Meeting of The New Generation-Part 2

Hello Again People! I advise you NOT to read this if you haven't read the first part. Like I said before, I do NOT own Sorcerer Hunters, or these characters (well I do own Gumdrop and Sira). Let me continue the story... ( Note: Like I said before, I will NOT be putting my work on anymore. Thank you. ) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Meeting of the New Generation part 2

Sitting there stunned, Cherry tried to dry her eyes quickly. She wasn't scared, but confused. She just had no clue to what was going on. She wanted to just get up and leave, but something told her to just stay where she was. She obeyed her feeling. But it didn't explain this any better...

Sira's little cat followed her out of the hut and meowed softly. But she heard it. If it wasn't for that, Sira might have never come out of her daze. She looked around, wondering what she was doing here. She picked up her cat, which was hissing like mad at something in the bushes. Sira didn't think anything of it. She was too busy wondering whether she should leave or not...

Gumdrop was fighting the force halfway to the lake. No matter how hard she tried, the best she could do was move her head. As she got closer to the lake, she felt the force weakening. Then the force was gone. She knew it was. She moved her arms a little to see if it was. She was convinced. But she still wondered what was going on...

"Well, isn't anyone going to say something?" a mysterious voice asked.

Everyone turned to face the voice. Sira realized what her cat had been hissing at. Cafe Latte. One of the most famous Sorcerer Hunters of all. But what was she doing here?

"What's going on?" Gumdrop demanded. She stared at the group. "Well? Isn't someone going to answer me?"

"I have brought you here to say something." Cafe Latte paused to see if she had gotten anyone's attention. She had. "...You are the next Sorcerer Hunters......."

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