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Piter de Vries

Just what it says.

This section is dedicated to Piter de Vries from the 1984 movie Dune.

Piter is the Mentat (human computer) Master of Asassins for House Harkonnen. He is very psychotic, loving to inflict pain and death to his enemies, (*cries*) which makes him a valuable addition to the Baron Harkonnen's troop. Piter does not have many scenes in Dune, but in the ones he IS in, I can't take my eyes off of him. He is a dominating presence; he is both haunting as well as stunningly beautiful.

Why do I like Piter? Well just look at him! The guy is a fox! Not to mention he has the sexiest voice I've ever heard. ^_^

Piter is played by the wonderful actor Mr. Brad Dourif, who also plays Grima Wormtongue in Lord of the Rings: The Two Towers. Hopefully, I will be making more galleries dedicated to Mr. Dourif soon, mainly ones dedicated to his Star Trek Voyager character, Lon Suder; his Myst III: Exile character, Saavedro; and of course Grima Wormtongue.

It is by will alone, I set my mind in motion... It is by the juice of Sapho the thoughts aquire speed... The duke doesn't want to talk to you because he said that you were fat. My second favorite picture of Piter Lookie!  He can think AND look hot at the same time! Oh no...he's flying again... I don't see anyone being murdered on the opposite side of the room... No, I'm not EVEN gonna argue Okay...THE plan... Happy Happy... My FAVE pic of Piter Yeeeeesss... Damn, I envy her... THINK, dude! Uh what? Piter thinking:  Hmm...he has long nose-hair Oh no...not the comfy chair!! He's coming around, Baron... Er...I dunno... Grrr... Warped view, but still cute. Man, he looks good here! Now he looks just plain scary cute cute CUTE! Lurking in the background, ready to STRIKE!! The murder of Dr. Yueh.  (Piter looks rather...baffled here.  Almost as if he were about to ask 'Why are you falling?  Is it because of the knife in your back?') Hehehehehe!  I love this wierd expression! AHH!  SCARY FLOATING FAT DUDE!  (Just look at Piter's nice cheekbones.) Hrmmmm...  (Yes, I already know that I already have this pic.  This one is of better quality.  Nyah.) Looking up... ...and looking down.  (Not very long attention span, eh?) Piter invading Duke Leto's personal space. ...and paying for it. Leto must need a Tic Tac badly.  (I like the little snarl under Piter's nose here). Star Trekkin' across the universe boldy going forward 'cause we can't find reverse! Sapho:  It does a mind good.  (Where's YOUR mustache?) Interesting view...  WHY is there a mirror in a transport vessle?! S'up, boss? Piter approaches...  (lovely profile!) ...O.O...*drool*...  And this guy's not a model BECAUSE....? I love the placidity of his face. Erm...this pic didn't turn out that well...but it was cute on the DVD! He looms so prettily.

And just for the fun of it...