Tonights guest is Justin from Bow Down!
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Welcome to The Late Show. Tonight, we have a few treats. First off, the guest is Justin, Webmaster of Bow Down. Then we have a few things your host will do, nothing big! So, here is your host, directly from Atlanta, Jon!

(Audience cheers)

Jon: Thanks, I thank you.

(Audience cheers more)

Jon: No really, it isn’t necessary.

(Cheering dies down)

Jon: What the hell is this? People stand up and cheer!

(Audience laughs and sits down)

Jon: Well I was serious.. But I will be able to live.

Jon: Lets see, tonight, we have a great show. Who here likes blonde jokes?

(Audience claps)

Jon: Well for all of you that do, we have some tonight, and for those of you who don’t, you need to think of someone you think is very stupid and ditzy.

Jon: Justin, from Bow Down will be with us tonight ladies and gentleman.

(Audience claps)

Jon: You know, on Friday, I got my class ring, have you heard of these? The little rings that they give you that say the year you graduate, etc. Yes, well, I like mine, on one side, it talks about my school and on the other side, and you will never guess what it says. NO, nothing about The Late Show actually, it says, “In God we trust” just like on the coins and bills in America. I thought it was great.

Jon: So on with the show. I don’t think that there is any site news, besides we are open. Now I am going to do something I think is funny.

On a recent poll done by AOL, a question was asked. Which TV rumor is most believable? Now here are your options:

A) Rachel will marry Joey on 'Friends'

B) 'Ally' gets married on series finale

C) Britney Spears join 'Sex & the City'

Jon: Now people, do you know what the answer was? A and B. But this is what is so darn funny. 9757 said B and A. Guess how many said C? 5407. You mean to tell me that this many people say Britney Spears is going to join ‘Sex & the City’?

Jon: This was supposed to be one of those answers that everyone knows is wrong. But maybe these episode maniacs know something I don’t, who knows.

Jon: Okay, another question was asked. What was the biggest TV surprise of all time?

Jon: I will give you some time to think.

(Audience ponders)

Jon: Okay, most people said: Which 'Friend' is pregnant? And 'Vampire Slayer' Buffy's death.

Jon: Maybe it is because I don’t watch the shows, but. Which ‘Friend’ is pregnant? They will all be pregnant before the show is over.

Jon: And everyone knows Buffy can’t die.

Jon: Well my quest really wants to come out, so everyone welcome Justin!

Jon: So, everyone, here is Justin!

(Justin walks across stage and meets with Jon)

Jon: How are you today?

Justin: I'm doing fine, how about you?

Jon: I am doing great.
Jon: First before we begin, you have any news on your site?

Justin: Hmm, well, I made a new layout (finally). I don't think it's all that good but I'll post it anyway. Hell, I've had the current layout for a month +
Justin: That's a long time for BD.

Jon: Yes, it is. I always want to change my sites.
Jon: Are you planning expanding into a larger site?

Justin: Well, I've been really debating if I should add another anime. I want to stay true to the DB-DBZ fans, but I really like Cowboy Bebop.
Justin: I'll probably stay DBZ but you never know.

Jon: Yes, I get ya.
Jon: Cowboy Bebop sounds like an awesome anime. I have read up on it.
Jon: I think if you want to do it, you should. The fans of DBZ will accept it.

Justin: yea, I'd be contradicting my self a little, I said I'd never go into other animes.
Justin: I don't like going against my word.

Jon: Well, most people don't, but like you said, what the hell. Anyway, I hope you come to a good decision.
Jon: But on with the show. Today, we will be talking about.... can I have a drum roll...

Justin: *laughs a little* Me too.

(audience looks around)

Jon: Okay!
Jon: First, do you watch that new show on MTV, umm about Ozzy?

Justin: Yea, actually I do. If you know me well you'd know I don't watch TV often. I really like the show, VERY funny. I also like Ozzy, that could also explain why I like it.

Jon: Yes, I love Ozzy too. Most of America does, that is why I am thinking he makes money. I could be wrong though. So, did you see the last episode?

Justin: No, I missed it. I was probably being lazy and didn't feel like getting up.

Jon: Well, I actually got a hold of it. This family... well I shouldn't go there... anyway lets say, it is Christmas, and of course, they are cursing throughout the show.

Jon: It is so hard to hear sometimes.

Justin: Yea, their British accents don't help either.

Jon: Anyway, there was a part where Ozzy is trying to hide a knife from Jack, and he is putting it in places that are so obvious.

Justin: Yea, over the years Ozzy has became a bit, umm, slow? That's what Drinking and drugs do to ya..

Justin: *laughs a little*

Jon: (laughs)
Jon: Well, God help us all.
Jon: Anyway, it is a great show, and everyone should watch it, it will make you feel better inside.
Jon: One of those emotional things, like Lifetime for women, Ozzy for families.

Justin: hee hee
Justin: Yea, I guess you're right.

Jon: Well, sometimes, lol
Jon: So, besides Anime, what is your daily life like?

Justin: Well, besides ani...My daily life is Anime, I get home and get on the computer. The rest of the day revolves around the computer in someway.
Justin: Sometimes I walk for hours upon hours.
Justin: But not usually.

Jon: No me neither. Walking is great, for the first 5 min.
Jon: Then I want to go home.

Justin: lol

Jon: Plus, I never really get anywhere.

Justin: I usually just walk to get some food.
Justin: Then walk around for a few more hours.
Justin: I find it relaxing.
Justin: A LOT of time to think.

Jon: Yes, well I think also. I have found that when I decide to sleep, I think also.
Jon: It is great

Justin: Yea, I spend a lot of my day just staring at the wall.
Justin: Until I fall asleep.

