This weeks guest - Seth from Given Fate/Namek HQ!

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WELCOME TO… The Late Show with Jon. Todays guest is Seth, from NamekHQ and Webmaster of Given Fate. We will talk about, well you will find out! Now, from Atlanta, GA, here is your host, JON!

(music plays, audience laughs)

Jon: Hello, hello. I am going to do a few things today. I will try to stay away from all of the gay April Fools jokes.

Guess what? We have a awesome guest tonight. I talked to him for a while, and he was nice enough to take time out just for this show, but he did it more, just for you.

Who watched the Final Four? Well good, you can tell me what happened. I didn’t see it. No wait, actually I did, but I didn’t stay up long enough to see the end. Who won? Actually, don’t worry about it. (laughs) I really don’t need to know…

Jon: First of all, we need to talk about this thing I found. You know, I try to get something every week that you can think about. Well this week was shot. There was nothing. So I searched and searched. Well, I left it to my team. In 10 minutes, they found something. Ok listen to this, On Sunday, April 7, 2002, it is World Health Day. So please remember to stay healthy. I don’t know the purpose. I really don’t. But if you get a card from me, that says, “your fat!, but don’t worry. Today you can make it up!” then you will know why.

Jon: Now, a friend of mine told me this. He thought that I should really think about this, but I do not get it yet. “The man with the real sense of humor is the man who can put himself in the spectator’s place and laugh at his own misfortunes.” - Bert Williams

You can decide what it means, I will not go into that…

Here is the fact that you need to know this week. I think it is interesting. So I do think that the news guys or whatever you will call them are doing their job better.

So here it is: Did you know that Einstein theorized a tennis ball thrown around the world at the speed of light would come back inside-out?

All I can say is LMAO.

(stacks papers)

(audience laughs)

Well anyway, on to the guest. You will enjoy him. Everyone, please welcome Seth!

(Seth walks out onto the stage, shakes hands with Jon, and sits down to enjoy the evening)

Jon: Hello Seth, what’s goin on in your life?

Seth: Nothin much...just being bored, lol.

Jon: Lol, well hopefully this can brighten it up some.

Seth: :-D yup.

Jon: So, to get this subject out of the way, what’s going on with the sites your work at and own?

Seth: Right now on Given Fate, I am just writing info and uploading media. On NamekHQ, I'm just making music vids for Cyn on the site.

Jon: Well that is cool. So let me ask ya somethin, do you live in the states?

Seth: Yes I do actually. I live in Goshen, Indiana.

Jon: So you have heard about this 'Mysterious Water' in Florida?

Seth: Ummm...nope...dunno anything about it :-\

Jon: Ok well let me tell ya.
Jon: In Florida, there is this weird black water that is spreading.
Jon: People are wondering if it is a terrorist act, or some natural thing.

Seth: Oh, that must suck...when did this start happening?

Jon: Well there have been countless rumors. Some say clouds won’t form over it, others say it is killing everything it touches. No true evidence of this has been seen. Scientists say it is some algae. And get this, It started back in December.
Jon: It wasn’t on the news till like 2 weeks ago.

Seth: Reminds me of that cartoon from a while back...Pirates of Dark Water or something like that, lol

Jon: ya lol.
Jon: Now, Nostradamus is back thousands of years ago, and they say he predicted this.
Jon: So we are going to take a quiz?

Seth: Uh, ok...sure

Jon: Question Number 1 : Do you believe Nostradamus accurately predicted the future?

Seth: No

Jon: Okay.
Jon: Question Number 2
Jon: Have you ever accurately predicted the future?

Seth: I have guessed at some things that appeared to come true...but I'm mostly wrong, lol

Jon: Lol. So that is a yes. Maybe you should open a hotline.
Jon: Question Number 3 : Do you think anyone can? (Predict the future)

Seth: Unless they were like a true prophet or something like that, then yeah...but no. I'm not gonna start believing some retard saying they can predict the future.

Jon: Yes, I believe this too for the records, so that is a no. Now lets see what the rest of the country feels...

Seth: Ok

Jon: Question 1 : 58% say yes, 41% say no
Jon: So most people think Nostradamus was close, but, it is a close number.
Jon: Question 2: 55% no, 44% yes. So most people say they cant tell the future.
Jon: I have trouble believing that. You know a lot of your friends when you are doing something, and they are like "well, I know what will happen" Ya, you know what I mean lol.

Seth: Yeah, but it's just a guess

Jon: Question 3: 58% say yes, and 41% say no. So people say yes, there are people that can tell the future.
Jon: By the way, this poll you can find on AOL, keyword Nostradamus.

Jon: Alrighty.
Jon: Now, back to the water.

Seth: Nature's Pee
Seth: lol.

