Author: Mika Babe ( Characters are not mine appreciate comments though An Encompassing of Souls Shinji Ikari stared at the poster before him. The big ostentatious red letters proclaiming the up coming prom. An invitation, a warning, an omen. "What is that?" Asuka asked as she peered over his shoulder. "Oh wow! A prom! Great I'll be able to wear my new..." she was cut off by the multiple pleas of adolescent boys crowding around her, pushing each other, wanting to be the first to ask her. But her eyes wandered to the lone figure standing transfixed in front of the said poster. Secretly she had wanted him to ask her. His thoughts, however were not on the said event, somehow the thought of spending the night alone in his room listening to his music seemed more appealing to him. He sighed as he thanked all of the gods that he had ever heard of, that it wasn't required. His eyes caught a movement beside him. "Hey Ayanami!" he called. She stopped in mid-stride and looked at him, her dead face illuminated by the setting sun. "Are you going?" She looked at the poster for a moment before turning to leave. "If I am told to." He watched her back as she made her way down the corridor. She paused and looked back at him. Shinji's face suddenly flushed at being caught staring and called to Asuka. They walked in silence, the deserted street seemed like it was made only for them. "So Shinji, are you taking wonder girl to the prom?" Asuka sneered. Both blushed at the same time and looked in opposite directions simultaneously, something that irritated the redhead even more. "I'm not going." Shinji whimpered. "And you?" she asked turning to Rei. "There is no need for me to be there." "You two are hopeless!" she huffed. She hastened her pace leaving them behind. "WHAT?!" Shinji's jaw dropped in disbelief as Asuka roared in laughter. "You heard me, I think this will be a good chance for you three to get to know the other kids." Misato crossed her arms in font of her and gave Shinji a that's-an-order look. "Looks like the idiot and wonder girl are going to the prom!" Asuka taunted in her singsong voice. "Who knows may be you can be wonder girl's date! I know you would like that you pervert!" she stuck her tongue at him. "That reminds me, it might be a good idea if you did become Rei's date." Misato said pointing a finger at him and ignoring Asuka's choking noises. "She's not all that social." She added in a whisper. He looked at Rei looking for a nod of approval of some sort and all he got was her unreadable look. He sighed there was no getting out of this now. School was over for the day and Asuka was still surrounded by her hopeful dates so he decided to take a breather and went outside. He was walking around the basketball courts kicking the small rocks. He looked up at the sky and a faint glimmer of blue caught his eye. "What are you doing here alone?" he asked as he leaned on the railing she was sitting on. She didn't answer him and continued with her silent observation of the world below. "So I guess we're dates for the prom." "I have read up on this 'prom' and it seems that there is supposed to be dancing." She said quietly. "I haven't really thought of that." "There may be a slight problem." He looked at her. "I have never danced before." She said a faint blush rising to her cheeks. "I'm not really an expert dancer but I know a couple of things. I guess we can manage on that." "Would you teach me?" she asked her voice shy. He looked at her in disbelief. "O...ok." She got down from the railing and stood in front of him. He reached for her hand, unsure. And she let her hand be taken, he took that as a sign of encouragement. He placed his hand on her hip and looked at her stunned face sheepishly. She just stood there rigid as a rock. Oi this is gonna be a problem. He smiled and took her hand and placed it on his shoulder. He began with a slow waltz, himself unsure. At first their stiffness made their movements comical and Shinji thanked all of his lucky stars Asuka wasn't there. "Ok Rei, its like this..." she stiffened at his words. He looked at her and bit his lower lip, realization of her reaction finally struck; it was the first time he had ever called her that. The first time he... ...I had ever called her that. "Uhm er, Ayanami, sorry about that. You move your feet like this..." he began to teach her the basics. Shinji looked at Rei's face, her brow furrowed in concentration. The dying sun casting orange shadows across her mask. And as he contemplated the play of light, one thing came to mind. Beautiful. She looked up at him and he blushed once more. "Aa, Ayanami. Dancing is not combat