Japanese Name: Utsukuwakai Akane
English Name: Rose
Age: 13
Star Sign: Aquarius
Chinese Zodiac: ??
Favourite Colour: Dark red, pink and blue
Job: Junior School Student
Favourite Food: Dumplings and most Chinese foods
Least Favourite Food: Any Japanese foods
Element: Love
Sub Element: Purity
Guardian: Pisces
Spirit: ??
God/Goddess: Aphrodite
Dream: To become a stronger person, not a weak, too honest and kind person
Attacks: Honesty Treatment
Promising Warmth
Clarity Inclination
Garnet Crystal Power, Make Up
Garnet Gemstone Power, Make Up
Garnet Eternal Power, Make Up
Personality: She is a kind person but gets angry not that often.
History: She did live in Hong Kong but decided to go to Japan because she wanted to find her best friend Chiyoko. Later they discovered that she was really a Gem Senshi, the Senshi of love and purity. In her normal form she has medium black hair.


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