Jon: The whole point of today’s talks are going to be focused on Conspiracy.
Jon: lmao
Jon: I think you should e-mail the national science institute and tell them that lol

Seth: lol
Seth: yup

Jon: So, honestly, do you think it is or could be some form of biological war? or just nature peeing?

Seth: It could be biological warfare...could be a weird patch of oil for all we know.

Jon: yes.
Jon: Or we could all be going insane, and only see black water.

Seth: lol.
Seth: My water's clear
Seth: maybe cause we have a filter
Seth: lol

Jon: Yes. Brita saved my life.

Seth: :-D lol.

Jon: But if you have a chance, look on news sites to see pics of this. It looks weird.

Seth: lol.
Seth: ok.

Jon: Now, lets carry on. A big debate today is: Did America land on the Moon.

Seth: I think so...we found out it wasn't made outta cheese after all didn't we, lol.

Jon: (audience laughs)
Jon: Well scientists have studied pictures and such, and say, "look people, the shadows are wrong. Plus, there was no trace of cheese on their boots!"
Jon: so you got me.
Jon: :-P

Seth: The moon isn't made of cheese anyway...and scientists can't prove anything, they can only observe.

Jon: yes that is true.

Jon: But I guess until they go up onto the moon, no one will ever know.

Seth: Yep.

Jon: Now.
Jon: The BIGGEST question that relates to conspiracy of all.
Jon: NO, not men who dress in women’s undergarments at night. Aliens!

Seth: lol
Seth: I don't personally believe in Aliens, but for all I know there could be something out there...but not little green men with enlarged heads.

Jon: Who here believes that Aliens are around us?
Jon: Living on Earth?

Seth: Yeah...all an alien is, is an outside entity.
Seth: Russians are aliens.
Seth: So are Chinese.

Jon: Well for the people that say YES, I say you are stupid. How is it an alien if it lives on Earth? Doesn’t that like totally blow away the definition?
Jon: I am talking about the aliens from space though.

Seth: well...ok

Jon: Now the umm, ones from different countries. Even though it is a nice thing to run around screaming you have seen aliens; because then you turn around and can say no, they were Russians, lol

Seth: lol
Seth: yup
Seth: :-D

Jon: but anyway.
Jon: I do think the prediction of little green men is a little unbelievable.

Seth: yup

Jon: There may be smarter intelligence out there. Or they could be at our level, unable to leave their system.

Seth: what about large, little, green men.

Jon: I have never seen a large, little green man, I couldn’t tell you lol.

Seth: lol

Jon: So, if one were to come down...
Jon: and they randomly picked you.
Jon: Would you first ask them if you could fly the shuttle, or have a nice meal before you went into 'testing'

Seth: I would want a meal...cause if I get full on liquids, I could pee on them for abducting me.
Seth: lol

Jon: lmao

Seth: I dunno, I'm stupid
Seth: :-D

Jon: well I don’t think you are stupid. I think that us stupid people are actually not stupid, but above average. Just think. If everyone is smart, and then a little sum of people are stupid, then why cant we turn around and say, umm the minority over here is actually smarter, but since the majority says we are stupid, most people believe that. Dont worry, one day we will go on a full strike! get rid of the earths new 'stupid' people.

Seth: lol

Jon: that is my opinion anyway
Jon: it took a while to develop.
Jon: ...
Jon: now we will have a joke exchange.
Jon: are you good at jokes?

Seth: heh...nope, just spur of the moment stuff.

Jon: well I am not either. That is why I go to
Jon: I figured if you were good, then I would use this as a backup.

Seth: lol
Seth: ;-)

Jon: so I will do one now..

Jon: see if I can make my audience laugh.
Jon: They need to laugh, more! This is funny stuff people!
Jon: ok so, Knock Knock

Seth: Who's there?

Jon: Abbott

Seth: Abbott who?

Jon: Abbott time you answered the door!

(audience looks at each other)

Jon: ...

Seth: (Laugh sign turns on)

Jon: (cricket noise)
Jon: Okay people.

Seth: Wow...that was...really...bad

Jon: ok
Jon: don’t worry this one is good.
Jon: (laughs to himself)
(stacks papers)

:Seth (looks at the audience for help)
Seth: ...please...

Jon: okay screw the jokes.
Jon: lets move on to umm
Jon: Yo Mama

Seth: ok...

Jon: So I will let you decide.

Seth: On what

Jon: Is it going to be, yo mama so fat, yo mama so ugly, yo mama so hairy?

Seth: Fat

Jon: Ok, now before we begin. NO one take this offensively. We are not talking about your mama! (laughs to himself)

Seth: Sure you're not.

