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::Welcome to the Digiworld Guild::

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I'm still not wearin' underwear!WELCOME to the official page of the neopets DigiWorld Guild. Konnichiwa! This is Sora, your leader for the DigiWorld Guild. We specialize in one thing, Digimon: Digital Monsters. Our fellow Digidestined and I role play all the time, you might just catch us in the middle of a battle one of these days ^.~ Every week, we feature a different theme, meaning new logos and new colors every week! We're also having contests, auctions, guild and site renovating (being done by Tai, Yami, and Rika), and have guild mall!

Current theme: {~*Version Darkness*~}
Current Auction: None
Contests: None
Activites: Guild Mall and Updates
Guild Fund: 400,000+ NPs

Special recognition goes to all the leaders of the guild: Sora (our leader!) Kari, Rika, Matt, Tai, Juri and TK.

For endless fun...

Where Digital means something!