Jon: Hey, whatever works, ya know.
Jon: It is good to know that you are dedicated to the computer though.
Jon: This way you are on full alert with your site, and anything else going on.

Justin: Yea, I guess. Sometimes I wonder if it is cause I'm so used to not doing anything. I just stay home all day because I don't know anything outside of the computer.

Jon: Are you old enough to drive?

Justin: naahh, I got a year or two till I'll get around to it.

Jon: Well, once that happens, you may find some things to do.
Jon: Instead of walking, you can ride.
Jon: Ride in the car that is..
Jon: So on with the funny part of the show.

Justin: (rubs hands together)

Jon: Normally, I have an event. Like we do this or that with the guest.
Jon: This time, I am looking around the internet, and I say, what has happened to humor?
Jon: All I see on the news are people being blown away, and all of the forwards are asking me for money.
Jon: I cant find any of the little personality tests, or the things that tell your future, I forget what they are, something to do with the stars I think.

Justin: Yea, those are kind of fun.

Jon: I think they are very funny.
Jon: I read my daily thing from this girl at school, and it always tells me the same shi.. stuff. (coughs)

Justin: Yea, they really generalize it so it can basically apply to anything.

Jon: yes
Jon: Like, you will see a tree tomorrow.
Jon: I am like... okay.

Justin: (laughs) exactly...

Jon: Then again, some people don’t see trees.
Jon: But I wont go there.

Justin: hee hee

Jon: On with my point. No humor, I have found some funny "yo mama" jokes.
Jon: And some of those blonde ones, but some people hate them, so I wont go there either, lmao

Justin: LOL!
Justin: I like blonde jokes.

Jon: Well me too, so what the hell lets go!
Jon: You wanna impress me first?

Justin: I'll give you the pleasure.
Justin: You go first.

Jon: okay.
Jon: First of all, I will start off with one that many people have heard before, but it gets to me every time.
Jon: What do you call a blonde with 1 brain cell?

Justin: hmmm, I dun no...
Justin: what?

Jon: A genius.

Justin: LOL!

Jon: Now, what do you call a blonde with 2 brain cells?

Justin: I dun no, what?

Jon: Pregnant

Justin: haha!
Justin: That was good
Justin: lol....

Jon: ya I cant stop to think about it or I will fall to the floor laughing, because, I didn't understand it when I first heard it, lol.
Jon: I was like, okay...

Justin: heh

Jon: So, you got one?

Justin: Okay let me show you mine
Justin: yep

Jon: cool

Justin: It's a story Joke so just read it.

Jon: Waves hand to signal start.

Justin: One day, a blonde named Sally was putting together a puzzle. She was really stumped and very frustrated, so she decided to ask her husband for help. ''It's supposed to be a tiger!'' Sally cried. ''Honey," said Dan, "Put the Frosted Flakes back in the box!''

Jon: lmao

(audience laughs)

Jon: ohh...
Jon: (laughs)

Justin: (laughs too)
Justin: I love that one

Jon: (audience laughs harder than ever)
Jon: This is a common one..
Jon: A State Trooper pulls a car over on a lonely back road and approaches a 'blonde lady' driver. "Mam, is there a reason that you're weaving all over the road"?
Jon: The woman replied, "Oh officer, thank goodness you're here!! I almost had an accident! I looked up and there was a tree right in front of me. I swerved to the left and there was another tree in front of me. I swerved to the right and there was another tree in front of me!" Reaching through the side window to the rear view mirror, the officer replied, "Ma'am... that's your air freshener."

Justin: (laughs)
Justin: I've heard that one a few times
Justin: It'll never get old.

Jon: ya
Jon: lol
Jon: Okay your turn, my next one is killer..

Justin: Oh really?
Justin: Well, look at this baby...

Jon: Yes. at least I think.

Justin: One day, a blonde's neighbor goes over to her house, sees the blonde crying, and asks her what happened. The blonde said that her mother had passed away. The neighbor made her some coffee and calmed her down a little and then left. The next day the neighbor went back over to the house and found the blonde crying again. She asked her why she was crying this time. ''I just got off of the phone with my sister, her mother died too!''

Jon: lamo

Justin: lol, I know.. that one is to good!

Jon: And for the record, we are not making fun of any body, lol

Justin: oh, I thought we were..
Justin: nahh, j/k
Justin: lol

Jon: Why aren't blondes good cattle herders?

Justin: Because they can't count?

Jon: Because they can't even keep two calves together!

Justin: lol

Jon: Why do blondes have TGIF on their shirts?

Justin: I dun no, why?

Jon: Tits Go In Front.

Justin: LOL!
Justin: That's a good one!

Jon: Yes, that one everyone likes.
Jon: Except for my audience!
Jon: I think we have time for one last joke.
Jon: And it is yours.

Justin: Alright.
Justin: What's worse than a redhead and a brunette trying to build a house underwater?

Jon: I have no idea.

Justin: A blonde trying to set fire to it.

Jon: (falls out of chair)
Jon: (laughs)

Justin: (laughs with Jon)

Jon: Well I certainly enjoyed having you on the show!

Justin: lol
Justin: It was my pleasure.
Justin: Maybe I could come back again sometime?

Jon: Most certainly.
Jon: And The Late Show website is coming soon.
Jon: So then it will be easier to get around, get info, etc.
Jon: So all is good.

Justin: Cool! I can't wait to see it man!

Jon: Thanks again!

(audience gives a standing applause)

Justin: (smiles) thanks you again, it was really good to be here.

Jon: Okay, well I will see ya on the streets.
Jon: (shakes hands and lights dim)

(Justin leaves)

Jon: I hope you enjoyed our show tonight, and if all goes to plan, Morrik from King Nothing should be our next guest! So be sure to see.

---------------------------The End - The Late Show.

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