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Bishis of the Week!

::Bishounen & Bishoujo::

**Week of August 17th**

Van Fanel is the Prince of Faniela on the planet Gaea. He meets a young woman from the Mysic Moon (Earth) who goes back to Gaea with him, and right before his cornatation ceremony for him to become king, his land is attacked, and Fanelia is destoryed. So took conrol of Escaflowne and traveled Gaea to avenge his lost country, and after many trials, battles, and love found and almost lost, Hitomi, the young woman from the Mystic Moon and Van's love, leaves Gaea. After that, he became king and not much is known about this time after the Great War. Though, he had one major secret, he had wings of an>Sango is much of a tomboy.As she is 16, like most teenagers, get mad over almost anything. She is one to jump to conclusions without thinking ahead.Other than that Sango is very quite and doesnt talk to anyone. She travels with Inyasha to get revenge on Naraku for killing her family and tribe.

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