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Introducing Flameheart, another character from Orphen!


Anyway...Flamehart could be considered one of the villains of Orphen. He's a very self-centered, very powerful sorceror who's bent on destroying the Bloody August (Azalie) and ruling the Tower of Fang (Orphen's old school). Flameheart has powerful connections in the Tower, since his mother is one of the Elders. She's quite proud of him, and is willing to bend the rules of the Tower to make sure that Flameheart gets his way. And Flameheart is DEFINATELY a momma's boy. ^_^ It's a really cute quality...

I really hate to admit it, but Flameheart seems to bring out my naughty side...*blush* He's just!! Don't ask me why!

A very nice pic of Flameheart. Cute profile.  ^_^ Another nice view O.O  Whoa.  He seems to be having a bit too much fun... Ooooooooooooooooooo...kewlness... Not good... and bothered?  ^_~ He's hot when he's pissed... can cry into my lap any time you want... Stern... Suprised Mother? He looks dreamy here ROAR! Wow.  Mean S.O.B., isn't he? Oooooo!!  Creepy yet so hot!  Nice hips.  ^_^ *drool* So damn sexy... I'm ready for your close-up, darling... MEEE-YOW!! it dead?  NO!! AHAHAHAHAAA!! Mischevious thoughts ahead... Interesting close-up Confronting Orphen Aww!  And he was just about to win! HOW DARE YOU! This is FAR from over! Another nice picture Dark...but cool. YIKES! Getting dirt on Childman All the good-looking guys in one wierd pic.

Flameheart sounds
FLameheart: (wierd laugh) Getting hot? Well it's about to get even hotter! Mother: Don't be so hard on yourself, darling. Everything will be alright. Flameheart: But mother, I pierced the beast's head, I know I did! You said it would work it didn't, I failed! Mother: Everyone said that you faught bravely. Flameheart: He laughed at me! Childman...he knew I'd fail and that's why he told the council he wouldn't go with me! Now I look like a fool before them! A fool! Mother: Darling, stop. Just leave everything to me. Flameheart: To stone!! Flameheart: To be honest, I expected a little more fight in you, old girl."
Things Orphen Characters Would Never Say