Welcome! We have interesting things to tell you all this week, so be listening! Also, out guest this week is Jonnie, head webmaster of Infinite Anime. So look forward to a good show! Now, without anymore talk, here is your host, Jon!
Jon: Thank you.
Jon: Thanks, you can now settle down.
(Jon walks into audience and points to sign)
Jon: When it does not say applause, then you most not applause. Do you get me?
(audience looks around)
Jon: So, today, like you already now, Jonnie from Infinite Anime is here. We also have some inspirational quotes, what has happened in history this week, a few news flashes, and maybe a few funny things.
Jon: First thing is first. I will get what you want to hear first, and what you may care about less at the end.
(laughs to himself)
Jon: Ohh, and if you heard, it is my birthday. April 22.
Jon: Age is not important.
Jon: On April 22, it is Earth Day. This is when you get a chance to cave the earth.
If on April 23, the earth is still here, you have done your job.
Jon: Also on April 27, Walk America will be going on.
Jon: Walk America is a very important event. So you all go walk, and I will be sitting on my couch, eating Pop tarts.
Jon: Now for the inspirational quote of the week: “I shall persevere in spite of everything, and find my own way through it all, and swallow my tears.”
Jon: Anne Frank said this, it is one of her most known quotes.
Jon: Now, sorry to be moving so fast, but, I want to get to our guest, he hasn’t much time.
Jon: Did you know that the most expensive art piece of all time sold in New York for $75,000,000.00
Jon: Now whoever bought this was a fool. The artist was Vincent Van Gogh. Now, maybe his artwork is nice and all, but common, 75 million? You could do a lot more with that money then buy some painting. It was probably fake anyway.
(stacks papers)
Jon: Now, what you have all been waiting for! Please welcome, Jonnie
(Jon stands up and waits for Jonnie to walk across the stage)
Jon: Welcome to The Late Show, please sit down.
Jonnie: Thank you
Jon: So how are you this afternoon.
Jonnie: Fine
Jon: That is good. Before we get into what we are gonna do, is there any site news you want to talk about?
Jonnie: I have gotten a new attitude and am now doing a lot more updates than ever.
Jon: Updates as in news, or are you just throwing out random comments?
Jonnie: news
Jonnie: and info
Jonnie: editorials and tutorials
Jonnie: everything
Jon: Yes, editorials are something I enjoy reading. Are you getting new animes?
Jonnie: as we go yes
Jonnie: I have now thinned down my anime list a bit so they all have relevant content.
Jon: Well that sounds awesome. Hopefully you will be the inspiration of the future, in the future.
Jonnie: maybe
Jon: So, everyone has their story. How did you become a webmaster. Did you even start out making an Anime Site?
Jonnie: actually no
Jon: Me too. I started out with a site named after me, lol
Jonnie: it was a surfing site for a class assignment back in 1998.
Jon: You have been making webpages for a while then.
Jonnie: Yeah
Jonnie: nothing major till this year though.
Jon: I have been doing this stuff since 1999, but I say I started in 2000.
Jonnie: Why do you say that?
Jon: I made nothing major in 1999, mostly just was a fan of other sites.
Jonnie: Ok
Jon: I messed around with stuff, and learned the basics of HTML and got into DHTML.
Jon: Anyway, enough about me, we gotta talk about other stuff. I mean, I have a audience, and they don’t enjoy me, lol.
Jonnie: lol
Jon: I was thinking, today I got some Junk mail, like everyday, but this time, the subject through me off.
Jon: It was, "Your wife is pregnant."
Jonnie: omg
Jonnie: lol
Jon: Yes, so I opened it..
Jon: And of course, they are selling diet pills.
Jonnie: wtf?
Jon: So I am thinking, Now how does someone get away with a subject like this? If I was selling cars, would I go up to you and ask if you wanted some honey?
Jonnie: I guess pregnant people are fat they need diet pills.
Jon: Possibly.
Jon: Or they may not want fat children. Who knows.
Jonnie: lol
Jon: So anyway, I figured, I would talk about Junk Mail today.
Jonnie: Sure.
Jon: Have you ever in your life had something so stupid, you wanted to save it, just so you could laugh your ass off if you read it again?
Jonnie: I have the windows series but not really junk mail.
Jonnie: the aussie windaz the afghan windows and the nigga windows
Jonnie: They are funny as hell.
Jon: lmao
Jon: Could you share a quote from one?
Jonnie: well they just have screen shots of some options.
Jonnie: the control panel is usually renamed ways to fuck up your comp
Jonnie: or something similar.
Jon: lmao
Jon: Do you get the mail that asks you to buy things?
Jonnie: all the time.
Jon: Have you ever had something you almost or did buy?
Jonnie: the ab tronic
Jonnie: lol
Jon: lol
Jonnie: Just sit there with the electronic pulses on your abs that has gotta be a good buy.
Jon: I know.
Jon: I am gonna buy one.
Jon: Just to see if it works.
Jonnie: lol
Jonnie: prob not
Jon: I have always wanted to be on the commercial, as a witness.
Jon: "Yes, the electrical pulses tickled some, but look at me now!"
Jonnie: "wtf this shit doesn’t work are you trying to kid me" - true statement by AnimeQWebby
Jon: lmao
Jon: Well, maybe he should ware his longer.