Jon: ok here is one. Yo mama so fat she uses a pillow case for a sock!
Jon: ok, lol. I will get another one
Jon: here is one! Yo mama so fat, she is taller lying down!
Jon: (cricket noise)

Seth: (looks for the exit)

Jon: well this one is good.
Jon: Yo mama's so fat, her belly jiggle is the first ever perpetual motion machine.

Seth: (looks even harder)

Seth: Where the heck is the EXIT!

Jon: well there isn’t one...
Jon: lol
Jon: I knew this would happen!
Jon: so I didn’t make one.


Jon: Okay, lets se you make me laugh


Jon: I am an easy guy, I am sure any joke would do it.

Seth: hmmmmmm...

Jon: (audience waits with anticipation)

Seth: BOO~! Seth: HAHAHAHAHA Seth: (whew)

Jon: ...

Seth: man...that was funny

(audiance laughs histarically)

Seth: yes

Seth: I know.

Jon: what the hell! I went through a lot of research people!
Jon: (continue laughing)

-- Jon lost connection. 40 sec. Later he gets back on. --

Jon: omg that did not just happen!

Seth: huh?

Jon: I was just disconnected. I lost all chats! DO you Remember what happened?

Seth: yeah
Seth: still do.

Jon: ohh thank, can you quickly e-mail it.

Jon: I was disconnected.. oh ya I told you already lol

Seth: yeah.
Seth: you did.
Seth: Stupid
Seth: Geeze


Seth: ;)

Jon: Well, that will be a nice touch.
Jon: Anyway back to show..
Jon: lol

Seth: NO
Seth: lol

Jon: lol
Jon: Ok, only a few quick... umm, questions.
Jon: Come on, it is for your fans.
Jon: then I can show you the exit, if you want. Or we could have an ice cream social

Seth: ...ok (shudders)

Jon: ok, let me find it...
Jon: (moves through papers)
Jon: Okay, April fools, I laughs, very funny, where are those papers.

Seth: I burnt them.

Jon: ohh


Jon: lmao

(audiance laughs)

Seth: Yes...they are happy as well.

Jon: Ohh here one is.

Seth: Do we get ice cream now?!?!?!?!?!?!
Seth: aw poo

Jon: Steven from a house (lol) - Oh, how cool. Namek HQ has an 'ask piccolo' section... but I want to know... WHEN DID HE PUT IT UP?!

Jon: I don’t know if you can answer that or not, lol.

Seth: no I can' you can see...I am not him

Jon: Yes. Well, I don’t get too many questions, lol. So, I have to use what I got.
Jon: I have one more somewhere and if i can remember, it was good.

Seth: *dang*

Jon: Paul (did not say where he was from) - Will you use any more music besides Adema?

Seth: What are you talking about? Have you gone made cause I burnt your papers?

Jon: This is not my question lol.

(stacks papers)

Seth: lol

Jon: Can you answer this question for Paul?

Seth: no...*yawn*

Jon: Or do you have no idea, lol (clue less as me)

Seth: (falls alseep on Jon's desk)

Jon: Looks at Seth.

Seth: *murmers*

Jon: Who wants some, ice cream?

Seth: ...goats...


Seth: ...aliens...

Jon: Don’t wake him up...

(people start moving out of the room)

Seth: water...
Seth: ...clown...
Seth: (wakes up)
Seth: CLOWNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Seth: WHERE ARE THEY!?!?!?!


Seth: (runs out of the room through the wall)

Jon: "ahhhhh" – lady


Jon: "ahhhhhhh" – man

Seth: "ahhhhhhh" – Seth

Jon: Well... I am going to have some Ice Cream.
Jon: (starts to leave)

Seth: me too

Jon: Ohh ya, don’t miss our Spring Break special next week.

Seth: Since I'm already holding up a clown at the town circus

Jon: lmao.

Seth: I'll brig him along too as a last request.

Jon: Well Have a nice Night, thanks Seth for visiting us. Everyone give Given Fate a nice visit!

Seth: *yawn(
Seth: *
Seth: good night everybody
Seth: (Seth waves)
Seth: (Clown waves)

Jon: (everyone leaves - one man is left. Sleeping. Everyone else is taking Jons ice cream)

Seth: (ice cream man waves)

(complete silence)

Jon: Well see you all next week.
Jon: APRIL FOOLS!! no really I am leaving...
Jon: see ya...
Jon: (waves)
Jon: Goodbye
Jon: Go away now!
Jon: Hit the little x at the top of your screen!
Jon : Yes that one.

Seth: Good night!

Jon: Well thanks for coming this week to see me. Next week, we will have a Spring Break Special Edition. And anime Webmasters such as for Bow Down and Infinite Anime will be joining us in the next month. See ya next month!
