Yo. This is the grand opening of my shrine to Hiei. I welcome you all you... YOUKAI NO SHIKAESHI-> DEMON'S REVENGE: A HIEI SHRINE. Yeah, the title kinda sucks, but I needed somethig on the spot cause I had been wanting to have the layout done a few days ago. Ah, Hiei is just about the coolest character Yu Yu Hakusho. Why? Well, for that you need to look at my Why Hiei page. Uhm, this page is still under A LOT of constuction, so don't expec much until later. I'm hoping to have lots o Hiei Pics, fanarts(by me an others if possible)some downloads, and mp3s. I have Hiei mp3s, but I need more. Must. Listen. To Hiei. Singing. In. Japanese. Oh yeah, does anyone have the lyrics to You Make Me Smile, sung by Hiei? It would be cool to e-mail 'em to me if you have them. Okay, I'll leave you kids to look at the site. Uh, if yu want to send something in go ahead. I need all I can get. Ja Ne!

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