Jonnie: I'm already buff enough from all my pizza grips.
Jon: Or maybe he is wrong. Cause, I think it is a bunch of shit anyway. Electrical pulses? Can anyone say heart attack?
Jonnie: (in small print - keep away from heart, brain, small children and dogs)
Jon: lmao
Jon: Well, on to the point. I was going to say, Listen Junk Mail managers or whoever runs this black-market business.. You will not get ANY business from me! I don’t care how many free plastic key chains I get!
Jonnie: I dunno plastic key chains are pretty kewl.
Jon: (Nods head)
Jon: (looks at audience)
Jon: Yes.. I guess they are.
Jon: This brings me on to another question. How do they get my e-mail address?
Jon: Did I ask them? No. And I tell everyone to hide my e-mail from other things when I sign up.
Jonnie: Its funny actually i have two emails and junk mail only comes to the un public one.
Jon: lol. well, I do not know about you. And I don’t know if anyone else gets them, But I am so sick of getting Viagra junk mail
Jonnie: oh
Jonnie: yeah
Jon: Yes, I go to my computer, off nice, 27 new messages! So now let me see, lets go through the Viagra ones, ohh 17 new messages!
Jonnie: lol
Jon: Now lets go through the rest of the Junk mail, ohh, 6 new messages.
Jonnie: then the free porn ones
Jon: LMAO I was getting there
Jon: after free porn, 3 new messages (not too many free ones out there I guess)
Jon: and after ones that I really want to read, DAMN! No new messages!
Jonnie: nup
Jonnie: I get a couple.
Jon: So, how do you go through your daily mail
Jonnie: But they are all people asking for affiliation lol.
Jon: lmao
Jonnie: I don’t
Jonnie: I cant stand it
Jonnie: I delete anything remotely junk without even looking at it.
Jon: Well, I tell my friends it would be nice to get some mail, ya know? And sometimes they give me forwards. And now I start to think, maybe I should have listened to the luck ones. I am cursed with bad luck for my life.
Jonnie: nope
Jonnie: the forwards ones i delete too
Jonnie: anything with this must be forwarded to *** people to get your love to like you
Jonnie: that is bs and I have always hated it.
Jon: Here is an example of my bad luck: I get a call before Spring Break. "The weather is awesome! Come down to the beach" I go down, "well this storm just started, I don’t know"
Jon: And I know what you mean, I delete all mine too
Jonnie: and the ones with hotmail will close your account the are stupid then they have some bs email that some 3 year old could have typed.
Jon: (laughs)
Jon: I know, maybe a three year old did.
Jonnie: probably
Jon: Well, I tell ya what, I love seeing new sites. Everyday, I can see some. But sometimes, you get a site, and you wonder why the webmaster even bothers. I mean we all start out sometime, but even my sites starting out were not this bad.
Jon: You know the kind of sites where you try to ignore the layout and graphics and get to the content, but even that sucks?
Jonnie: no
Jonnie: I took months of offline publishing before i opened my site.
Jon: That is a good choice.
Jon: Many people should do this before they open a site.
Jon: I think one of my staff members wrote an editorial on this subject, he gets into it and it is pretty funny.
Jonnie: I suggest everyone does this it saves a lot of tormenting from other webbies.
Jon: Yes, but it is all good. Anyway, what do you think you saw, and said, I have to make a website! Like what sparked your plug?
Jonnie: and the geocities sites build as you go shit me even more.
Jon: Yes
Jonnie: actually it wasn’t me who said that it was my teacher but after that my friend made one and I was determined to be better and guess what i am!
Jon: Well I am glad you accomplished your goals
Jonnie: lol
Jonnie: even if they were evil
Jonnie: mwahahaha
Jon: Well, actually I think in this world all goals are evil!
Jonnie: even wanting to destroy the world with daemonic dolls?
Jon: yes, I think I would have to say that was evil.
Jonnie: awwwwww
Jon: So anyway
Jon: what do you think is the best movie out?
Jonnie: MATRIX!
Jon: Really? You still a fan of that movie?
Jonnie: yeah
Jonnie: that was the corner stone of major graphical movies.
Jon: It was a good movie, even though they need to come out with number 2 soon
Jonnie: and the plot could be very realistic
Jonnie: they are making it as we speak
Jonnie: and 3 too!
Jon: yes, after seeing this, I am always waiting to "wake up" lol
Jon: I have one fan question, so that you can catch your flight, lol
Jonnie: ok kewl
Jon: "DO you think that DBZ will maintain and impact on viewers?" - Paul - SSJgotenpaul07
Jonnie: well it doesn’t matter if it has an impact on fans just as long as it impacts you just like do what YOU like not what others want.
Jon: That is some good advice, and I think that answer applies to many questions.
Jonnie: yeah
Jon: Well, it was very nice having you on the site!
Jonnie: ok i need to go if you wanna start again next time i will
Jon: And I hope you take your site where you want it to go,
Jonnie: Thanks, talk later!
Jon: See you on the streets.
(Audience cheers as Jonnie leaves the building)
Jon: That was a nice show. I enjoyed this one a lot and I hope you did too! Now, like I say, it can always change, but next week, it looks like our guest will be the webmaster of BowDown or Morrik from King Nothing! See you all then!