is it love?))


“Ikari?” Rei said quietly, “Why… why do you always end up lying on top of me?”


Shinji said nothing, he just continued staring into her soulful eyes as if he were mesmerized.


Rei decided that she might never be this close to him again.  She reached up and pulled his mouth down to hers, surprising him with her strength and need, ((I need to feel this…)) she said to herself, ((just once… just one time before he is hers forever…)) They kissed softly for several minutes, Rei holding Shinji firmly in place as she explored his lips with hers.


At that precise moment, Shinji could not have told you what day it was… and he may have even been hard-pressed to tell you his own name.  He let her kiss him – welcomed it with open arms. Realizing that he should do something, he released the cello and brought his hand up to her arm, gently stroking the skin just below her elbow… and kissing her back for all he was worth.


After a moment, Rei stuck her leg out to the side, and using it as leverage she flipped him over, landing on top of him.  Amazingly, they were still kissing.  She grasped his hands with hers and held them at the wrists, ((I… will not let you go now…)) she thought.  She needn’t have worried; Shinji was not inclined to go anywhere.


After some time, Rei broke the kiss… but she did not release his arms.  She stared into his eyes, searching for something, ((I… I must tell him… and I must know how he feels as well…))


“Rei-“ Shinji began, but she cut him off.


“Shinji…” she began, her voice cracking, “Shinji… love me instead… I… I love you, and I want so much to be with you… please… please love me the way you love her…” Shinji’s mouth dropped open, ((Why… why did I say that?)) she thought frantically.  She climbed off of him and ran toward the door, tears nearly blinding her.


She stopped as she reached the door, his quiet words cutting the air like a knife, “I… I do Rei… I do love you…”


She didn’t turn around, “What… what did you say?”


She heard him rise to his feet, but still she dared not look. She heard his footsteps approach, and felt his arms wrap around her waist from behind.  She shivered as his warm breath blew against her ear, his voice whispering, “I do love you, Rei…”


“What… what about Pilot Souryu?” she asked, barely breathing.


He kissed the side of her neck, making her knees go weak, “I love her too… but not the same way I love you… she’s… she’s a very good friend…”


She still did not face him, “and… and what am I… Shinji?”


“Something more… I hope…” his voice trembled as he spoke, “much, much more…”


Slowly, Rei reached back and ran her fingers through his hair. ((Much more…)) she thought, her heart soaring. Tilting her head to the side, she pulled his lips against hers again. They stood kissing like that for some minutes, Rei with her back against him and her head to the side… Shinji with his hands around her waist, leaning forward to meet her.


After a moment she pulled away, sighing deeply, “This will not work…” she said quietly, stepping away.


Shinji looked at the floor, “B-but… I… I understa-“


She continued, smiling gently, “It is too uncomfortable,” she turned to face him fully, and slid her arms around him, “this is much better…” she whispered, kissing him with abandon.


They spent the rest of the afternoon and evening exchanging soft kisses and tender words, each comfortable in the knowledge that the other was more than a friend… much more…








She stood up quickly, forgetting that his arm was still around her shoulder.  Losing his balance, Shinji tumbled to the side, bringing Rei and the cello down with him.  They landed with a crash. 


As they came down, Rei landed on Shinji's arm, breaking it, and sending a shard of bone rushing through his bloodstream towards his heart.  The bow plunged deeply into her chest at the same time, drawing a surprised gasp from the girl. As they lay there wrapped around each other, with cello strings snapping and whipping across them and Rei's lifeblood pouring out onto the floor and onto Shinji, they expressed their undying love for one another the only way that they could… they died.  The End.



Author’s notes: What? Why are you all looking at me that way??  Didn’t I say in part one that this was a Shinji/Rei fic???  As Kimberly might say, “I’m such a tricker…”  ;)  Also, thanks again to D.L. for coming through on the Cello information. I owe you one! (hope you approve of the ones I chose). Oh, and blame my friend JobFaust for that last part… that sicko MADE me write it!! :)