AtleasT I'm SafE InsidE My HeaD
This is my file photo, drawn by Erica-sanpicture done by me.. It was like any other day on Planet Vegeta. Katgi stood over the crying child. 'I'll be happy to be rid of this nuisance once and for all. Kami..this thing is driving me crazy!' The round space pod behind the child beeped once signaling its data completion. 'ALRIGHT! Now I can send the brat away.'He bent down, reached for the child and brought her to his chest, careful as not to drop her'She's so small.. helpless even.' It was odd. A saiyan was said to have no feelings. Cold-blooded warriors with a passion for blood. To have emotions was weakness, untolirable by anyone. Yet Katgi felt a bond between the child. And as he placed the infant into the space pod a part of him also wanted to go-with her, to take care of her. Musume. Daughter. What did the Chyuuklins(?) call it.. love? Katgi shook the notion out of his head. No saiyan had emotions. Especially him. Why, how could he? A murderer of many innocent lives couldn't possibly have feelings, could he? Staying too long with the child had had its effects on him. Idiotic child. She was a curse to him. And as Katgi watched the pod ascend towards the heavens he began to wonder..was she really a curse... or a gift?

The space pod landed with a loud crash. The crater around it just made the strage scene more peculiar. Ruble and rocks flew all around. Birds, squirrels and the rest of the animal life around left in panic. A small child emerged from the rubble and rocks. She searched her surroundings scavengering the land for anything edible. A loud crack was heard in the distance. Suddenly a spikey haired man came within view. He carried a giant oak tree with him, roots and all. He stopped abrutply, looking the small child over with a puzzled look. "Are you here by yourself? Where are your parents?" Her small eyes stared at the stranger. He reminded her of someone. But how? She had no memories of anyone or anything. "Uhm...Ok. well come with me. I'll take you to my wife Chichi. maybe she can help us out." And so both walked along in silence until they reached a small, secluded home. "Chichi? I found this kid outside. She was all alone and I din't know what ta do so I brougth her here."

"Oh poor thing. I wonder, is she hungry?" A loud growl answered her question.

Chichi stared at her wide-eyed. eat just like a saiyan..." This sparked something within the child. Saiyan? She had heard that word before. But where? It was true, but she had no memories at all. Nothing.

"What is saiyan?" called a meek voice.

"oh. So you can speak. Uhm..well I dont know if I should tell you this but a saiyan is a type of alien. They have big appetites and tails on the-"

"Like this?" She asked, all the while pointing to a furry tail coming from her black pants.



"TENAKI! DONT HIT GOTEN LIKE THAT!" yelled a female voice from inside the small house.

"Aww..come on Chichi. Besides.. he's a year older than me..he can take it.." Tenaki mimicked the Son grin before looking down at the unconcious Goten. 'Oops..'

School. How she hated this place, with its rules and work. It wasn't that she minded working, not at all. It was just the people that she worked with that really got her infuriated. It was no use. As hard as Tenaki tried, she couldn't seem to get along with her classmates. It was a curse. Every minite of her time was spent alone, seperated from the rest for reasons unknown to her. Or maybe it was because she had hit some of them. Well, it wasn't TENAKI'S fault. Those male brats had caused her to hit them. It wasn'r her fault they cried. It was hte constant pranks and name calling they did towards her. She had a big appetite, a real big appetite. Hey, a girl needed to eat. But it was also the fact that she didn't act like a girl that seperated her from the rest. So she liked to fight, and train...and eat. Most girls-aw hell, ALL girls didn't like to do any of that stuff. All Tenaki heard from them was boys, clothes and dating. It was VERY infuriating. At first she thought it was just her maturity not kickin' in. It would soon pass and she would enter that feminine world-but it never happened. Now, a teenager, Tenaki walked through the halls with death on her mind. She needed to strangle something-or someone. Anything to help relieve stress. Then something different happended. A tall girl came walking up to Tenaki. Her straight brown and yellow streaked straight hair blew back with eack step. She seemed to be concentrating on something, yet she kept her hard gaze on Tenaki.

"I need to talk to you." she whispered.

"Huh? W-" The tall female had gotten a hold of Tenaki and was dragging her to the girls' bathroom.

"Ha! If you think you can beat me up in a girls-OW!" A hard slap on the head that distracted Tenaki from her little speech. "WHAT THE HELL..?!" She began as the stranger began to pull the window from the sill. The window oopened to reveal a secreted street below. "Wh- What"

"We are going on a little trip, my friend." With that the girl gripped Tenaki's arm and proceeded to pull herself onto the window sill. From there she leaped into the air and began to fall at a rapid speed.

"ARE YOU NUTS?! YOU CAN'T FLY!!" Tenaki yelled through the wind slappong at her face. She closed her eyes and awaited the concrete willingly. She was to die now, Kami had wished it so. But nothing came. An eye cracked open to reveal bue. Sky. The other eye opened as sure enough Tenaki could she the streets below her. 'WHAT THE HELL? This girl can fly??'


"You're a Saiyan too?" It was ll too much for Tenaki to take in..this girl, Erica, was...another saiyan? But then.."This is perfect! Now you can mate with Trunks and keep the saiyan race going!" The last statement was receieved with a good blow, courtesy of Erica-san. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Yes, that was my story. I was raised by the Sons for a few years but then I went out on my own. I visi them frequently and bring Erica along for the ride. I haven't told you but she was also the one to tell me about my saiyan heritage-er and Vegeta..but we won't go into that right now.

So you want to nkow the truth about me? Alright, I/m not a saiyan. Hard to beleive, I know. But the last part I wrote in, about me at school, that's true. Wel, except the whole flying with Erica and her telling me she's a saiyan. But i kinda wanted to put my real self into that part. That's how I really feel. Yup, and I don't care if y'all criticize me for that, you can't change it. But let's just say that..I, guess I like it that way!