training. Don't think just let go." Shinji muttered trying hard not to sound stupid. At her confused look he stepped away from her for a moment. "You see, I heard once somewhere, that dancing is like speaking that what you cannot say to the other person. It's like an intimate embrace that encompasses souls. It is the movements created for the music composed of heartbeats, of breaths and dreams. Do you understand?" He asked blushing at his talkativeness. She nodded. "I'm sorry that must have sounded stupid right?" She just looked at him. "Would you like to try?" he asked. She nodded. He took her into his arms once more, relishing this newfound feeling that was fluttering around his stomach. He looked up at the orange sky and tried hard not to be distracted by her closeness lest she should catch him once more. Rei Ayanami was a puzzle to him, an enigma whose secret he could not guess. And yet there was a familiarity in her mystery. And this drew him to her. It took him a while before he noticed that they were actually dancing to something. He drew his face to hers as he discovered the source of the soft melody. She had her eyes closed her face upturned to his. And in a voice so low that not even Shinji could fully hear, she was humming a song. He could not make out what the song was but hearing her silent voice was enough. And as they glided across the roof deck, lost in their own little melody, Shinji found himself entranced by her quiet melody. Her eyes softly closed, her mouth partly opened and her hair almost brushing his face. What is your secret Rei Ayanami? "Whoohoo! Wouldya look at that?!" Touji whistled. They broke apart, their faces displaying their own sunsets. "I knew he had something for Ayanami!" Touji continued slapping the back of Kensuke. (or whatever his name was, that guy with the glasses, I forgot his name) "Well Ikari, I must admit. It was about time!" Kensuke smiled. "SHHHINNNJJJJIII!" Asuka came storming toward him. Rei had begun to walk toward the stairs and their paths crossed. She stopped to look at the blue haired girl, barring her way. "Excuse me." she said softly, her face stoic as ever. She sidestepped the angry girl and the two boys at the entrance made way for her, smiling a peculiar smile. "What?" Shinji asked lifting his hands in self-defense. He stopped seeing a leather bag leaning on the railing. "Ayanami wait!" he called fetching the bag and running after her ignoring Asuka's death glare. "That is it! Aaargh! Kensuke you are taking me to the prom!" "Alright! Who the man? Who the man?" he proclaimed smugly doing a little dance. "Man, Kensuke you had better learn better moves than dat!" Touji just his shook his head. Asuka looked on in disgust. He'd better! Sync tests were over with and Shinji and Asuka had already left hours ago. Rei sat alone on the landing beside her Eva. Dangling her feet over the ledge. Lost in her own oblivion. A whirring sound and she found herself surrounded in darkness. They had turned the lights off. They had forgotten she was there. How appropriate. She pulled her knees beneath her and rested her chin on them. Ikari held me today. No one has ever done that to me before. He taught me the... encompassing of souls. Was that what he called it? Do I have a soul? Ikari he...he...made me feel like I really had one. And slowly, faintly a smile crept onto her lips. She stood up, placing her hands as Shinji did that afternoon. And seeing in her mind's eye his face and his sad smile. His smile has always seemed sad. She began her faint melody and began to move her body in the way he made her move. And thankful for the darkness that swallowed her, Rei Ayanami began to dance. A pair of eyes looked down upon her. He had been watching her transfixed for the past ten minutes. And inside a memory stirred. And in his hard eyes a softness came and a sadness could not be mistaken. She stopped, facing him. "Commander." She said betraying no feelings what so ever. He held out his hand to her. "I could've sworn I left it here." She whispered walking from the changing room. She stepped beside Shinji "I'm sorry Shinji I thought..." he was not listening to her. She followed his eyes from the glass window and fell upon two figures on the landing before them. They were dancing. "Who in their right mind would...oh my god is that Ayanami and Commander Ikari?" she asked not trying to suppress her laughter. "Well, well, well looks like you were practice Shinji-kun! You got dumped for daddy! Hahaha! That's really gross! He's old enough to be her father!" she looked at him. His sad look hurt her more. "How pathetic! Shinji you idiot!" she giggled,masking