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Wrong Number

Oh My Goddess Lost Collection Volume 1
Published on July 5, 2002


This is the one AMG! collection that I am really excited to see, since The Fourth Goddess novel. This will be a 3 book series that will include all the "lost" AMG stories that have previously appeared only in Super Manga Blast. Having seen some of these, I have to say that this book is a must buy for the AMG anime fan since some of the lost stories are similar to the anime. However, the first volume will also include material from 1-555-Goddess.

Leader of the Pack

Oh My Goddess Lost Collection Volume 2
Will be Published August 7, 2002


The second of the lost stories volume collection to be published. Will include "lost" OMG/AMG manga that had been published in Super Manga Blast (see timeline) as well as parts from the first Oh My Goddess novel, 1-555-Goddess.

Final Exam

Oh My Goddess Lost Collection Volume 2
Will be Published September 27, 2002


The third and last of the lost stories collective.