AtleasT I'm SafE InsidE My HeaD head>
Ah, the quotes section. I needed one of those. Yes, the quotes that make the characters famous. How I love them so. Uh..hehe. Anyways check out my little page dedicated to those lovable-and not so lovable quotes. Some of the quotes are from the manga and some are from the show. Enjoy and send me any you want. NOW!!!

Goku:My dead grandpa always told me..."If you ever meet a girl, treat her nice." (good advice)

They're called dragon balls?...Y'mean... some poor dragon...

My food turns into gas...

You don't have a boy's wee-wee, do you? You must be a girl.

The future of Gohan, Chichi, not to mention the future of the entire universe, it all depends on me! And I don't care if you're a million times stronger than me! Mark my words I'm not going to let them down! So get ready Freeze cuz this time you're going down!

You can destroy planets but you can never destroy what I am, friend.
Freeza:W-What are you? Goku: I am the hope of the universe, I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace. I protector of the innocent, the light in the darkness, I am truth. Ally to good, nightmare to you!

Piccolo:Shoot, you only live once.

So this is what it's like to have a mom.

Vegeta:Spend most of your life ruled by another. Whatch your race dwindle to a handful and then tell me what has more meaning than your own strength. I have in me the blood of a saiyan prince, he is nothing but a joke yet I've had to watch him surpass me in strength. My destiny thrown to the way-side. H-he's even saved my life as if I were a helpless child. He has stolen my honor and his debts must be payed.

What clown? Are you feeling angy, humiliated, is that it?! Fool! You don't know what humiliation is! Don't worry, I will teach you at better taste just as you have taught me. Me, a warrior elite. In my fingertips I hold the power to destroy entire worlds. I am a saiyan of royal blood, the last of my kind and on my shoulders rest the glory of an extinct warrior race. Whole civilizations once trembled at the sound of my name. But you didn't, dod you Kakarot? And at your hands, your common hands, my honor and my pride, the foundations upon which I always stood, began to crumble at my feet. It was at your hands that I suffered my first great humiliation, toppled by a piece of low-level trash. Imagine my added shame when it was you and not me who avenged our people by defeating Freeze. You who were the first to reach the penacle of our race, the first in a thousand years to take a place among the super saiyans of legend, a place to had been raised to believe was my riyal birthright. And imagine the disgrace I suffered when the strength I had worked my whole life to aquire was surpassed by a mere child. You're half-breed son succeeded where I, the prince of all saiyans, had failed. It is time to take back what is mine. I will not live my life as your second. That time is over. Every breath you take is an assault to my honor. But no more Kakarot. By my hands you will be cut down inch by inch, the way you have cut down by pride.