Medal Gear Solid 2: Substance
Not much to be said about the story line because this game isn’t out yet but from what I have read its suppose to
have 5 side missions for snake and the main story line is the sons of liberty.. read more on this later as I get
new information.
VR Missions - just like in MGS the original game for PSone, this game is gunna have VR missions to sharpen
your skillz, there’s gunna be 200 + missions and 100 + bonus mission. and as in MGS2, its gunna have
special options like dog tag viewer and other stuff, we still need to uncover more info but if you wanna know more
just E mail me at (
Graphics are similar to Mgs2 sons of liberty, just a bit better in terms of new outfits and facial expressions.
Game play is the same as MGS2 but maybe a few more moves, weapons, and characters. they have 5 more missions for snake
or you can chose to be someone else but control wise its still the same. as I said before there is still more to be said so keep checkin back..