This is my BAD Yaoi section. Hah, some of you probably thought I was pro yaoi, huh? Well, BAD yoi does sound weird...n/m. Now, before all you yaoi fans start flaming me for this, here me out. That is all I ask, for you to hear me out. What's great about this land is that we have freedoms, and don't forget that one of those freedoms is the freedom of speech. I know that there are people that like yaoi and I respect that. I don't go flaming the owners of those I hope you don't either...although, if you do, then I guess that's alright too...whatever...Anyways, I just want to explain why I disagree on the yaoi in YYH the fans seem to place. I don't know if these characters are...uhm, attracted to their own sex, but from what I have seen of Yu Yu Hakusho, Kurama, Hiei, Kuwabara and Yusuke don't seem attracted to each other. Let me explain myself.

See, Yusuke has Keiko, am I right? I mean, he almost gave his life in order to save her, right? Now, that proves he loves her and I don't mean as a friend. I mean as a girlfriend. And he does like flirting with her. Like in the dark tournament, when Yuske and her were in the forest. He said something like " Wow, since when did you curve in all the right places?", which was followed by a little poke to the butt. She rebuttled with a slap and blah blah. I think I remember Keiko saying something like "If you die, I swear I'll kill you" before she left. I mean, you can just tell they like each other. So..yeah. Yusuke has Keiko. (damn, I'm not doing a good job at explaining this thing...ugh)

OK, moving on to Kuwabara. Now, I don't know WHY people make fanfics about Kuwabara liking Yusuke or even HIEI. Firs of all, Yusuke is taken, and secondly, HIEI HATES KUWABARA. Alright, so maybe he doesn't hate him later on in the story...I don't know, but even so, you forget that Kuwabara is deeply in love with Yukina. They guy has been madly in love with her since she appeared on the show and I don't think he'll switch to someone else anytime soon. I mean, he did manage to talk to her telepatically. In that one episode where she's being taken away by the Toguro bros. That gives away the fact that Yukina is "destined" to be Kuwbara's.

On to our next character,Hiei. Now I've read fanfics, and it seems that people always pair this little Koorime with the red-headed kitsune/yoko, Kurama. I'm not sure why...I guess half the reason is that Hiei and Kurama are not paired up with anyone in the anime. That's not a bad thing. In fact, I think that's great. This way fangirls can write little mary-sues about themselves falling with Kurama and Hiei and so on. Anyways, I think the another reason may have something to do with it is the fact that a certain picture shows Kurama hugging Hiei from behind.

I guess that is being a bit close...but let's not forget that they are good friends. They DO work together, fighting to fend off all evil trying to destroy the planet. In the proces of saving mankind these uhm..characters work together.It's no surprise then, that they become close to one another-and NO I don't mean it in that way. I mean, in the way people care about siblings or parents; someone dear to them.

Now it is Kurama's turn. Uhm..we kinda covered him in the above paragraph...oh well. Ok, Kurama. Kurama seems to be a bit feminine *gets trampled by Kurama fans* Ow... @.@...Anyways, Kurama is only part of the group. He is a meber of the team and only a good friend. He even has a song singing about fihting for his friends, dammit. Besides that he also had some girl have crush on him. Yes,this was a while ago...when he was young. I think he also liked her too because after he saved her fromtat beast that captured her she was ridden of those memories and the one about liking Kurama...or was it telling him she liked him? Well, it was one of those. The point is that Kurama kinda regretted erasing that memory becase..I think he liked her. Okay, that was when he was a kid...but maybe he didn't change much.

Another reason I must stress is that all these characters are just FRIENDS.That's all they are: Friends. Things like this are beautiful things and people go ahead and destroy them by turning their good-hearted relationships into needs of lust. Yeah, I can back this up too. Most of those doujinshis have Kurama raping Hiei. It's true.A lot of the ones I wanted to read turned out to be nothing than disturbing rape stories. Others..well, the others Hiei willingly wanted to..ugh. How do I know this? I wanted to read a few doujinshi and what I ended up seein was something sick and wrong. What these characters have is something special; it's a strong friendship. I say this because I haven't seen any like the one on the show, or atleast not in real life. Yeah, and then people turn it into some..ugh. I'm talking about the doujinshi...whatever, I shouldn't say anything.

I thank those of you that actually read this and those of you that did not flame me. This is only what I think and nothing more.