A Midnight
Stephanie H.
the hills and into the forest
the horse of the the great Celestial god.
Across the bridge and into the unknown
the stars twinkle just as the
moon is full.
Under another waits the princess of the
Heavens for the
great Celestial god’s stallion.
Onto the stallion racing through the darkness
the princess
concentrates on
her prince of the night.
Among the trees, evil spirits wish to harm the sweet
treasure, but do not for fear of her power.
Farther still the horizon glows
of beautiful orange like pastel gems
when they glow. The princesses heart races
with those of the stallions
pounding hoof beats.
Faster they go racing to the
ancient majestic castle.
The prince looks to the Heavens
hoping for his princess to arrive,
for the prince will soon have to say goodnight.
Jump off the steed, run up the
old ivy covered stairs.
Her dress torn, tattered, and teared.
Running still to his outstretched
arms and feel nothing but air.
As the morning sunlight pours over her.
Two rivers of tears run down her face.
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