her pain, leaving him there. Idiot. He walked away from the glass window. Why not it made sense? The way he looks at her. The way she looks at him. He took one last look at her. Why does it have to hurt so bad? He paused, she was humming her song. How long has it been since he heard that song? This girl? Could she be? Could she be you? He looked at her for a moment, lost in her own little song. Have I found you at last? Her movements seemed fluid. She did not see the smoldering need in the older man's eyes, so caught up was she in the rapture of being one soul. Then she stopped. Did the music stop? Gendo asked fearfully. He could feel his world go to pieces. She was not her. That old song, a last remnant of a world not her own. Rei was Rei, Yui was gone. She withdrew her hand from his and walked away. He is not Ikari, he is not Shinji. She said and another faint smile rose to her lips. His soul did not smell of afternoons and setting suns. "Hey what are you gonna wear?" "Oooh I like that!" "She's wearing the exact same dress!" "No way!" "Hey Ikari's taking Ayanami." "Lucky dog!" "Kensuke' s taking Asuka!" "Damn! Wet dream heaven!" "Eeew! Perverts!" Everyone was bubbling about the prom that coming Saturday. Shinji looked up from his desk to Rei at the back of the class. She looked up at him and he looked away. He remembered what happened three days ago. "I guess you wouldn't want to go the prom with me then." She looked at him puzzled. "Do you not wish to go with me?" Shinji just looked at her. I am not a damn substitute! "Ayanami, let's just face it. You aren't gonna come to the prom with me." he said exasperatedly and just walked away. She looked at him walk away. She still did not know why he did not want to take her to the prom. He was told to go with her. She was told to go with him... She wanted to go with him. That night when she was left alone in her dorm she stared at the ceiling above her bed. Even you?She sighed sadly. Even you who made me feel like I was real. She closed her eyes and pretended to see nothing, pretended not to feel the pain welling up inside her. Pretended not to know what it felt like to feel tears stain your cheeks. Even you? Since then they had been avoiding each other. Not that anyone noticed. Ayanami was a ghost to them and Shinji well he was just non-existent. Tomorrow he would go to the prom alone. Shit. The music throbbed and Shinji sat at one of the tables pretending to be one of the chairs. That's what you get for choosing wonder girl over me! Asuka snickered from across the room. Even Kensuke's embarrassing little jig could not ruin her night of triumph. I'm gonna make you suffer before I accept your apology idiot. And apologize you will! A slow song began to play and couples began crowding the dance floor. Kensuke looked at Asuka with a mad gleam in his eyes. Yeah right! I guess Shinji has suffered enough. she said edging away from Kensuke and looking at Shinji's direction. Shinji's head suddenly jerked up. It was her song, the one she was humming. Then he let it fall once more. What was the use? Idiot fight for her. I can't not against him I can't. So you would let her slip away?He buried his face in his hands. She didn't even come. he continued his internal dialogue. Idiot. Idiot. Idiot. He remembered that afternoon on the roof. When she hummed this song and he held her. Their souls holding each other until one could not distinguish one from the other. And he smiled. When did he felt as complete as he did that afternoon with the sun dying on her face? His mind was made up. He got up and left the gym. Asuka stared after him. Her hand still poised above where his shoulder should have been. He knocked on her door. No answer. He knocked once more. Still no answer. He opened the door slowly. "Ayanami?" he peered inside. She was sitting on her bed in the darkness facing the doorway. "Ayanami!" she was in her prom dress. A blue see-through dress, the lace linings accentuating her slim neck and wrists. And making her appear paler than she already was. "You are ready!"She blushed. He walked towards her forgetting to remove his shoes. "Why did you not go to the prom?" "You did not take me." "I am sorry were you waiting for me?" "I was. I've always had." She blushed. He closed the distance between them. Unsure of whether he should take her into his arms. She looked up at him. He reached out his hand to her. "Would you like to dance?" She smiled. end don't give me that Rei is Shinji's mother crap! Have you ever seen the pic where they were both in formal attire. One word comes to mind. PERFECT!!!! by the way it was that pic that inspired this fic