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The Queen of Vengeance

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Definitely very interesting book since Skuld goes against Megumi and the goddesses regress into their mediums due to a system crash. Skuld gets older, Urd gets younger, and Belldandy... sleeps. Great stories though.

Back Cover

In this techno-field age of cyber-this and micro-that, it seems that you can't do your job unless you're plugged in--and Earth-bound goddesses are no exception! Yggdrasil, the goddesses' computerized life-support system goes on the fritz after their knock down, drag-out war with the Lord of Terror, and the result is nothing but trouble! With Urd regressing into a little girl, Skuld rapidly aging, and Belldandy trapped in a system-crash-induced sleep, can poor Keiichi save the trio before its too late?


     1. Robot Wars

     2. The Trials of Morisato part 1

     3. The Trials of Morisato part 2
           Urd's Fantastic Adventure

     4. The Trials of Morisato part 3
           Belldandy's Tempestuous Heart

     5. The Queen of Vengeance

ISBN: 1-56971-431-2