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Mara Strikes Back!

Review Back CoverChapters


Mara possesses Megumi and we have Skuld build here most famous creation, Benbei. Plus, Urd has to go home. Relatively unrelated stories, but still really fun.

Back Cover

While phoning for a friend, college student Keiichi Morisato dialed a fateful wrong number and instead received a trio of beautiful sister goddesses. But what looked like the fulfillment of a young man's dreams quickly turned into a roller-coaster ride of magic, mayhem, and madness! This time out, Demon First Class Mara has healed from her beating at the hands of the Lord of Terror and is ready to unleash a full-scale vendetta against goddess Belldandy and her sisters, and "cat fight" doesn't begin to describe the fury with which the fur will fly! OMEGA! is quintessential manga--wild action, screwball laughs, and good clean, sexy fun!


     1. Mister Unhappy

     2. Thank You

     3. Good-bye and Hello

     4. The Forgotten Promise

     5. The Lunchbox of Love

ISBN: 1-56971-449-5