Forever united. By Chewy Disclaimer: I don't own any of this, Evangelion or Rei, heck I don't own the computer, I have no money, and I have no desire to have money in gross amounts. No, I am not stoned. I will try to keep the all people in character. I support the idea of Shinji and Rei being together. She did die for him that one time, kind of a hint. Disregard everything from episode 23 and on, along with the movies, except for the part were Rei realizes she really likes Shinji. Both ending were not worthy of EVA. Chewy Productions is greatly honored to present for the first time in recorded history: The Ayanami/Ikari Wedding. I would like to thank Jeffrey "Oneshot" Wong and Jusenkyo Guide for this one. Thanks guys ^_^. I also don't own Tenchi or Sasami or Tsunami. Kasami is the Child of Sasami/Tsunami and Tenchi. She has blue hair like her mother. I made her up. No, I do not write lemons. They are usually in really bad taste. Deep in Terminal Dogma, a ceremony was being held. A ceremony that's beginning had started seven years earlier. On a day when a girl willingly put herself in front of a boy whom she barely knew so that he could get a clear shot, A day when a boy had opened that same girl's entry hatch alone to rescue her. It was the day of Rei Ayanami's marriage to Shinji Ikari (and vise versa). In a small room that had once been the meeting place where generals and strategists had sat to plan for war now housed a small chapel. This chapel was where two souls were soon to be united into one unit, the sacred unit of husband and wife, which no angel or demon or any other being, cosmic or otherwise, could separate. The people, whom had come from far and wide to witness this extraordinary event, were seated. The lights lowered slightly and a Japanese wedding march began to play. The crowd looked to the back of the room and watched in awe as the bride walked down the aisle. Rei was dressed in a lavender dress that caught the eye of all present, including the priest. She had grown in the past seven years. She now wore her hair in a ponytail that went down to her shoulders. She had grown about 10 centimeters and her figure had filled out exceptionally well. She walked with a grace of a person who could be call euphoric. The person escorting her down the aisle was none other than Maya Ibuki. Maya had volunteered after Rei had not been able to find anyone with the dignity to be her escort down the aisle. As they reached the altar, Rei looked into the eyes of her beloved and smiled. She had fought so hard and waited so long for this day to come. She remembered when she had first slapped Shinji for insulting his father. She remembered how after Gendo's disappearance, Shinji was there to lend her his should to cry upon when for the first time in her life she had felt grief. Shinji was always there for her and now he always would be her side, night or day, well or sick, rich or poor, heaven or hell, for all eternity. Her smile brightened at this thought. Shinji, he was the only boy she had every loved, ever would love, ever will love! He had shown her that life was very much worth living, that even in the darkest night, a candle still burns for those who seek it. Before she had Shinji, she had known no true emotions, only negative ones and these were not the emotions that she was feeling now. They were of hopelessness, sadness, anger, fear and depression. She knew that even with Shinji by her side, life would not be perfect, but they would at least face them together. She offered her hand to Shinji and clasped it gently but firmly with his own. Rei then turned and faced the altar, a look of joy on her face. Shinji watched as Rei walked gracefully down the aisle. She was beautiful, the most beautiful woman he had ever seen in his life. Seven years ago, he would not have recognized her. She had grown in so many ways; she was no longer an emotionless little girl. She was now a vessel of hope and love; she was what mattered to him most in the entire world. He prayed that he would always be there to protect her, no matter how dark the world appeared. She was his happiness, the only star in his sky. She was his little Rei of sunshine; she was all he would ever need. Shinji noticed her smiling at him and he smiled back. He then gently took her hand when she offered it to him. He then turned and faced the altar. Hands clasped together, they turned and faced the altar as one. The priest began to speak "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the sight of the almighty to see the holy union of these two young people", the priest said with a smile. He could see the love that this man and woman had for each other. That made him smile, he glanced over to his daughter who was acting shrine maiden and winked. Tenchi was very proud of his daughter, Kasami, who was a spitting image of her mother. Until he had met the bride, he thought that she and his wife, Tsunami was only people on earth with blue hair. He knew that the love that these two shared was probably equal to his love for Sasami, or Tsunami as she to those who were not close to her. He would do anything; give anything, he would happily give his life for either of them, Kasami or Sasami. Now another couple could hopefully find the happiness that he and Sasami had found, it was his duty as a priest to perform this sacred rite. Tenchi continued, "Marriage is an institution built on love, honor and union of two souls, two souls that are at present standing before me. If there is anyone in this room can give cause to why these two may not be wed, speak now or forever hold they're peace." Several moments past and no one said anything. "Good. Do you Rei Ayanami, take Shinji Ikari to be your lawfully wedded husband, to honor and love, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer as long as you both shall live?" Rei replied, "As long as I draw breath from my body, I swear I will love Shinji Ikari until my dying day. I do, with all my heart, I do." Tenchi then turned to Shinji and said "Good, do you, Shinji Ikari, take Rei Ayanami to be your lawfully wedded wife, to honor and love, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer as long as you both shall live?" "Rei is my world, I will do anything and everything to make her happy. I do." Tenchi then motioned to Kasami to bring the sake. Kasami brought the tray over to the waiting couple and poured them each a cup of sake. After reciting sacred passages, Tenchi said, "Who has the ring?" Little Yuki Suzuhara giggled as she brought the rings forward. Tenchi then said " Rei Ayanami, repeat after me. 'With this ring, I thee wed.'" Rei recited "With ring, I thee Wed." he then turned to Shinji and said "Shinji Ikari, please repeat after me. 'With this ring, I thee wed.'" Shinji then recited "With this ring, I thee wed." Tenchi smiled at Rei and Shinji and said "It is my honor to pronounce you husband and wife, you may kiss the bride." In the background, a very pregnant Hikari Suzuhara could be heard bawling. The kissed, a kiss that united them, body and soul, of all time. After this was done, Tenchi turned to all those present and said, " It is my privilege to introduce to you, Mr. and Mrs. Shinji and Rei Ayanami." There was applause that could be heard outside of the Geofront. Yui Ikari looked down from heaven on to the young couple and smiled, She then turned to Achika Masaki and said, "I told Shinji I was going to show him a bright future." They both burst out laughing. The End only of this story, but a true story never ends.